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History Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), set up on April 2, 1990 under an Act of Indian Parliament, is the

Principal Financial Institution for the Promotion, Financing and Development of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector and for Co-ordination of the functions of the institutions engaged in similar activities.

SIDBI VENTURE CAPITAL LIMITED (SVCL) SIDBI Venture Capital Ltd. (SVCL), a subsidiary of SIDBI set up in July,1999, is an asset management company, presently managing two venture capital funds, viz. the National Venture Fund for Software and Information Technology Industry (NFSIT) and the SME Growth Fund (SGF) for providing venture capital assistance to knowledge based MSMEs, especially in the areas of auto components, textiles, life sciences, clean technologies, retailing, light engineering, information technology, services etc.

MISSION To empower the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector with a view to contributing to the process of economic growth, employment generation and balanced regional development Vision To emerge as a single window for meeting the financial and developmental needs of the MSME sector to make it strong, vibrant and globally competitive, to position SIDBI Brand as the preferred and customer - friendly institution and for enhancement of share - holder wealth and highest corporate values through modern technology platform

OBJECTIVES Mandatory Objectives Four basic objectives are set out in the SIDBI Charter. They are:

Financing Promotion Development Co-ordination

for orderly growth of industry in the small scale sector. The Charter has provided SIDBI considerable flexibility in adopting appropriate operational strategies to meet these objectives. The activities of SIDBI, as they have evolved over the period of time, now meet almost all the requirements of small scale industries which fall into a wide spectrum constituting modern and technologically superior units at one end and traditional units at the other

SIDBI Among Top 30 Development Banks of the World SIDBI retained its position in the top 30 Development Banks of the World in the latest ranking of The Banker, London. As per the May 2001 issue of The Banker, London, SIDBI ranked 25th both in terms of Capital and Assets.

OUR CHAIRMAN Shri Sushil Muhnot takes over as SIDBI Chairman & Managing Director on April 4, 2011
The Ministry of Finance, Government of India have vide their Notification dated April 01, 2011, appointed Shri S. Muhnot as the Chairman and Managing Director of Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI). Prior to taking up this assignment, Shri Muhnot was the Executive Director of IDBI Ltd. Before that, he was the Managing Director and CEO of IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd. Shri Muhnot is a B. Text (Tech), MBA, Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers and Masters in Ecology and Environment.

Products & Services Direct Finance

Financing Energy Efficiency and Cleaner Production in MSME Sector Bills Finance Refinance International Finance Micro Finance Government Subsidy Schemes Other Schemes Promotional Activities Fixed Deposit Scheme Ntrees

BILLS FINANCE SCHEMES Objective Bills Finance Schemeinvolves provision of medium and short-term finance for the benefit of the small-scale sector. Bills Finance seeks to provide finance, to manufacturers of indigenous machinery, capital equipment, components subassemblies etc, based on compliance to the various eligibility criteria, norms etc as applicable to the respective schemes.

RECEIVABLE FINANCING SCHEME Purpose To enable SSI / SME / Eligible Service sector units (including construction / small road transport operators) selling components, parts, sub-assemblies, services, etc. to Medium & Large scale units realise their sale proceeds quickly Eligible Borrowers Limits are sanctioned by SIDBI to well established industrial units using components / parts / sub-assemblies / accessories / services manufactured / provided by by SSI / SME / Eligible Service sector units. Either seller or Purchaser need to qualify as SSI / SME / Service Sector unit Norms Unexpired usance - Not more than 90 days Others Facility without bills of exchange / LC backed receivables can also be considered on the basis of merit.

DIRECT DISCOUNTING SCHEME EQUIPMENT (DDS-E) Purpose To enable manufacturers - sellers in SSI sector / service sector including construction / selling agents to offer deferred payment terms for credit sales and realise sale proceeds by discounting bills of exchange / promissory notes arising out of such sales. Eligible Borrowers Limits are sanctioned by SIDBI to well established concerns / corporate bodies buying machinery / capital equipment from SSI units. Limits are also sanctioned to well established SSI manufacturers - sellers Norms Usance of Bills - Normally 3-5 years Minimum transaction value - Rs.1,00,000

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