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Sales Management

- Rehan ANSARI

Golden Principles

Sales Management in Organisation

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem II - Rehan ANSARI

Sales Or Marketing ?

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem II - Rehan ANSARI

Pre-Sales Sales Post-Sales

3 Basics of Sales Probe Support Close

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem II - Rehan ANSARI


Identification of Need leads to Product Finalization

Focus on PRODUCT rather than PRICE

Be a Facilitator rather than a Salesman

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem II - Rehan ANSARI

Sales Support All Marketing Activities Supporting Sales

Branding Corporate Branding Product Branding

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem II - Rehan ANSARI


Revenue Generator !

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem II - Rehan ANSARI

Sales Organisation
Selling Objectives : Qauntitatives - Numbers Volume Profits Competitive Position MS

Qualitatives - Company Objectives It is group of individuals striving jointly to reach qualitative and quantitative objectives, and bearing informal and formal relations to one another. Implicit in the concept of a sales organization is formal relations to one another and that the individual members co-operate to attain ends.
Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem II - Rehan ANSARI

Sales Organisation

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem II - Rehan ANSARI

Sales Organisation
Sales Organization is the vehicle through which selling stratety is implemented. A well designed sales organization, like a well designed automobile, accomplishes more, and more economically, than does one that is an artifact. The sales organization should be adjusted to fit-ideally, to anticipate changing situations. Shifts in marketing, in competition, and in other business factors calls for changes in the sales organization. The ideal sales organization has a built-in adaptability allowing it to respond appropriately in fluid and diverse marketing environments.

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem II - Rehan ANSARI

Sales Process Evolution

1. Get Organized Sales process v/s What salespeople do Company thinks v/s Prospects Resistance/Limitations - next stage

2. Whats in it for the customer ? What value does our sales process create for the customer? Positive Aspects: Understanding - Needs - Alignment Disadvantages : No Involvement - process/support/decision

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem II - Rehan ANSARI

Sales Process Evolution (contd)

3. Helping Customers Act Shift : Product-focussed to address Customers Need Deal with the journeys of different buyers. Powerful stage : Sales Funnel flow faster

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem II - Rehan ANSARI

Role of Sales Management

Sales management is the planning, organization, management, staff and management of sales activities in the company to achieve Business Objectives. Modern sales management is not limited to helping organizations achieve their business objectives, but also other functions such as improving knowledge of the internal and external environment are clients, suppliers, distributors, employees and other people and negotiate with clients to help companies take advantage of the products for sale.

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem II - Rehan ANSARI

Importance of Sales Management Recovering Economy

Build your Hiring Plan

Increase - individual salesperson strategy sessions Sales team needs to believe and feel the change in economic conditions Retool your sales compensation - Urgency to Win SM focus on Brilliant Execution

What else do you think you should focus on to grow your business during the next 18 months? Let me know your thoughts.

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem II - Rehan ANSARI

Case Study

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem II - Rehan ANSARI

Sales Process

- Rehan ANSARI

Sales Process

A sales process, also known as a sales tunnel or a sales funnel, is a systematic approach to selling a product or service.

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Sales Process

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Sales Process

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Tangible Buyers can see/ feel Use a product brochure to reignfore. Buyers judge the value Brochures can help to support Leave a product for test trial Companies must market a point of USAGE BENEFITS concerning how they can help customers achieve the desired benefits

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Intangible Buyers can only sense it It is more like concept selling Buyers cannot judge the value Testimonials will be useful Free service for a period Companies must market a point of view concerning how they can help customers achieve the desired benefits

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI


1.Introduction 2.Establish Rapport 3.Clarify The Current Practices. 4.Determine The Potential Needs. 5.Ask Questions On Current/ Potential Needs. 6.Probe More For Better Understanding Of Needs. 7.Establish Needs. 8.Clarify The Clients' Understanding Of Needs. 9.Offer Solutions To Meet Clients Needs. 10.Now Recommend Your Cos. Services As A Solution. 11.Sell The Benefits Of Your Cos. Service. 12. Sell Why Your Company Is Uniquely Positioned To Provide Solutions. 13. Motivate Your Client. 14. Handle Any Resistance 15.Handle Objections [ Price/Delivery, etc] 16.Seek Commitment 17.Close The Sale 18.Ask For The Order
Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI


