Plastic Surgery: in Quest of Ultimate Beauty

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In Quest of Ultimate Beauty


one of the most powerful and dangerous ideas in existence. Socrates: beauty was a form of purity. Aristotle "Beauty is a greater recommendation

David Hume: "Beauty is not a quality in things themselves; it merely exists in the mind that contemplates them, and each mind perceives a different beauty."

Things that are pure within themselves evoke pleasure, thus beauty. ... Beauty was later defined as a 'term of approbation,' or a value, or higher stature, as apposed to 'pretty, Greenwald wrote.

Plato: throughout time that beauty provokes pleasure. Plotinus also preached that there is no one object that beauty can be defined as nor is there one aspect of any object that beauty can be defined as.

Something can be ugly and aesthetically appreciated at the same time. In the same century there was Hutcheson who thought that "The


Beauty is not a definable or measurable trait. Women are inundated by the modern idea that being physically beautiful increases your value or worth as a person.

Beauty is not bound by its physical aspects.

Beauty wields its power over men and women alike, but far more often, women become the victims

Women are haunted by Eve. Eve was perfect, beautiful, brilliant and brave. Every time a woman looks in the mirror, she is met with an image she knows doesn't measure up to what

beauty is an essence that dwells in every woman. It was given to her by God ... Beauty is core to a woman -- who she is and what she longs to be -- and one of the most glorious ways we bear the image of

It's tragic to witness the countless perversions of beauty. Beauty has been sexualized and cheapened. By removing the goodness and purity of beauty, true beauty has been lost

A woman in today's society is caught in a vicious paradox. She is devalued and ignored if she isn't beautiful, and if she is beautiful, she becomes a

It's almost impossible for a woman to go a day without being constantly bombarded by comparisons , both from

The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women is a

In the book, she argues that "beauty" as a normative value is entirely socially constructed, and that the patriarchy determines the content of that construction with the goal of reproducing its own hegemony. women were under assault by the "beauty myth" in five areas:

beauty soon became regarded as a currency system built upon the values and discourses of the patriarchy The beauty myth was exposed and identified by many feminists as a creation of their sociocultural surroundings with which they felt they had no part in defining for themselves.


According to an annual research carried out by American Society of Plastic Surgeons Women made up 87 percent of all surgical cosmetic procedures in 2010 and 91 percent of all cosmetic procedures (surgical and minimally invasive combined). The most popular female cosmetic surgical procedures in 2010 were:

1. Breast Augmentation
Bigger continues to be better for many woman when it comes to breast size. In 2001, 296,000 breast augmentations were performed, an increase of 2 percent from

2. Nose Reshaping (Rhinoplasty)

Coming in at second place is nose reshaping, with 189,000 rhinoplasties performed on women in 2010. Rhinoplasty involves surgical reshaping of the nose

3. Liposuction
Some women opted for a little surgical help to remove unwanted fat from trouble spots. In 2010, 179,000 liposuction procedures were performed on women.

Why plastic surgery?

One's physical attractiveness affects the way a person is perceived and treated, by others. restore the appearance of youth Competing with younger women for the attentions of their current or potential romantic partners. Western media images (and more generally the capitalist patriarchal

in our society people who are good-looking are assumed and expected to be better than the rest of the population. research indicates that an individuals physical attractiveness is an important social cue

One study found that teenaged girls who watched TV commercials depicting underweight models lost selfconfidence and became more dissatisfied with their own bodies. Girls who spent the most time and effort on their appearance suffered the greatest loss in

One study found that only 30 minutes of TV programming and advertising can change the way a young woman perceives the shape of her body, indicating that body image can be influenced by observing ideal body shapes.

Sexualization of women the sole focus on ones physical and sexual attractiveness and increasingly of young girls and teens, occurs in virtually every form of American media.

Women are much more likely than men to be shown with unrealistic standards of physical beauty, and the consequences are great, including negative

Mary Wollstonecraft was one of the earliest feminists to articulate the imprisonment of women in their own bodies: Taught from their infancy that beauty is a womans scepter, the mind shapes itself to the body, and, roaming round in its gilt cage, only seeks to adorn its prison. If women do not resign

Some feminist support: The idea that beauty is unimportant or a cultural construct is the real beauty myth. We have to understand beauty, or we will always be enslaved by it.

Fight oppressive beauty standarts

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