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Unit 8 War and Terror


Definitions of war and terror Causes Impact Methods of Terror Countering Terror

War Definitions

Conflict A serious disagreement or argument. E.g. Politicians War A conflict carried on by force or arms between nations or parties within a nation

How many conflicts and wars can you name?

High/Low Intensity

There are different levels of conflict which is based on a sliding spectrum . A high intensity war would comprise of military action from multiple nations or superpowers. They generally have a short life span 6-10 years. Can you name a few?

Low Intensity

Low intensity conflict can last many decades often caused by religion or cultural issues. Can you name any low intensity conflicts?

Quick Fire Presentations

In groups you are going to give a quick fire, 5 minute presentation giving the groups as much information as possible about conflicts in Northern Island , Kashmir, Iraq, Falklands or Vietnam. Include involvement, causes, effects, time scales and any other info you deem necessary. You can produce handouts!

Causes of War

Why would 2 nations go to war???

2 minutes thinking

Causes of War

Politics (international/internal) Ethnic Conflict Ideology Nationalism Land + Resources Historical Rivalry Religion


What political issues could lead to war??? Border Disputes (India + Pakistan over Kashmir) Internal Politics (Libya over throwing governments)


What is Nationalism? A political ideology that involves a strong identification with a nation This can lead to the persecution of tribes/societies or countries who do not follow the same ideologies. E.g. Jews during WW1

Religion and Ideology

Differing religions can cause war E.g. Northern Island

An ideology is a set of ideas about how things should be organised. E.g. The Cold War USA/USSR Democracy vs. Communism

Land and Resources

Oil, gas, water or precious materials have always lead to war. These materials are immobile so cannot be moved. Countries who rely on natural resources are generally found in the Middle East and Africa. E.g. Iraq invades Kuwait over oil pipelines

History and Ethnicity

Historical Rivalry A historical rivalry that never quite gets resolved and is always ready to flare up again Ethnic Differences One ethnic group being denied access to resources such as education, food, shelter, hospitals etc South African Apartheid (non whites) Genocide is then a step on an incorporates ethnic cleansing Nazi Germany, Rwanda, Yugoslavia

Short Task

For each cause of war, can you research at least 2 wars and elaborate on the cause as much as possible

Main Task 1

In pairs you must present a power point presentation on the causes of war including examples It must not exceed 10 minutes

What would a distinction presentation include

Video Pictures Not too much information Accurate Subject Knowledge Voice Projection Confidence Not Reading

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