Business Etiquette 101 AG

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Business Etiquette 101

Presented by Robert Hogeda Access Group

What is Etiquette?

A fancy word for getting along with others Politeness Poise Confidence A code that governs the expectations of social behavior

Why Do We Need Etiquette?

Theres no such thing as a vacation from good manners. To be at ease by showing more confidence and poise in business & social situations. Increases the likelihood that your calls, appointments and emails will be received positively. To come across as the polished professional you really are!

Etiquette In the Office

Make a Good First Impression

You meet a colleague for the first time. How do you introduce yourself?
A. Give them a big hug

B. Say Whats up dudecool to meet you.

C. Say Im (name), nice to meet you. D. Offer a firm handshake and make eyecontact E. Both C and D

Make a Good First Impression

Avoid slang Establish eye contact Avoid the hug Avoid a limp handshake Always introduce yourself Know who should be introduced first

Higher-ups first Females before males If a higher up, only do this if they do it first

Present a business card

Dress for Success

Dress for Success

Its Casual Fridaywhat would you wear to the office?
A. B. C. A business suit Shorts and sandals Ripped jeans

A. A business suit B. A mini skirt and halter top C. Tight jeans


Khakis and a polo

D. Nice slacks and a nice blouse

Dress for Success

Dress for the occasion Avoid over-accessorizing Steer clear of anything too gaudy, too short, or too tight Think of Casual Friday as if it were an ordinary day without a necktie or business suit and, you still have to look professional!

Cubicle Etiquette

Imagine an invisible door. Dont just enter someones cubicle. If they look deep in thought, leave them alone. If they are on the phone, dont try to get their attention with gestures. Be aware how your voice projects. Speaker phones and cubes dont mix.

Cubicle Etiquette

Others can hear what you say, and could judge you by your words. Keep personal phone conversations to a minimum. Dont be a cubicle lurker. Keep your cubicle neat and uncluttered.

Netiquette Internet Manners

I need this ASAP Come see me now Why did you tell them this? I NEED MORE TIME Meet me in the braek room To:

Cc: Cc: Cc:

Why are these rude/annoying??

Netiquette Internet Manners

Be concise, clear, and conversational in style Your words are a forward or blind-copy away from anyone Dont abuse the Cc: button Spel check, spell chek, speill chick Avoid the chain mail trap Dont be too informal In most instances, use lowercase

Uppercase implies shouting

The 5 Commandments
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

E-mail only those to whom the message pertains M-ake a point to respond promptly A-lways check spelling and grammar I-nclude your telephone number in your message L-earn nettiquette
What you write can be forever stored!!

Etiquette outside of the office

Travel Dos and Donts

Flying is the most common mode of transportation. While flying, remember:

Get to the airport early Dont hold up the security line Dress appropriately Be considerate when walking down the aisles Share the armrest Dont recline your seat all the way back

More Dos and Donts

Drink water, not alcohol Mind your business Dont talk to your neighbor unless they want to Avoid getting up and down When exiting, let those in front of you exit first

Tipping While Traveling

You are in a hurry at the airport, so you check your bags at the curb. You check 2 bags. What should you tip the skycap?
A. $1 B. Nothing hes just doing his job C. $2

D. Tipping?? Whats tipping?

Tipping Cheat Sheet

Sky Cap $1 per bag If several bags, should tip more. (3 bags = $5) Hotel Bellhop (dependent on level of hotel) Holding bags - $1 per bag or more if several bags Bringing something to the room - $2 Something extra - $5 Maid If there for an extended period, tip $1-2 per day Shuttle bus driver $1 for the ride, or $2 if they help with your bags Waiter 15 to 20% depending on level of service Taxi Driver 10 to 15% of the fare 50 cents is a minimum

The Social Event

Social Situations: How not to be a Social Outcast

At the company Holiday Party, John/Sarah drinks a little too much eggnog. He/she starts dancing provocatively, flirting with everyone (including the boss spouse), then trips and falls down in front of everyone there. What are the consequences?
A. B. C. D. E. Big promotion the next day. Respect of all his colleagues. Being talked and whispered about. Word gets around the office/building/industry. Both C and D

Social Situations: How not to be a Social Outcast

View the event as an opportunity to network. Prepare some small talk in advance. Mingle and circulate. Dont be a clique! Dress appropriately Go easy on the food and drink. Seek out the host to show appreciation for the event. Dont overstay your welcome. Remember, people are taking notes. Dont give them a performance they will remember forever.

