Edureview: Early Primary Enhancement Programme

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Early Primary Enhancement Programme

A Road To Equitable Human Capital Development

Current Status
Transition into School Based Assessment No leeway for alternative answers Rote memorisation Spoon-feeding

Problem Statement
Exams are the end, when they should be the means Fresh graduates lack critical thinking and communication skills The need for equitable development of human capital

Target group : Early Primary School Students (Std 1 3)

Policy Statement
Exposure to critical thinking for early primary students (Primary 1-3) by adding a weekly session for critical thinking and training competent teachers to be able to facilitate the sessions, such that basic critical and analytical thinking skills are cultivated from an early age.

Critical Thinking
To have a questioning mind: - Observe - Reasoning - Making connections

Culture of inquiry and curiosity

Accelerate the learning process

Individual expression Confidence

By regional batches
Duration : 12 months, 30mins p/week No. of schools : 300


Train teachers

Install modules

Pilot Pilot Syllabus Project


By regional batches, Training to last a week

Stage 1 Collaborating with Stakeholders

Parents and Children
Teachers School Administrators

Stage 2 - Teacher Training

Regional Non-intrusive Active learning in a simulated environment Theory

Vision of Class Content

US Mathematical reasoning modules, critical literacy UK Latin programme, Early Years Foundation System Creative development as an area of learning in Duffy, B. (2006) its own right.

Supporting Creativity and Imagination in the Early Years. Open University Press

Relatable to experience

Concepts within grasp

Value teachers as stakeholders

Some Empirical Evidence

The moon maybe cannot shineso that its either the stars help to light so people can see. Maybe theres special lamps to brighten up the space.

Joanna Tay Lim Kim Hoon, from the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

The Effect of Richard Pauls Universal Elements and Standards of Reasoning on Twelfth Grade Composition

Before Training

After Training

Success will be divided into i) Short Run : Marked improvement in academic performance

ii) Long Run :

Develop soft skills Bridge the academic gap Employability of graduates.

Budget (Pilot Year*)

0.03 0.02



Training Materials Formulation

Contingency 0.3

*Targeting 300 schools for pilot RM 9 mil for initial allocation; with reference to 2011 Budget allocation for three year 3R target (230 mil)

Human Factors :
Students response Reception by teachers and parents
Training teachers to adopt the change

Way Forward
Deconstruct rigidity in the system

Generational shift Level and raise the playing field

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