1.Introduction 2.Establish Rapport 3.Clarify The Current Product Usage. 4.Determine The Potential Needs Of The Product. 5.Ask Questions On Current/ Potential Needs Of The Product. 6.Probe More For Better Understanding Of Needs Of The Product. 7.Establish Needs Of The Product 8.Clarify The Clients' Understanding Of Needs Of The Product. 9.Demonstrate The Product Features. 10.Explain The Benefits Of The Using The Product To The Customer. 11. Explain The Advantages Of Your Products Over The Competitors. 12. Explain How Your Product Is The Solution To Meet Clients Needs. 13.Now Advocate Your Cos. Product As A Solution. 14 . Motivate Your Client, By Offering Other Values Like -After Sales Service Support Etc. 15. Handle Any Resistance 16.Handle Objections [ Price/Delivery, etc] 17.Seek Commitment 18.Close The Sale 19.Ask For The Order
Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Case Study

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Sales Management Planning

- Rehan ANSARI

Sales Management

Sales Management is a business discipline which is focused on the practical application of sales techniques and the management of a firm's sales operations. It is an important business function as net sales through the sale of products and services and resulting profit drive most commercial business. These are also typically the goals and performance indicators of sales management.

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Sales Planning

Sales Planning involves strategy, setting profit-based sales targets, quotas, sales forecasting, demand management and the writing and execution of a sales plan. A Sales Plan is a strategic document that outlines the business targets, resources and sales activities. It typically follows the lead of the marketing plan, strategic planning and the business plan with more specific detail on how the objectives can be achieved through the actual sale of products and services.

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Sales Management Planning : 5 Tips to Help You Plan


Allocate time in your schedule to plan


Get your team involved in the planning

Change the way you think about planning Set yourself and/or team some goals Break down your goals into action plans




Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Sales Management Information Systems

A management information system (MIS) provides information which is needed to manage organizations efficiently and effectively.Management information systems involve three primary resources: people, technology, and information or decision making. Management information systems are distinct from other information systems in that they are used to analyze operational activities in the organization. Academically, the term is commonly used to refer to the group of information management methods tied to the automation or support of human decision making, e.g. decision support systems, expert systems, and executive information systems

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Sales Forecasting
A sales forecast is an essential tool for managing a business of any size. It is a month-by-month prediction of the level of sales you expect to achieve. Most businesses draw up a sales forecast once a year. Armed with this information you can rapidly identify problems and opportunities - and do something about them. For example, accurately forecasting your sales and building a sales plan can help you manage your production, staff and financing needs more effectively and possibly avoid unforeseen cashflow problems.

While it's always wise to expect the unexpected, a wellconstructed sales plan, combined with accurate sales forecasting, can allow you to spend more time developing your business rather than responding to day-to-day developments in sales and marketing.
Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Basis for Sales Forecasts

Sales Forecasts enable you to manage your business more effectively. Before you begin, there are a few questions that may help clarify your position:

How many new customers do you gain each year ? How many customers do you lose each year ? What is the average level of sales you make to each customer ? Are there particular months where you gain or lose more customers than usual ?
Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Sales Forecasting
Existing businesses New businesses Consider sales volume as well as value Your sales assumptions The market Your resources Overcoming barriers to sale Your products Developing your forecast Creating a sales plan

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Creating a Sales Plan

The sales plan will start with some strategic objectives. Here are some examples: break into the local authority market by adapting your product for this market open a shop in an area that you believe has the potential for generating lots of sales boost the average sale per customer You can then explain the stepping stones that will allow you to achieve these objectives. Use objectives which are SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound. See the page on how to set useful targets for your business in our guide on how to measure performance and set targets. Using the example of breaking into the local authority market, your stepping stones might be to: hire a sales person with experience of the local authority market on a basic salary of 24,000 by the beginning of February fully train the sales person by mid April ensure that any changes the product development team has agreed to make are ready to pilot by the beginning of April As well as planning for new products and new markets, explain how you propose to improve sales and profit margins for your existing products and markets.
Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Case Study

