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Innovative ideas to preserve the present environment

Environment is defined as the surroundings in which the organism lives. A healthy environment is an absolute necessity for the well-being of all organisms, including man. All our needs, big and small are being met by the environment. In the long run, man is losing out on a healthy environment.

Turn Food into fuel

Are corn husks better than corn for producing energy? Will Ethanol replace oil ? Are the governments going to feed cars or people?

Get blue prints for a green house

Residential energy use accounts for 16% of greenhouse-gas emissions. Low tech is the best tech. Doing simple things could drastically reduce your energy costs, by 40%. Protect windows from sunrays with large overhangs and double-pane glass. "You don't need to have 24th century solutions to solve 18th century problems.

Change Your Light bulbs

Hang Up a Clothes Line

60% of the energy associated with a piece of clothing is spent in washing and drying it. A T-shirt can send up to 9 lbs. of carbon dioxide into the air. When they're clean, dry your clothes the natural way, by hanging them on a line rather than loading them in a dryer.

Light Up Your City

Cities can save energyand moneyby illuminating public spaces with LEDs

Build a Skyscraper
New age new age building techniques.

Builders are using a mix of 55% concrete and 45% slag, a waste product from blast furnaces.
Mixing slag with concrete saves energy and makes the concrete stronger.

Pay the Carbon Tax

Force the major polluters to pay tax for their

emissions or invest to reduce their footprint. A 10% flat carbon tax might reduce the demand for carbon about 5% or less.

Capture the Carbon

Coal is one of the dirtiest fuels around and a major source of the world's carbon dioxide emissions. What if coal-fired plants stopped spewing their carbon dioxide fumes into the air and instead sequestered thempumped them deep into the ground for storage?

Let Employees Work Close to Home

The only solution to save time and planet is to move your home next to the office.

Ride the Bus

With transport accounting for more than 30% of carbon dioxide emissions, one of the best ways to reduce them is by riding bus.

Buses emit more carbon than trains, but that can be minimized by using hybrid or compressed-natural-gas engines.

Pay Your Bills Online

Eliminating your paper trail by banking and paying bills online does more than save trees. If every U.S. home viewed and paid its bills online, the switch would cut solid waste by 1.6 billion tons a year and curb greenhouse-gas emissions by 2.1 million tons a year. Think what would happen if the whole world did this ?

Check the Label

You wouldn't buy a car without knowing its gas mileage. Why not do the same when choosing energy-efficient ovens or any other electronic product.

Energy Star label products consume 35% less energy than the average.

Green tower
A rotating skyscraper that is to be built in Dubai and powered by a series of 79 horizontal wind turbines.

Solar photovoltaic ink on the roof of each floor will supply further renewable energy to this building.

Power sidewalks
Piezoelectric power technology using pressure generated by people walking to produce electricity. Eight modules that produce 50 to 60 watts.

The technology, developed by Dutch company Sustainable Dance Club.

Trade Carbon for Capital

One of the most ambitious of the Kyoto Protocol's plans to help cut greenhouse gases was the Clean Development Mechanism, through which companies in the rich world could earn credit not for reducing their own emissions but for investing in energy efficient projects in the developing world.

The projects save the equivalent of about 115 million tons of carbon dioxide per year

Copy California
The mayor of California promised that by 2050 80% of the states emission will be reduced. Inaugurated worlds first Hydrogen Highway.

End the Paper Chase

Every year 900 million trees become pulp and paper. Each ton of recycling paper helps save 4,000 kW-h of energy, 7,000 gal. of water and 17 trees.

Open a Window
Open a window instead of running the AC. Insulate your walls and ceilings. At the end of the year, don't be surprised if your house feels lighter. It just lost 4,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide.

Hair Club for Plants

The Vision Thousands of acres of super-hairy plants around the world reflect extra sunlight and cool down the globe. Unfortunately, most crops arent nearly hairy enough to create this cooling effect. Negatives to this theory : Super-reflective plants could evaporate less water into the atmosphere, causing a decrease in protective cloud cover, which in turn would drive an increase in surface temperature.

Remove the tie

How can a tie help fight climate change? When you leave it at home. Japan cut an estimated 79,000 tons of CO2 by swapping their trademark dark blue business suits for open collars and light tropical colors.

Garbage management
Garbage spreads pollutions and diseases. Global change biology has published new research that claims replacing gasoline with biofuel from processed garbage could cut global carbon emissions by 80%.

Buy Green Power, At Home or Away

Make sure that the energy that you use is from a clean

source. Force your government to provide clean energy.

Energy paint
The sun that reaches the Earth's surface delivers 10,000 times more energy than we consume If we could cover 0.1 percent of the Earth's surface with [very efficient] large-area solar cells "we could in principle replace all of our energy habits with a source of power which is clean and renewable."

Just Say No to Plastic Bags

Every year, more than 500 billion plastic bags are distributed, and less than 3% of those bags are recycled. They are typically made of polyethylene and can take up to 1,000 years to biodegrade in landfills that emit harmful greenhouse gases.

Shut off your Evil computer

A screen saver is not an energy saver.

Shutting it off would reduce the machine's CO2 emissions 83%, to just 63 kg a year.

Kill the Lights At Quitting Time

Turn off the lights and all electronics while not in use.
If you are lazy buy a timer for all your electronics

Energy highways
Dont let the wind go. Intelligent Billboards. Costly Affair.

Make Your Garden Grow

U.S. spends more than $5 billion a year on fossil-fuel-derived fertilizers that leak chemicals into the ground and accelerate the release of nitrous oxidea greenhouse gas.
Homemade fertilizer mix that includes seaweed extracts for potassium and fish proteins and oils for nitrogen.

Consume Less, Share More, Live Simply

Live simply

Consume less
Share more

Beaming Electricity from Space

The Vision Launch giant solar panels into orbit and send limitless clean energy back to Earth. Japan hopes to pull its power from the heavens instead of from polluting coal plants. Equipped with massive antennas measuring two miles across, each station would produce one gig watt of electricityenough to power 500,000 homes. Thats twice as much as a typical coal-fired plant, and without any of the greenhouse emissions.

pod cars
Pod Cars are automated driverless vehicles that will operate on elevated/underground shuttle networks or traditional roadways. These futuristic transport vehicles will offer an environmentally friendly, clean energy alternative for urban transportation.

Rearrange the Heavens and the Earth

What if we could build a giant mirror in space to deflect the sun's energy?
Or inject sulfur into the stratosphere to cool the earth?

Think Outside the Packaging

You can reduce the amount of packaging with a little consumer Vigilance.
If a company plans to cut packaging 5% starting in year it can prevent 667,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

Vertical farms
Nearly 80% of the earth's population will reside in urban centers.

At present, throughout the world, over 80% of the land that is suitable for raising crops is in use.

Bubble house
Eden Project also employs several sustainable strategies like using a rainwater catchment system and wind energy. Best innovation for all environmental problems.

Algae park
Single-cell algae can consume carbon dioxide or nitrogen

oxides and then be harvested in a reusable form.

They are responsible for nearly 50 percent of the

earths annual carbon-dioxide consumption and more than 45 percent of the oxygen production.

Cow electricity
Cow dung management. An average cow walks 8 hours a day.

Trap the excess methane.


There is no evidence of intelligence in the universe till now. So we are the only intelligent species. So no one will come to save us, so it is our duty not only to save ourselves but also our living and breathing mother earth. So we should be responsible and do our part no matter how small it is because sometimes these small things are which matter the most.


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