Batad Rice Terraces

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Total Economic Value

Use Value Non-use Value

Option Value Existence Value

Direct Value

Indirect Value

Direct Value
Agricultural products >organic products >vegetables >rice >betel nuts
Arts and crafts >woodcarvings warrior in a barrel

Batad Cuisine >rice wine >rice cakes >batad pizza >edible shells

Tourism >accommodations >tour guide fees (900) >transportation to Batad Saddle (2500)

Others >Carabaos (traditionally used for plowing but can be sold)

Indirect Value
Upland Rainforests >provides natural irrigation for the terraces Stone-walled terraces >provides stunning view for tourists >protects the rice fields from erosion
Batad Village >residential places in the terraces who provides accommodations and other services to tourists

Traditional Farming >produces organic products >gives its products the recognition as GMO free
Tappiyah Waterfalls >spectacular waterfall
drops to a natural swimming pool

Batad tribespeople >their festivities and rituals also attract tourists >preserves the cultural heritage

Option Value
Architectural landscape >some are willing to pay for the maintenance of the stone-walled terraces Rainforests >they ought to forego the possible produce of the forests in order to maintain the irrigation of the terraces Culture >some natives chose to stay in Batad to preserve their heritage as well as the rice fields Traditional Farming >they ought to forego the benefits of modern farming methods to maintain the organic products Batad Environmental Tour Guides Association >protects and maintains the quality of service given to the tourists

Existence Value
Greenpeace >organize antiGMO events to keep Batads products as GMO free Toshiba adopts part of Ifugao rice terraces

UNESCO Worlds Heritage Site >this title was given to Batad to maintain its cultural heritage

Non use of rainforests to maintain the natural irrigation it provides

Existence Value
Greenpeace organize anti-GMO events in Batad in

order to keep its products GMO free and maintain the production of organic products in Batad. There is an existence value attached to this act of Greenpeace since they are willing to organize events in order to ensure that the organic products of Batad will continue to exist regardless if they will consume these products or not.

Existence Value
UNESCO Worlds Heritage Site
This title was given to Batad since 1995 to

maintain its cultural heritage. This is considered to be an existence value since UNESCO is willing to give this title to Batad Terraces in order to preserve its cultural heritage and ensure that it will exist with or without intentions of using it.

Existence Value
Corporate Entities and Non-government Organizatios

help rebuild the stone-walled terraces in order to maintain the Batad Rice Terraces.
This is existence value since they are willing to volunteer

and render their service without expecting anything in return just to keep the original structure of the terraces.


Existence Value
Toshiba adopts part of Ifugao rice terraces for its

maintenance, protection and preservation. Toshiba is willing to pay to ensure the existence of the Batad Rice Terraces because of its cultural heritage and the beautiful scenery provided by it. They are willing to do this since they saw the need to address the problem of poor and inadequate livelihood oppurtunities amongst Batad residents that can cause them migrate and can result to the abandonment of the Terraces.

Bequest Value
Voluntourism >Photography With a Difference campaigning to preserve the national cultural treasure

This advocacy is deemed

a bequest value since the group itself involves preserving the site primarily for the future photographers to still see what the photographers of today see and, secondly, to raise awareness of the cultural richness of the site.

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