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Advance Research Methods

Ahmed Arif
Department of Management Sciences SZABIST, Islamabad Campus


Types of Research Research Approaches Research Process Problems in Research

Ethics in Research

What is Research ?
Research is simply the process of thoroughly

studying and analysing the situational factors surrounding a problem in order to seek out solutions to it.
Re + Search (seeking facts or principles) identifying and solving problem.

Research =

Basically, Research is the process of

What is Business Research?

Business Research may be defined as the

systematic and objective process of gathering, recording and analyzing data for aid in making business decisions (Zikmund, Business Research Methods, 2002, p. 6)

Systematicness and Objectivity are its

distinguishing features of Business Research, which is important tool for managers and decisionmakers in corporate and non-corporate organizations

Objective of Research
The main objective of a research is to explore the

answers to questions in a scientific manner. Knowing a phenomenon or exploring something new. Exploratory Research Describing the characteristics of a specific individual, situation or group. Descriptive Research Determining the frequency with which an event occurs. Diagnostic Research Testing relationship between the different variables. Hypothesis Testing

Research as a Scientific Method

Research should be properly planned.

It should be conducted in a systematic and scientific

way. The data generated by research should be trustworthy. Good research follows the principles of scientific method.

Definition of Scientific Research

Scientific Research focusing on solving problems and pursues a step by step logical, organized and rigorous method to identify the problems, gather data, analyze them and draw valid conclusions there from.

Characteristic of Scientific Research

Clearly Defined Purpose

Detailed Research Process

Planned Research Design Clearly Defined Limitations

Adequate Analysis for Decision Makers

Unambiguous Presentation of Findings Justified Conclusion

Significance of Research
According to Hudson Maxim:

o All progress is born of inquiry. Doubt is better

than overconfidence, for it leads to inquiry, and inquiry leads to invention. Research helps to solve the problems, expands knowledge and explore new phenomenon. It helps to find the hidden truth.

Types of Research
Basic Versus Applied Research Descriptive Versus Analytical Conceptual Versus Empirical Qualitative Versus Quantitative Other Types of Research

Research Approach
Research Approaches






Research Approach
Quantitative Approach Deals with measurable, quantitative properties of any phenomenon. This approach is objective in nature. Use deductive reasoning. Allows the researcher to generalize the findings of research. Qualitative Approach Deals with qualitative aspects of any phenomenon. This approach is subjective in nature. Use Inductive Reasoning. Does not allow the researcher to generalize the findings.

Deduction is the process by which we arrive at a

reasoned conclusion by logical generalization of a known fact.

Example: we know that all high performers are highly proficient in their jobs. If John is a high performer, we then conclude that he is highly proficient in his job

Induction is a process where we observe certain

phenomena and on this basis arrive at conclusions

In other words, in induction we logically establish a general proposition based on observed facts.

Research Process
Research is the systematic and objective

identification collection

dissemination and use of information

For the purpose of improving decision making related to the identification and

solution of problems and availing the opportunities.

Steps in Research Process

Step 1 : Problem Definition Step 2 : Reviewing Literature Step 3 : Formulating Hypothesis

Step 4 : Designing Research

Step 5 : Data Collection

Step 6: Data Analysis Step 7: Preparing Reports

When Should Business Research be Undertaken?

Is sufficient time available? Yes Is information inadequate? Yes High importance of decision? Yes Research benefits greater than costs? Undertake Business Research


Do not undertake Business Research

Characteristics of a Good Research

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Systematic: The Research should be properly structured. Logical: The research should be guided by lucid and logical reasoning. Empirical: The research should be based on real situations. Clear Purpose: The objectives of research should be clearly defined. Elaboration: The research procedure should be explained properly. Efficient Analysis: The gathered data should be properly analyzed.

Problems Encountered by the Researchers

Lack of Training Lack of Resources Lack of Assistance Lack of Code of Conduct Improper Interaction

Reluctance in Supplying Data by Business Units

Ethics in Research
Honesty: Truthfulness of researcher in collecting

and presenting data. Objectivity: Researcher should be unbiased. Integrity: Researcher should be sincere in actions. Confidentiality: The researcher should not disclosed the secret information. Social Responsibility: Researcher should try to increase social welfare through research.

Assignment No. 1
Download 5 research papers from different data bases. You are required to extract and report the following information about those research papers. Purpose of Research Type of Research Research Approach Used

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