Introduction To JavaScript

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Introduction to JavaScript

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Learn about the JavaScript language, its history, uses, and versions Explore some of the tools available to develop and debug JavaScript code See the anatomy of JavaScript, its core structural features

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The JavaScript Language Developing and Debugging JavaScript The Anatomy of JavaScript

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The JavaScript Language

The programming language of the Web
Use with the DOM Manipulate a page dynamically Provide instant responses to users

Browsers live on because of JavaScript Most used programming language in the world
Closest thing we have to universal language

Prototype-based interpreted scripting language

Has dynamic and functional characteristics Weakly typed and supports OOP Descendant of C, related to Java
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A Brief History of JavaScript

Netscapes Brendan Eich designed JavaScript
Mere 10 days First named LiveScript Shipped with version 2.0 of Netscape Navigator

Sun wanted to kill LiveScript and make Java the language

Netscape changed name to appease Sun and ride Javas wave of popularity Also wanted a simpler programming model

Browser wars heated up

Microsoft created JScript
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The Good, Bad, and Ugly

JavaScript has both good and bad parts
Good: things of beauty and elegance that make JavaScript a marvelous language Bad: sometimes nasty, fostering bad code

Where do the bad parts come from?

Legacy design elements Good intentions Haste

For the most part, you can ignore the bad parts

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Rise to Fame
Long denigrated as a flawed, toy language
Uncertain whether it would survive Java was expected to replace it

But then Ajax happened

Spawned the era of Web 2.0 Greater interactivity, cooperating in a dialog to create content As Ajax took hold, professional programmers took a fresh look at JavaScript and liked what they saw Frameworks and libraries followed

The future of JavaScript is bright and assured

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ECMAScript: Standardized JavaScript

Netscape looked to standardize JavaScript Ecma International
Originally the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) Sun owned name, so needed a new one Became ECMAScript by default

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ECMAScript Releases
Version 1 2 3 Release Date June 1997 June 1998 December 1999 -Major Changes Initial release. Primarily editorial changes to keep the specification aligned with the ISO/IEC 16262 international standard for ECMAScript. Added support for regular expressions, improved string handling, new control statements, exception handling, and various numeric output formatting, and more. Abandoned due to political differences and technical difficulties with the complexity of the language. Some features developed made it into version 5, others were deferred for future versions. Added Strict mode, clarified ambiguities, and implemented accommodations for real-world uses of implementations. Added getters and setters, support for JSON, and reflection on object properties. Released to align with the third edition of the international standard ISO/IEC 16262:2011.

December 2009 June 2011


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State of ECMAScript
All modern browsers now use ECMAScript 3 ECMAScript 5 slowly making its way into browsers
Default Strict

Use strict mode with use strict

<script> "use strict"; ... rest of JavaScript code </script>

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Which Version Should You Use?

ECMAScript 3 ECMAScript 5/Default ECMAScript 5/Strict

Choice governed by target browsers

ECMAScript 3 is safe today ECMAScript 5 is coming Use strict mode, since it is safest

Take Douglas Crockfords advice:

In the short term, stick to common elements of ECMAScript 3 and 5/Strict
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The Name of the Language

JavaScript has had several names
Mocha and LiveScript are defunct JavaScript, JScript, and ECMAScript are in current use

Each is a particular thing

JavaScript is trademark of Oracle, used by Mozilla JScript is the language of Internet Explorer ECMAScript is the standard language

Everyone uses JavaScript

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Language Versions
Many versions in many places
JavaScript Version 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.8.1 1.8.2 1.8.5 Version Released March 1996 August 1996 June 1997 October 1998 November 2000 November 2005 October 2006 June 2008 June 2009 January 2010 March 2011 Equivalent to Netscape Navigator 2.0 3.0 4.0-4.05 4.06-4.7x 6.0 Mozilla Internet Firefox Explorer 3.0 Google Chrome

ECMAScript 1 & 2 ECMAScript 3

ECMAScript for XML

1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 3.5 3.6 4

4.0 5.5-8.0

ECMAScript 5

9, 10


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JavaScript Across Browsers

Hardest thing about using JavaScript
Problem may be browser implementation of the DOM Even JavaScript engines are different

Write standards-compliant code Check the environment

Writing to the environment means lots of code

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JavaScript May Not Be Available

Disabled Not available in the browser Accessibility issues

Degrade gracefully Progressive enhancement

Frameworks and libraries

Particularly for Ajax

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Developing and Debugging JavaScript

Huge numbers of tools you can use
Plainest of text editors to complex development tools Commercial and open source Expensive and free

Major browsers have built-in tools and extensions

Firefox: built-in tools and Firebug IE: built-in F12 tools and Fiddler2 Chrome: built-in Web development tools Opera: built-in DragonFly tools Safari: built-in developer tools
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Which Browser to Use?

