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Feedback and counselling

Feedback is a routine and regular activity Feedback informative and suggestive Feedback can be formal and informal Most cases it will be informal and oral Effectiveness in counselling - it is an essential part of teamwork

Contexts of feedback

After a selection process

Selection and appointment Violation of conduct rules/code

How to fit into a job and an organisation. Mending behaviour, changing values and attitudes Psychological counselling for positive thinking , interest in training and spirit of performance Career counselling

Standard of conduct is not being met-late coming, gossiping during office hours, sleeping during working hours etc Performance appraisal

Poor performance

Staff training and development

Weakness and opportunities

Job exists

Relieving or a new offer

Benefits of staying long, future growth opportunities, etc

Effective feedback characteristics

1. Two way process: Feedback is a sort of communication. It is complete - receiver gives his response in the form of acceptance, clarification, rejection It helps to further communication between the persons involved 2. Cooperative: More effective the receiver arrive at a mutual understanding 3. Timely : Information delays are undesirable, result in loss of opportunities E.g.: recognition of good performance/serious problem

Effective feedback characteristics

4. Regular: Continuous flow of information on events Result - alerts individuals to take corrective steps 5. Factual and specific: More effective specfic situations or persons Based on focused information - tangible and factual Casual feedback with generalizations -ignored

Effective feedback characteristics

6. Balanced and constructive: Based on balanced judgment Touch upon positives and negatives Importance based on context only Result-receiver take action on improvement or correction Solutions are for discussion and adoption 7. Positive: Negative messages are conveyed (like warning, suspension and poor grading) in a positive way 8. Follow up: Follow up supervision Feedback for improving communication Follow a transformation approach

Five Ws for effective counselling

1. What is counselling? the service of helping people to adjust to or deal with personal problems by enabling them to discover for themselves the solution to the problems while receiving attention from counsellor-------- Champers Dictionary Process of empowering a person Help them to think clearly Organizational context: Formal process initiated by managers Discussion to bring about a change

Steps in the Counselling Process

Issue notice to inform the employee Arrange the meeting in private - presence of a support person and observer Discuss in chosen style of counselling Keep a brief record of the meeting in diary Review at regular intervals

Five Ws for effective counselling

2. Why counselling? Friends and relatives not the right choice Reasons : They may not have the ability to resolve problem They may be part of problem Solution may not be refused out of respect Act as judges inappropriate judgment of behaviour Relationship strains discussions deviates, emotional exchanges Some problems are difficult to manage: eg: job loss ,sickness, accident , etc

Range of counselling problems:

Individual Family Organisation Society

Anxiety /depression Eating disorders Alcohol or smoking addiction Adapting to life transition

Family and relationship issues Sexual abuse and domestic violence Loss and grief

Career change and progress Career stagnation Job stress, anxiety and burnout Conflicts with peers or superiors indiscipline

Difficulties related to disability/illness Status problems

Issues that merit counselling

Issue Constant anger Thoughts Others dont care for my words Behaviour Does not listen to others Problem How to make relationships pleasant? How to relax and reduce tension?

Stress and burnout Feeling blamed

Others are hopeless Keeps worrying about something Others blame me for their mistakes They dont know how tired I am

Shouting ,slamming How to gain doors positive evaluation of others? Stays in solitary places How do I rejuvenate my mind and body?

Constant tiredness

Five Ws for effective counselling

3. When to counsel? Intervention at an early stage is better When behaviour negatively affects othersimmediate counselling 4. Who should give counselling? Trained counsellor Manager should provide counselling under direct supervision 5. Where to counsel? Office, neutral place far from office

Counselling process : Counselling stages

Our model Beginning Developing Terminating Girad Egan Attending to the counselee and building a rapport Lawrence Brammer Clarifying problems and goals for counselling

Responding and explore his Building deeper feelings relationship Stimulating action that Deciding some plans of subsequently evaluated by action, trying and the counsellor and evaluating counselee together Terminating the relationship

Follow up

1. Preparation
Identifying the need Choose a suitable place Schedule the time of meeting Notify the subordinate well in advance Organise information Evolve a counselling strategy

2. Beginning
Establish a rapport or working relationship Clarify and define the problem Gain an understanding of the terms of the contract

Greeting Acknowledging previous contact Acknowledge phone call Acknowledge a referral

By expression (assertive, interrogative , directive, summary, paraphrase By content (on thoughts, on expectations, on help , on the problem)

Unconditional positive regard Empathy Congruence

2.c.Relationship building

Valuing others- humanity Counsellors unconditional positive regard and respect


2.f. Define the problem

Discuss the past Develop a plan for performance standards

2.g.Establish a pattern
(style of interaction)

2.h. Counselling contract

Willingness of both the parties Tentative agreement on issues to be explored Number of sessions Frequency of sessions Timings, length of sessions , payment

3. Developing the Counselling Process

A. Assessment and diagnosis Information collected from: Clients point of view Others point of view Counsellors point of view B. Organising the information: Framework(SWOT, TA) C. Exploration: Realising what they are Recalling response to problem. Re-experiencing

3. Developing the Counselling Process

What else to observe? Behaviour of client Outcome of interactions D. Re-assessment: Deeper exploration Challenge strategies E. Goal setting: F. Agreement on action plan Problem Goal Objective Intervention

4. Terminating
When? Plan to end (long before actual closing date) Role of counsellor- reviewing progress Take care of emotional feelings Documentation

5. Follow up
Review progress Review the learning

Barriers to counselling: 1. Psychological Barriers

Come from client side Client perception about counsellor Attitude towards the counsellor and counselling A. Client-related barriers
Lack of trust Dislike Lack of commitment

Barriers to counselling: Psychological Barriers

B. Counsellor-related barriers
Lack of willingness to counsel-superiors attitude Lack of commitment Lack of patience

Barriers to Counselling: 2. Behavioural Barriers

A. Counsellor-related barriers
Poor skills-lack of training Wrong style-mature and non mature clients Improper strategy-right information in designing the action plan

B. Client related barriers

Dependence on counsellor-a magic wand, client remains passive Inability to articulate-not having good communication skills to express their feelings Poor decision making skills

Barriers to Counselling: 3. Language Barriers

Do not have a common language to interact Limited vocabulary, interpretation of words

Making counselling effective

1. Principle of positive regard: Counsellors style of dealing - interest, liking and respect Belief- people have an inherent capacity to solve problems Assistance in bringing out capability Solutions consistent with values and beliefs Self realisation comes from introspection + self knowledge of feelings and aspirations Concern and profound respect for the feelings and issues

Making counselling effective

2. Principle of active learning: Inspire person to speak without inhibitions Give and take relationship Care for type of response 3. Principle of rational inquiry: Learning- observation and questioning
Can you tell me more about it? Does that worry you?

Exploratory questions : How do you think that would affect others?

Making counselling effective

4. Principle of emotional intelligence: Anger, hatred, stress , anxiety, fear, depression and other feelings of client should be managed 5. Principle of application techniques: SWOT, JOHARI window 6. Pinciple of balance: Never play role of a judge 7. Principle of communication: Two way process 8. Principle of change orientation: 9. Principle of support:

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