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Models OF Organizational Behavior

Rohit Deb Goswami Adithya Sridhar Amitjeet Lahkar Kaushik Upamannya Kumar Prithviraj Choudhury Hafizul Ali Ajziz Ali Rezaul

Hema Gogoi Department of Management NEF LAW COLLEGE Guwahati, Assam


Models of Organizational Behavior

Autocratic Model Custodial Model Supportive Model Collegial Model

The autocratic model depends on power. In autocratic model, the managerial orientation is dictatorship. The mangers exercise their commands over employees. Those who are in command must have the power to demand you do this-or else, meaning that an employee who does not follow orders will be penalized. In an autocratic environment the managerial orientation is formal, official authority. This authority is delegated by right of command over the people to it applies. Under autocratic environment the employee is obedience to a boss, not respect for a manager. The psychological result for employees is dependence on their boss, whose power to hire, fire, and perspire them is almost absolute. The combination of emerging knowledge about the needs of the employees and ever changing societal values and norms suggested managers to adapt alternative and better ways to manage people at works.

The supportive model is founded on leadership, not on money or authority. In fact it is the managerial leadership style that provides an atmosphere to help employees grow and accomplish their task successfully. The managers recognized that the workers are not by nature, passive and disinterested to organizational needs, but they are mode so by an inappropriate chances, the workers became ready to share responsibility, develop a drive to contribute mite and improve themselves. Thus under supportive approach, the management's orientation is to support the employees job performance for meeting both organizational and individual goals. Since management supports employees in their work, the psychological result is a feeling of parti cipation and task involvement in the organization. Employees are more strongly motivated than by earlier models because of their status and recognition needs are better met. Thus they have awakened drives for work.

A useful extension of the supportive Model is the Collegial Model. The term Collegial relates to a body of people working together cooperatively. The Collegial Model depends on managements building a feeling of partnership with employees. The result is that employees feel needed and useful. They feel that managers are contributing also, so it is easy to accept and respect their roles in their organization. Managers are seen as joint contributors rather than bosses. The managerial orientation is towards teamwork. Management is the coach that builds a better team. The employees response to this situation is responsibility. For eg. Employees produce quality work not because management tells them to do so or because the inspector will catch them if they do not, but because they feel inside themselves an obligation to provide others with high quality. They also feel an obligation to uphold quality standards that will bring credit to their jobs and company.

The basis of this model is economic resources with a managerial orientation of money. A successful custodial approach dep ends on economic resources to pay wages and benefits. Since employees physical needs are already reasonably met, the employer looks to security needs as a motivating force. If an organization does not have the wealth to provide pensions and pay other benefits, it cannot follow a custodial approach.



It is a significant advantage of a solid business is that it can give you a

competitive edge over other companies in years industry.


for growth

A company can survive simply by breaking even each month, but it must then rely on debt financing for expansion. A solid business model that consistently brings profit into the organization can help to build investment in new real property, equipment or research and development efforts.


The largest advantage of a robust and power business model is the Contribution it makes to organizational sustainability and ability to whether economics storms. A staggering numbers of business close to their doors each years shay due to poor financial management. A business model forces on entrepreneur to keep abreast of exactly made each other.

Disadvantages of models of Organizational Behavior

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