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Case Study

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Sales budgeting & planning for Quotas

- Rehan ANSARI

Sales Budgeting
To get started, answer the following questions: How much can you realistically sell next year? How much will you charge for your goods or services? How much will it cost to produce your product? How much are your operating expenses? Do you need to hire employees? If so, how many, and how much will you pay them? How much will you pay yourself? How much payroll tax and unemployment tax will you pay? How much money do you need to borrow, and how much will your monthly loan payments be? The answers to these questions will form the basis of your budget and forecast. If you've already written a business plan, you should know the answers to many of these questions. If not, then this is a lot of information to try to forecast. In either case, answering these questions will help you determine two essential things - your projected income and your expenses.

And that's really what a budget is for - to ensure that your expenses aren't more than your income, so you can keep your company afloat. It's as simple as that.
Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Sales Quota
Sales quota is the minimum sales goal for a set time span. A sales quota may be minimum amount of dollars(Monetry Value) or product sold(Volume). Sales quotas may also be for sales activity like: number of calls per day. Management usually sets the sales quota and the sales territory. The time span could be set for the day, week, month or fiscal quarter or year.

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Setting Sales Quotas


Establish parameters for developing quotas Add a growth expectation



Adapt the quotas to each sales rep

Get buy-in from your sales team



Adapt quotas to market realities

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Manpower Planning and Development Sales Organization

- Rehan ANSARI

Manpower Planning
Manpower Planning which is also called as Human Resource Planning consists of putting right number of people, right kind of people at the right place, right time, doing the right things for which they are suited for the achievement of goals of the organization.

Human Resource Planning has to be a systems approach and is carried out in a set procedure. The procedure is as follows: Analysing the current manpower inventory Making future manpower forecasts Developing employment programmes
Design training programmes
Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Steps in Manpower Planning

1. Analysing the current manpower inventoryBefore a manager makes forecast of future manpower, the current manpower status has to be analysed. For this the following things have to be noted

Type of organization Number of departments Number and quantity of such departments Employees in these work units

Once these factors are registered by a manager, he goes for the future forecasting

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Steps in Manpower Planning

2. Making future manpower forecastsOnce the factors affecting the future manpower forecasts are known, planning can be done for the future manpower requirements in several work units. The Manpower forecasting techniques are as follows:

Expert Forecasts: This includes informal decisions, formal expert surveys and Delphi technique. Trend Analysis: Manpower needs can be projected through extrapolation (projecting past trends), indexation (using base year as basis), and statistical analysis (central tendency measure). Work Load Analysis: It is dependent upon the nature of work load in a department, in a branch or in a division. Work Force Analysis: Whenever production and time period has to be analysed, due allowances have to be made for getting net manpower requirements.

Other methods: Several Mathematical models, with the aid of computers are used to forecast manpower needs, like budget and planning analysis, regression, new venture analysis.
Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Steps in Manpower Planning


Developing employment programmesOnce the current inventory is compared with future forecasts, the employment programmes can be framed and developed accordingly, which will include recruitment, selection procedures and placement plans.

4. Design training programmesThese will be based upon extent of diversification, expansion plans, development programmes, etc. Training programmes depend upon the extent of improvement in technology and advancement to take place. It is also done to improve upon the skills, capabilities, knowledge of the workers.

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Need of Manpower Planning

Key to managerial functions : PODC

Efficient utilization : Efficient management

Motivation : Indirect & Direct Better human relations : T & D Higher productivity : Optimum Utilization

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Manpower Development?
Manpower development, now commonly referred to as human resource development, is an ongoing process that analyzes, forecasts and projects an organization's future manpower requirements. In other words, manpower development focuses on such issues as whether the organization is ready to compensate for the loss of experience from retiring employees and if employees are adequately prepared to implement organizational change.

