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Solutions and Solubility

Solutions and Solubility

Water is a polar compound and for a substance to dissolve in water its molecules or ions must compete with the attraction of the polar molecules of water and the water must win.

Solutions and Solubility

In each of the three states of matter there are spaces between the molecules or atoms. When the molecules or atoms of one substance can fit themselves between the molecules or atoms of another substance, that substance becomes dispersed throughout the other substance. The resultant system is called a solution of the two substances.

Solutions and Solubility

The definition of a solution is: a homogeneous molecular dispersion of two or more substances. To be a solution, the individual particles must be of molecular or atomic size and there can be no chemical reaction. For example, a mixture of sawdust and iron filings is not a solution.

Solutions of Gases in Gases

A mixture of two different gases is actually a solution of a gas within a gas.

Solutions of Gases in Gases

Gas solutions differ from other solutions in that they can mix homogeneously no matter what the proportion of each gas may be. a mixture becomes homogeneous in a very short time for three reasons
high molecular kinetic energy weak bonds between molecules large distances between molecules

Solutions of Gases in Gases

Hydrogen gas mixed with oxygen gas
Both gases have strong bonds within their molecules but weak bonds between their molecules The oxygen does not settle to the bottom of the lighter hydrogen and the homogeneous dispersion remains indefinitely.

Solutions of Gases in Gases

Hydrogen gas mixed with oxygen gas
Another property of solutions exhibited here is that the various components can be recovered unchanged and the hydrogen is easy to separate due to its lighter molecular weight.

Solubility Limits
Gases are said to be completely miscible because they will form solutions with each other regardless of the proportions in which they are present.

Solubility Limits
Two or more substances that do not mix at all to form solutions are said to be immiscible.

Solubility Limits
Partially miscible are substances that will mix with each other but only in certain proportions to form solutions.

Solubility Limits
The solubility of a substance refers to the amount of a substance that will dissolve in a given amount of a second substance.

Solutions of Gases in Liquids (water)

The amount of a gas that will dissolve in a given amount of water depends upon three things

Solutions of Gases in Liquids (water)

the nature of the gas
hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen are slightly soluble in water because the polar water molecules have little attraction to the non polar molecules of these gases

Solutions of Gases in Liquids (water)

the temperature of the solution
gases become less soluble as the temperature of the water increases

Solutions of Gases in Liquids (water)

the pressure of the gas above the solution
the greater the concentration of gas molecules above the surface of the water, the greater the solubility of the gas

Saturations of Solutions
When a solution is formed by dissolving a solid in a liquid, the solid is referred to as the solute and the liquid is the solvent.

Saturations of Solutions
Solid covalent iodine (I2) will slightly dissolve in water at about 0.03 g in 100 ml of water at a given temperature (20 g I2 per 100 ml of alcohol). It is solid due to van der Waal forces, which are overcome by the polar water molecules and their kinetic energy propels them into the water (diffusion).

Saturations of Solutions
Adding more solid iodine will result in crystals setting at the bottom of the container. The solute is then in equilibrium with the solvent and the molecules of iodine are moving in and out of the solution at equal rates.

Saturations of Solutions
Ionic solids dissolve in water through the breaking of the ionic bonds. If one of the ions is a polyatomic ion, it does not get broken into smaller parts.
(NH4)2SO4 will dissolve as NH4+ SO4=

Saturations of Solutions
saturated solution
equilibrium exists between the solute and the solvent and increasing the amount of the solute has no effect on the saturation

Saturations of Solutions
unsaturated solution
equilibrium concentration has not yet been reached because there is insufficient solute to attain that level

Saturations of Solutions
supersaturated solution
equilibrium is exceeded since the solvent is holding excess solute and a supersaturated solution cannot exist if any excess solute is present in a solid form formed by slowly evaporating the solvent from a solution or lowering the temperature of an unsaturated solution common with gases in liquids such as carbonated beverages

Saturations of Solutions
The saturated solution is regarded as the standard of reference since a supersaturated and an unsaturated solution both try to reach this level. If a crystal of solute is added to a supersaturated solution, it will add to the crystal as it tries to be just saturated. The unsaturated solution will cause molecules or ions of the solute to pass into the solution as it approached equilibrium.