Any will generally work fine for development
Many tools are similar, with unique features Tools available where you need to test sites

Use Chrome in this course

Loads and runs noticeably faster Implements emerging standards Has an edge with developer tools

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Chrome Web Developer Tools

Built into every copy of the browser Reach deep into the internals of a Web page and the browser itself Improve with every new version of Chrome Using the latest version
Stable channel New release about every six weeks Be on the bleeding edge with Developer or Beta channels

Based on WebKit Web Inspector

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Elements Panel
Displays the Web page that the browser renders
Explore its HTML, CSS styles, and DOM objects Can make changes

Powerful tools for fine-tuning appearance and solving layout and content problems

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Resources Panel
Lists all of the resources used by the page
HTML page itself CSS stylesheet files JavaScript and other code files Cookies and various types of storage Caches

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Network Panel
Information about the resources the browser downloads for a page
Resources Panel: content and characteristics of the page resources Network panel: focused on network resources needed to retrieve the page resources

Waterfall diagram of network activities

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Scripts Panel
Powerful, in-browser script debugger Rivals features of Web development environments

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Timeline Panel
Useful to diagnose and fix performance problems in JavaScript code
As well as other resources used by the page

Profile records wealth of information

Only cover the highlights Well worth taking time to explore this panel

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Profiles Panel
Profile both CPU and heap memory Like Timeline, have to explicitly start and stop recording Analyze events in the panel

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Audits Panel
Provides network utilization and performance information about a Web page
Based either on reloading or loaded state

Similar in some ways to Yahoo!s YSlow extension

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Console Panel
Scripts and Console panels together provide powerful tools for JavaScript code Use Console to directly enter and execute JavaScript code Can write to the Console from code

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Invaluable tool while learning and even after you become an expert Static code analysis tool
Insight into quality of your code Written by Douglas Crockford Available online and in command line versions

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Working with JavaScript

Initially going to focus on the language
Ignore how JavaScript interacts with a Web page But need a way to run code Will use a very simple Web page Use HTML 5 syntax and structure

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The HTML Script Element

Key to using JavaScript in a Web page Two ways to use
Script embedded inline
<script> console.log("Hello, Page!"); </script>

External JavaScript file

<script src="jquery-1.7.1.js" />

Optional type attribute can specify content


Include as many script elements as you want

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HTML Comments in Script Tag

You may see code like this:
<script> <! console.log("Hello, Page!"); //--> </script>

Prevent older browsers from treating as page content Such browsers are nearly extinct now, so no need to do this anymore
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The Anatomy of JavaScript

Begin exploring the JavaScript language Lexical structure
Set of elementary rules that guide how you write code Low-level syntax details of JavaScript

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Case Sensitivity
JavaScript is case-sensitive All of these are unique identifiers
dateofbirth DateOfBirth dateOfBIRTH dAtEoFbIrTh DATEOFBIRTH

Potential confusion: HTML is not case-sensitive

JavaScript has object and property names the same as HTML Must be onclick in JavaScript, can be any casing in HTML
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Name for anything you create in code
Variables, arrays, functions, labels, and objects

Rules for naming identifiers

Consist of letters, underscores, digits, or dollar signs First character cant be a number Cannot be a reserved word

Valid identifiers
a, aaa, $birth, _birth, _$birth67, app$dev, x123$, birth_date

Invalid identifiers
23birth, *birth, Birth-date
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Reserved Words
Keywords of the language Depends on version of JavaScript youre using To be safe, avoid all reserved words from all versions
abstract arguments boolean break byte case catch char class const continue debugger default delete do double else enum eval export extends false final finally float for function goto if implements import in instanceof int interface let long native new null package private protected public return short static super switch synchronized this throw throws transient true try typeof var void volatile while with yield

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Fixed value that appears in code
As opposed to a variable whose value can change

Some literals of different types

"Don Kiely" 'Don Kiely' 256 3.14159265 false null // // // // // // String literal using double quotes String literal using single quotes An integer number A floating point number A Boolean literal The absence of an object

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JavaScript uses semicolons (;) as statement terminator
Lets you break long statements on multiple lines Interpreter combines everything at runtime

To make easier for casual programmers, semicolons are largely optional

Provides automatic semicolon insertion Mostly does the right thing But there are cases where it fails

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In JavaScript, extra whitespace is irrelevant Need spaces between identifiers and keywords Line breaks are sometimes significant, but not often Language ignores any extra leading indentations, line breaks, tabs, and spaces

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Commenting code is a universal best practice
Provides some level of documentation Aids in maintenance

Two types of comments

Single line: // Block or multi-line: /* */

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Learning from Other Web Sites

Very helpful to explore real world examples
Both good and bad

Browser needs access to code, so you can explore it for any site
Use your developer tools to explore

But sites can minify code

Worse, can obfuscate it

See JavaScriptResources.html in course sample files

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Learn More!
This is an excerpt from a larger course which you can access at:

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