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Manpower Development
Manpower development is a process that seeks to optimize an organization's usage of its human resources. It requires an integrated approach that addresses multidimensional aspects of employees, ranging from enhancing technical and interpersonal skills to creative thinking and leadership. Organizations with high productivity levels have made manpower development an integral part of their business culture.

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Recruitment and Selection and Training and Development of Sales Personnel

- Rehan ANSARI

Recruitment & Selection

One of the biggest challenge that a business faces is the effective selection and recruitment of salespeople. Many organizations invest in workshops about how to motivate a sales force, or improving sales performance or invest in more sales tools, but miss the fact that the most important element in developing an effective sales force is selecting individuals with known behavior characteristics required to be a successful sales person.

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Recruitment refers to the process of finding possible candidates for a job or function, undertaken by recruiters. It may be undertaken by an employment agency or a member of staff at the business or organization looking for recruits.
Advertising is commonly part of the recruiting process, and can occur through several means: through newspapers, using newspaper dedicated to job advertisement, through professional publication, using advertisements placed in windows, through a job center, through campus interviews, etc. Suitability for a job is typically assessed by looking for skills, e.g. communication skills, typing skills, computer skills. Evidence for skills required for a job may be provided in the form of qualifications (educational or professional), experience in a job requiring the relevant skills or the testimony of references. Employment agencies may also give computerized tests to assess an individual's "off-hand" knowledge of software packages or typing skills. At a more basic level written tests may be given to assess numeracy and literacy.

A candidate may also be assessed on the basis of an interview. Sometimes candidates will be requested to provide a rsum (also known as a CV) or to complete an application form to provide this evidence.

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Selection is the process used to identify and hire individuals or groups of individuals to fill vacancies within an organization. Often based on an initial job analysis, the ultimate goal of personnel selection is to ensure an adequate return on investment- in other words, to make sure the productivity of the new hire warrants the costs spent on recruiting and training that hire.

Several screening methods exist that may be used in personnel selection. Examples include the use of minimum or desired qualifications, resume/application review, oral interviews, work performance measures (e.g., writing samples), and traditional tests (e.g., of job knowledge).

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Training & Development

Company Overview training Company financial and business results Company financial and business forecast Companies geographical and product portfolio foot-print Organization culture and Value Systems Product Training Product training for your own portfolio Competing products from within your own portfolio and their comparison. Competing products from competitors and their comparison. Land-scape and competition Market Landscape including market potential, customer segments and customer profiles. Competition landscape. Key competitor strategies and how to beat them. Sales Training Sales pitch and sales script training. Lead generation Sales follow-up and closure. Sales Negotiation Cross-Sell and Up-sell training. Post sales relationship management
Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Training & Development

Sales Process Sales logging process and associated forms. Understanding sales collateral. Sales fulfillment processes. A high level view of supply chain which does the sales delivery. Legalities and operational standards Legalities related to sales and products. Standards OR Business Conduct Grievance handling platforms
Sales Compensation and Rewards Sales compensation rules. How to read sales compensation statements. Sales Rewards and special bonuses Sales Recognitions Sales Channel conflicts How to handle the conflicts with other sales staff and channels. Which products are allowed to be sold by the given sales channel and why (if needed)

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Case Study

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Case Study
Questions for Discussion : 1. The key is for all employees to have an obsession with learning, then tune in to their intuition and apply it to almost any business situation. What is the rationale behind The Container Stores emphasis on continuous employee training ? 2. The compensation plan plays an important role in motivating the employees in an organization. Discuss the characteristics of the compensation plan offered by The Container Store. What are the benefits and pitfalls of such a compensation plan ?