Factors That Affect the Rate of Solution

the nature of the solute and solvent
the rate varies greatly for different solutes in different solvents and no general statement can be made

Factors That Affect the Rate of Solution

the nature of the solute and solvent
some ionic solids dissolve in water and some do not, it depends upon the strength of the ionic bonds

Factors That Affect the Rate of Solution

the nature of the solute and solvent
ionic solids will not dissolve in non-polar liquids since the ionic bonds cannot be separated by the solvent where the molecules are held together only by weak van der Waals forces (carbon tetrachloride, benzene, pentane)

Factors That Affect the Rate of Solution

the nature of the solute and solvent
covalent solids are soluble in non-polar liquids since both are held together by weak van der Waals forces, but the higher the molecular weight of the solid, the less soluble it is in the same non-polar solvent (waxes and greases in carbon tetrachloride and benzene).

Factors That Affect the Rate of Solution

the nature of the solute and solvent
covalent solids are insoluble in polar solvents

Factors That Affect the Rate of Solution

the particle size of the solid
greater areas of contact between the solute and solvent will accelerate the rate of solution

Factors That Affect the Rate of Solution

temperature of the solution
increasing the temperature will accelerate the rate of solution since both the solute and solvent have increased their thermal agitation

Factors That Affect the Rate of Solution

degree to which the mixture is agitated
crystals at the bottom of the container are brought into better contact with the solvent, undissolved crystals are brought into contact with fresh solvent, diffusion is speeded up

Solubility and Temperature

Solubility-temperature curves are the best way to show the relationship between temperature and solubility.

Solubility and Temperature

Solubilitytemperature curves
set up a graph having solubility increasing from bottom to top and temperature increasing from left to right

Solubility and Temperature

Solubility-temperature curves
solubility is expressed in grams of solid solute per 100 g. of solvent and temperature in degrees centigrade

Solubility and Temperature

Solubilitytemperature curves
At 30C approximately 12g of KClO3 will dissolve in 100g of water. If the temperature is increased to 80C, approximately 42g of the substance will dissolve in 100g (or 100mL) of water.

What mass of solute will dissolve in 100mL of water at the following temperatures? Also determine which of the three substances is most soluble in water at 15C.

1. KNO3at 70C
130g / 100mL

2. NaCl at 100C
40g / 100mL

3. NH4Cl at 90C
70g / 100mL

4. NaCl is the most soluble at 15C

Solubility and Temperature

Solubility-temperature curves
any point on the curve represents a saturated solution while below the curve is unsaturated and above is supersaturated

Solubility and Temperature

Solubility-temperature curves
the solubility curve indicates the temperature required to bring about crystallization of the solute

Solubility and Temperature

Solubilitytemperature curves
the solubility curve can indicate temperatures to use to separate contaminates from a salt in a purification process

Solutions and Their Concentrations

Methods of expressing concentrations
Weight-weight (number of grams of solute per 100 grams of solution) Weight-volume (number of grams of solute per 100 ml of solvent) Volume-volume (volume of each liquid that is dissolved in the total volume of the liquid)

Solutions and Their Concentrations

Molarity (mole-volume)
Number of gram molecular weights (gram moles) of solute in 1 l. of solution Works well because all chemical reactions occur according to a fixed ratio of the gram molecular weights of the reactants (stoichiometry) and because volumes are easily measured A 1 molar solution is 1 gram molecular weight of a solute dissolved in 1 l. of solution. NaOH has 40 g. dissolved in 1 l. of solution in a 1 molar solutuion.

Solutions and Their Concentrations

Preparation of solutions
Mixing a solute into a solvent will usually increase the volume of the resulting solution above the starting volume of the solvent. Sometimes it has no effect while other times it may actually reduce the volume. A solute is dissolved in a small amount of solvent and then more solvent is added until a volume of 1 l. is reached.

Solutions and Their Concentrations

Calculating Molarities
Convert any values to moles and liters Use ratio and proportion (moles to liters equals moles to liters)

Solutions and Their Concentrations

Calculating molality
Molality of a solution equals the number of moles per kg. of a solvent

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