Ginger Presentation

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GINGER (Zingiber officinale Rosc.

Dea Anita Ariani K. Wahyu Purwita Sari Mirhansyah Ardana 260112070200 260112070202 260112070206



This plant is indigenous to Southern China, and is cultivated in India, China, and tropical regions. Its rhizome has been used as a medicine in Asian, Indian, and Arabic since ancient times.


Fresh ginger is used as spices and beverage A number of traditional drink from Java use ginger as the main constituent Ginger is also made for candy Dried rhizome is used for Indonesian traditional medicine

Plant Description

Ginger is a creeping perennial on a thick tuberous rhizome, which spreads underground. The stem extends roughly 12 inches above ground with long, narrow, ribbed, green leaves, and white or yellowish-green flowers.

Other names of ginger

Arabic India Canada Tamil Indonesia Hindi/Urdu English French German

: : : : : : : : :

Zanjabil Aadu Shoonti Inji Jah Adrak Ginger Gingembre Ingwer

Available Forms

Powder Extracts Tinctures Capsules Essential oils Food & drinks

Gingers Chemical Components



Pharmacological Actions
Immuno-modulatory Anti-thrombotic Anti-inflammatory Antiseptic

Anti-emetic Has

anti-oxidant substance Control nausea and vomiting No record on toxicity of ginger

Using ethanol 98% Ginger rhizome:ethanol = 1:4 The extraction time is carred out for 6 hour at 650C and 1 atm in extractor 98% solvent is remove under vacuum at 175 mBar in the Buchi R205 rotary evaporator.

Using gravity column chromatography over 10 g silica gel with 70-230 mesh Petroleum ether to a mixture of petroleum ether and diethyl ether, followed by 100 % of diethyl ether until PE:Et2O (4:6 v/v) The slurry mixture was poured into the vertically oriented glass column (30 cm x 1.5 cm i.d.) to yield 41 fractions Each fraction was analysed by TLC and was performed using TLC aluminium plate, gel silica Merck 60 F254 with 0.20 mm thickness The spots of the isolated compounds on TLC plate were examined under a UV lamp (254) nm and were clearly visualised by iodine vapour that form a brown spots

Isolation and Purification

Vacuum Liquid Chromatography (VLC) Gravity Liquid Chromatography (GLC) Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)

Structure Elucidation
Infrared Spectroscopy GC-MS 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR spectra were recorded using spectrometer NMR Varian Unity INOVA 400, which operated at 400 MHz and 100 MHz, respectively. CDCl3 was used as a solvent and TMS as an internal standard.

Infrared Spectroscopy

Infrared spectra of the pure components were recorded in the region of 4000-400 cm-1 using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Perkin Elmer Spectrometer. About 1 mg of solid sample was finely ground with about 100 mg of dry KBr. The mixture was placed in a steel die and subjected to a pressure of approximately 15,000 psi.

The samples were injected in the split mode, using pressure controlled by helium as a carrier gas at 50 cm3/min. The injector and detector temperatures were maintained at 250C. The oven temperature program from 60C (10 min) to 250 C at 3C/min and the final time was 1 min.

Vacuum Liquid Chromatography (VLC)

250 g SiO2 (230-400 Mesh, Silica Merck 9385) were packed inside vacuum column (diameter, 6 cm) acted as stationary phase.

15 g crude extract were dropped to the column wall to make homogenous.

Round filter paper was placed in the column, served to give flat base to the column of adsorbent and the sample while solvent was poured and suck dry. Series of solvent mixtures, starting with non-polar (PE to a mixture of PE:Et2O with increasing polarity then Et2O 100%, Et2O:EtOAC, 50:50 and finally EtOAC 100%) All the fractions are collected and analyzed by TLC.

All the fractions are collected and analyzed by TLC. The same Rf value are combined to get the main fraction.

Gravity Liquid Chromatography (GLC)

100 g SiO2 (100-140 Mesh, Silica Merck 7734) were packed inside gravity column (diameter, 4 cm) acted as stationary phase 2.43 g fraction from VLC was dropped to the column wall to make homogenous 9:1 (PE:Et2O) and 8.5:1.5 (PE:Et2O) will be the solvent system used as a mobile phase to isolate the major compound

All the fractions are collected and analyzed by TLC. The same Rf value was combined to get the main fraction.

Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)

Standard and sample were spotted on the baseline (0.5 cm) drawn on the TLC After the sample solvent has evaporated, the plate is placed in a close container that is saturated with vapours of the developing solvents.

After development 4 cm from the origin, the plate is removed and examined under a UV lamp (254 nm)

The spot were clearly visualized by iodine vapour that forms a brown spot

Production of ginger oil

Fresh ginger Crushed and dispersed in water, filtered Steam distillation

Water with pungent taste Starch and water Sedimentation and decantation Marc

Ginger oil


Extract for herbal medicine

Ginger starch


Composition of ginger oil

Bisabolene Cineol Phellandrene Citral Borneol Citronellol

Geranial Linalool Limonene Zingiberol Zingiberene Camphene

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