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Sales Incentive and Sales Compensation

- Rehan ANSARI

Sales Incentive & Compensation

A sales incentive plan (SIP) are primarily used to drive sales, reduce sales costs, increase profitability, develop new territory, and enhance margins. Sales incentive programs have the most direct relationship to outcomes. A sales incentive plan (SIP) is a business tool used to motivate and compensate a sales professional (or sales agent) to meet goals or metrics over a specific period of time, usually broken into a plan for a fiscal quarter or fiscal year. A SIP is very similar to a commission plan; however, a SIP can incorporate sales metrics other than goods sold(or value of goods sold), which is traditionally how a commission plan is derived. Sales metrics used in a SIP are typically in the form of sales quotas (sometimes referred to as point of sale or POS shipments), new business opportunities and/or management by objectivess (MBOs) independent action of the sales professional and is usually used in conjunction with a base salary. SIPs are used to incentivise sales professionals where total dollars sold is not a precise measure of sales productivity. SIPs are used to encourage and compensate each member of the sales team as he/she contributes to the team's ability to sell. It is not uncommon for the members of such teams to be located in different physical locations (often working in different countries) and for the product introduction to happen in one location and the purchase of such a product to occur in another location. An incentive program is a formal scheme used to promote or encourage specific actions or behavior by a specific group of people during a defined period of time. Incentive programs are particularly used in business management to motivate employees, and in sales to attract and retain customers. Scientific literature also refers to this concept as pay for performance.

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

A sales compensation plan needs to be looked at differently than a non-sales compensation plan

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Sales Incentive Compensation Plan

When evaluating your sales incentive compensation plan, you should consider: Mix of pay. Cap or no cap? Timing of payouts.

An effective sales force can provide a huge competitive advantage to almost any business. A fair, competitive, cost-effective, motivating and routinely monitored sales incentive compensation plan is a major factor in ensuring the effectiveness of your sales force.

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Sales Competency Model

The American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) recently conducted a comprehensive study of the sales profession in order to define the new sales competencies necessary to execute a world-class selling system. The competency model project was designed to help sales trainers, sales performance improvement consultants, learning leaders, and sales managers

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Sales Force Performance Evaluation & Control

- Rehan ANSARI

Performance Evaluation & Control

Feedback for sales The ANPAS SAF is an appraisal instrument designed for evaluating employees in selling and customer support roles. It defines competency in this field as resting upon seven core attributes Product and Market Knowledge Pro-activism Persuasive Communication Resilience Personal Presentation and Organization Closing Skills Internal Relations

Briefly these attributes are (each is described more fully in the SAF itself) Product and Market Knowledge Understanding and awareness of products and services offered, not only by the employee's own organization but also by competitors. Includes knowledge of customers and their needs. Pro-activism The ability and motivation to actively develop and maximize selling opportunities, rather then waiting passively for sales to "happen". Includes cross-selling, value-adding, referrals and repeat sales. Persuasive Communication The ability to generate credibility and trust by way of attentive, empathic and honest communication with customers and prospects.
Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Performance Evaluation & Control

Resilience The determination to keep going in the face of setbacks, criticism, and rejection, even from tough and demanding customers. The willingness to go "the extra mile" to satisy a customer and conclude a sale. Personal Presentation and Organization Refers to personal presentation, dress and grooming, as well as personal organization and manner, including issues such as attitude, non-verbal behavior, level of preparation and punctuality. Closing Skills The ability to negotiate, facilitate and encourage the conclusion of a sale (e.g., "asking for the order"), and overcoming the last elements of uncertainty or objection that might stand in the way. Internal Relations Builds and maintains effective working relations with internal staff, including both sales and non-sales staff. Shares information and market intelligence.

How the SAF is used The SAF generates a Sales Appraisal Score that ranges from a low of 0 to a high of 28 points. Ratings at the higher levels are associated with strong performance. Most sales and support employees fall in the Competent range from 10 to 19 points. SAF is useful for identifying the different performance levels of sales and customer support employees and encouraging higher levels of achievement. As well, the feedback given in the SAF can assist sales and customer support employees to analyse their own performance and seek to improve skills in areas that may be lacking.