Eating in Public:
You sit at the table and want to take a drink of water. There is a glass on your left and right. Which one do you drink from?
A. Right
B. Left C. Grab one from another table D. Forget it, I will go thirsty!!

A Typical Place Setting

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Eating in Public:
You excuse yourself to use the restroom. Where do you place your napkin?
A. On the floor B. Folded on the table C. On your chair

D. Take it with you

Napkin Etiquette

The napkin will be placed either to the left of the forks, beneath the forks, or on the plate. In a fancy restaurant, it may be in the water glass. Wait for the host or guest of honor to pick up his/her napkin first. After the hosts or guest of honors napkin is in place, gently place your napkin in your lap. In more upscale restaurants, the waiter places your napkin on your lap for you.

Napkin Etiquette Continued

It is not necessary to fully open a large napkin; just fold it in half. You can completely open a smaller luncheon napkin. Use your napkin to dab the corners of your mouth only Never blow your nose or wipe off lipstick with your napkin.

Napkin Etiquette Continued

When you excuse yourself from the table, place you napkin neatly on your chair.

Dont be surprised if there is new napkin in its place. The waiter will sometimes replace it.

When you have finished your meal and you are leaving the table, place the napkin to the left of your plate. Do not put it back in the napkin ring.

Eating in Public:
You have finished eating your meal. How do you let the waiter know?
A. Yell at him.

B. Mash your napkin on your plate so you wont eat anymore.

C. Push your plate(s) away from you.

D. Place your utensils at 10:20 (10 and 4).


Eat from the outside in Liquids to the right, solids to the left

5 letters: D-R-I-N-K / R-I-G-H-T 4 letters: F-O-O-D / L-E-F-T

No elbows on the table Dont talk with your mouth full Use your napkin properly Have good posture Pace yourself Dont eat too fast or slow No makeup at the table Dont use your cell phone Pass correctly Dont reach over people. Pass salt and pepper together

Cell Phones: Necessity or Burden?

Cell Phone Quiz


2. 3.


I keep my cell phone on during meetings so everyone can reach me. I answer the phone in a restaurant. I tend to talk louder on my cell phone than I do using a landline. I instantly answer my phone when it rings no matter how many people are close around me.

How Did You Fare?

Yes to 4 statements: You are reachable but others probably think you are rude. Yes to 3 statements: Now youre maybe a little lower on the rude scale. Yes to 1 or 2 statements: You are more civil than most cell users. No to all statements: You are the master of cell phone etiquette.

Cell Dos and Cell Donts

Use your inside voice or even quieter. Walk away from others when talking. Turn your phone off or on vibrate during events. Never answer your phone during an event. Be careful when driving.

Common Etiquette Mistakes

Making introductions in the wrong order. Showing up late for an important appointment. Talking on your cell at the table or during events. Improper napkin use. Drinking too much at functions. Improper uses of email. Walking into a persons cubicle without asking permission.

Yeah, great stuff, but when will I use it?

Work Conferences On the phone Traveling Dining

Social events In line at store Online Entertaining Driving

Etiquette is the key to surviving all human contact with your self-esteem, sense of humor, and selfconfidence intact!!

In Conclusion

Your manners are always under examination, and by committees little suspected, awarding or denying you very high prizes when you least expect it -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Questions or Stories?
Thank you very much for your participation. Now go out and wow em with your manners!

Sources: Etiquette for Dummies by Sue Fox Business Etiquette by Ann Marie Sabath

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