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Review of Behaviorism and its applications to student behavior

A. Classical Behaviorism


Behaviorists believe that we should examine only what can be directly observed and measured (Santrock, 2004). Traditional behaviorist view: child is passive being whom adults can model by carefully controlling stimulus-response associations: development is continuous process, consisting of gradual increase with age in number and strength of associations

A. Classical Behaviorism


Watson: concluded that environment is supreme force in development Skinner (1904-1990): rejected Hulls idea; child's desirable behavior can be increased by following it with a wide variety of reinforcers; can be decreased through punishment.

A. Classical Behaviorism


Two versions of the behavioral approach that are prominent today re the view of B.F. Skinner and social learning theory. Skinner (1904-1990): behaviorism

emphasizes the scientific study of observable responses and their environmental determinants (Santrock, 2004).

A. Classical Behaviorism
As a result of Skinners work, operant conditioning became a broadly applied learning principle in child psychology. * Brainstorm examples of classical

behaviorism in your classroom and school today.

Four Techniques in Behaviorism

Negative reinforcement Positive reinforcement Response cost (reinforcement removal) Punishment

Positive Reinforcement

Positive Reinforcement--the term reinforcement always indicates a process that strengthens a behavior; the word positive has two cues associated with it. First, a positive or pleasant stimulus is used in the process, and second, the reinforcer is added (i.e., "positive" as in + sign for addition).

Positive Reinforcement

R + (+S) + h R In positive reinforcement, a positive reinforcer is added after a response and increases the frequency of the response.

Negative Reinforcement

Negative Reinforcement-- the term reinforcement always indicates a process that strengthens a behavior; the word negative has two cues associated with it. First, a negative or aversive stimulus is used in the process, and second, the reinforcer is subtracted (i.e., "negative" as in a "-" sign for subtraction). R (-S) + h R

Negative Reinforcement

In negative reinforcement, after the response the negative reinforcer is removed which increases the frequency of the response. (Note: There are two types of negative reinforcement: escape and avoidance. In general, the learner must first learn to escape before he or she learns to avoid.)

Response Cost

Response Cost--if positive reinforcement strengthens a response by adding a positive stimulus, then response cost has to weaken a behavior by subtracting a positive stimulus. After the response the positive reinforcer is removed which weakens the frequency of the response. R (+S) = i R


Punishment--if negative reinforcement strengthens a behavior by subtracting a negative stimulus, than punishment has to weaken a behavior by adding a negative stimulus. After a response a negative or aversive stimulus is added which weakens the frequency of the response R + (- S) = i R

B. Social Learning Theory

Built on the principles of conditioning and reinforcement offering expanded views of how children and adults acquire new responses. 1950s: social learning theory became a major force in child development research

B. Social Learning Theory

Bandura demonstrated that modeling, otherwise known as imitation or observational learning is basis for wide variety of childrens behaviors; children acquire many favorable and unfavorable responses by watching and listening to people around them.

B. Social Learning Theory

Most recent revision of Banduras theory places so much emphasis on how children think about themselves and other people that he calls it socialcognitive theory, rather than social learning theory.

C. Contributions of behaviorism

applied behavior analysis refers to procedures that combine conditioning and modeling to eliminate undesirable behaviors that increase socially acceptable responses. (aggression, language difficulties and extreme fears)

D. Criticisms of behaviorism

Behaviorism and social learning theory have been criticized for underestimating childrens role in their own development.

E. Applications of behaviorism
1. 2. 3.


Language Foundations of morality Aggression Role of punishment Gender development

E. Applications of Behaviorism

1. Language

Acquired through operant conditioning Imitation explains how children rapidly acquire complex utterances

E. Applications of Behaviorism
2. Foundations of Morality

Operant conditioning is regarded as important way in which children pick up new responses OC is not enough Social learning: children largely learn to act morally through modeling Once moral response is acquired, reinforcement in form of praise increases its frequency

E. Applications of Behaviorism
3. Aggression

Studies of aggression and its relationship to viewing violence

E. Applications of Behaviorism
4. Role of punishment: promotes only momentary compliance, not lasting changed in childs behavior
If used, can increase effectiveness by:
1. 2. 3.

Consistency Warm adult-child relationship explanations

E. Applications of Behaviorism
5. Gender development


Both social learning theory (modeling and reinforcement) and cognitivedevelopment theory (children as active thinkers) offer approaches to explaining children gender typing Emergence of gender schema theory


Grading student work and behavior

What products do you grade? What work habits do you look for? What is problem solving behavior?

Social learning theory

In 1997 work, Bandura outlines important aspects of developing selfefficacy in children & adolescents.

Self-efficacy: the expectation that one can master a situation and produce positive outcomes

Acquiring Self - Efficacy

Bandura (1982, 1997) suggested four principal sources by which people gain information to influence their selfefficacy beliefs.

Enactive Mastery

a learners own previous success at a task.

Driscoll, M. P. (2007) Psychology of learning for instruction (3rd ed). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. p. 318

Vicarious Experiences

the learners observation of a role model attaining success at a task.

Driscoll, M. P. (2007) Psychology of learning for instruction (3rd ed). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. p. 318

Verbal persuasion

others persuading a learner that he or she is capable of succeeding at a particular task.

Driscoll, M. P. (2007) Psychology of learning for instruction (3rd ed). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. p. 318

Physiological States

their gut feeling convinces them of probably success for failure

Driscoll, M. P. (2007) Psychology of learning for instruction (3rd ed). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. p. 318


Infants need a stimulating environment that encourages them to sense that their actions produce outcomes.

Self efficacy in young children

Young children are developing selfefficacy Young childrens requirements for extensive monitoring by competent adults

Parental role in self-efficacy

Over-protective parents constrain childrens master capabilities. Secure parents are more likely to encourage childrens exploratory efforts and give them an opportunity to experience a feeling of mastery.

The schools role in developing self-efficacy

A basic goal of education is to equip children with the self-control that enables children to educate themselves; as children master cognitive skills they develop a growing sense of intellectual self-efficacy

Self-efficacy in adolescence

As children move into adolescence, they have to assume increasing responsibility for their behavior. The way in which adolescents develop and exercise their self-efficacy can be critical in setting the courses that their life paths take.

Self-efficacy, in summary

When children have high self-efficacy, they are more likely to do well in school and be more competent in a number of areas of life than when they have low self-efficacy (Bandura, 1997, 1998)


Berk, L. (1999). Infants, and children: Infancy through middle childhood. Boston: Allyn & Bacon Kail, R. (1998). Children and their development. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Santrock, J. (2000). Children (6th ed.). McGraw Hill.

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