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Case Study

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Case Study
Questions for Discussion : 1. Novartis used simulation techniques as part of its program for frontline managers. What was the need for this program and what were the benefits derived from it ? 2. Novartis conducted regular performance appraisals to measure the performance of is sales representatives. How did these appraisals help the organization ? What are the hurdles in the way of a good performance appraisal ?

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Time and Territory Management

- Rehan ANSARI

Time and Territory Management

Time and Territory management is what sales managers and VP's ask for when they:

don't know what to ask for, don't know how to identify the real problem, don't know how to fix the real problem, are fearful of being exposed or shown up, feel threatened, are not tough enough to demand resources from management, are not strong enough to get their salespeople focused on key selling activities.

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Territory Management

knowing which customers/clients/opportunities of a certain target, vertical, or niche are in the territory
scheduling days, weeks and time in the territory by the geography of the territory forecasting where the business will come from within the territory to meet plan making the best use of time with opportunities/accounts that are mostly likely to produce revenue leveraging the best accounts in the territory
Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Territory Management

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Time and Territory Management

Time management is even simpler ; It comes down to these 6 things:

scheduling - in the calendar - time to hunt/prospect for new business each day scheduling meetings and calls AROUND the hunting time assuring that meetings in specific geographies are combined on the same day(s) prioritizing tasks as A's (must be done today), B's (should be done today) and C's (could be done another day). Remaining faithful, disciplined, focused and consistent to the calendar/plan and task list Identifying tasks (like CRM entry, call reports, etc.) that get procrastinated (left off, put-off, forgotten, incomplete) and scheduling time for them in the calendar.

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Time Management : Accurately measures the tasks and the fraction of time needed for each task.

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Territory Management : For monitoring the account, the territory is measured by the number of account reps and prospective versus active customers.

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Territory management develops and implements a strategy for directing selling activities toward customers in a sales territory aimed at maintaining the lines of communications, improving sales coverage, and minimizing wasted time. It includes the allocation of sales calls to customers and the planning, routing, and scheduling of the calls.

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Territory Planning
Planning is Essential Time spent in the field selling is the most expensive form of promotion

Often over 40% of time is spent on waiting and traveling The sales person needs to be sure the chosen accounts and market segment are all covered

Annual Territory Review Look for ways to increase sales profitability and reduce selling costs

Increase sales opportunities with less travel time Ensure controlled regular coverage of the territory

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Territory Planning
NINE STEP PLAN 1. Identify each existing and potential account the sale person needs to call on 2. Assign to each account a call frequency 3. Check the physical workload against capacity and adjust 4. Locate every account on a large scale map, identify different type of accounts with different coloured pins 5. Divide the territory into a equal number of calls (not accounts) (a) Divide territory into five segments if it is a weekly call cycle (b) Divide territory into four segments if it is a monthly call cycle-sub-divide each segment into five 6. Within each of the sectors, group the calls into workloads i.e. the number and type of calls capable of being called on in one working day 7. Ensuring a sufficient time is left for prospecting for new business of this is a key element of the job description 8. Run the proposed plan for one or two months to discover what adjustments need to be made 9. Review the call plan at least annually, ideally every half year
Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Subject : Sales Management Marks : 40 Nos.of Pages : 10-25 Assignment : Sales Function of a Corporate (Live Example) Topics to be covered :

Sales Objective/ Goals Brief about Product, Company, Market Sales Process Flow Sales Targets/ Forecasting Sales Functional Chart Sales Manpower Planning Job Profile of Sales Manager Sales Incentive/ Compensation Plan

Students Details : Name/ Roll No./ MFM-Sem IV **Submission Deadline : March 15, 2012
Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Case Study

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI

Case Study
Questions for Discussion : 1. CA had a system whereby its salespersons looked after a thousand with no territory responsibility. Compare and contrast this system with its new model, bringing out the advantage and disadvantages in the system. 2. With new territory allocations, the sales team became responsible for revenue generated by the resellers or channel partners and had to work in tandem with them. Bring out the challenges faced by CA in this regard and the possible solutions to combat them.

Sales Mgmt - SIMSREE - Sem IV - Rehan ANSARI


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