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Appears in middle of 3rd week. Cardiac progenitor cells lie in epiblast, and migrate through streak in sequential order. The cells proceed toward cranium & position themselves rostral to oropharyngeal membrane & neural fold. Here they reside in splanchnic layer of lateral plate mesoderm. Blood islet also appear in this mesoderm. With time, the islet unite and form horseshoe-shaped area. This area is called cardiogenic field. Cavity around it form pericardial cavity. In addition other blood island appear bilaterally, parallel and close to midline of embryonic shield form dorsal aortae.

Blood cells

Cardiogenic area &blood islet


Initially, cardiogenic area is anterior to oropharyngeal membrane & neural plate. As a result of growth of brain & cephalic folding of the embryo, oropharyngeal membrane pull forward. heart and pericardial cavity move first to cervical region and then to thorax. Due to this heart become a continuous expended tube. Receives venous blood at its caudal portion and pump it through cranial pole. cardiac tube invaginate into pericardiac cavity and connect to it by dorsal mesocardium.

Dorsal mesocardium

form internal endothelial lining of

form muscular walls.

form outside covering of heart. It is formed from proepicardium which is derived from mesothelium cells of septum transversum.

Formation of cardiac loop

Starts at 23rd day and complete at 28th day.

Cephalic portion:
bends ventrally, caudally and to right.

Caudal portion:
shifts to dorsocranially and to left.

Structure form after looping

Atrioventricular junction:
form AV canal.

Bulbus cordis:
form trabeculated part of right ventricle.

Conus cordus:
form out flow tract of both ventricles.

Truncus arteriosis:
form root of aorta & pulmonary artery.

Formation of cardiac septa

Form between 27th to 37th day. Actively growing mass approach to each other and fuse, dividing the lumen into two separate canals. It can also be formed by a single tissue mass that grow towards opposite side lumen. Atrial & ventricular septum, atrioventricular canals and valves develop by this method.

Septum formation in common atrium

At the end of 4th week a sickle shaped crest grow from roof of common atrium towards endocardial cushions (septum primum)

This septum primum does not cover the whole wall and a small portion remains patent forming ostium primum. During further development of septum primum, the ostium primum is closed. Before the closure of ostium primum cell death starts in small area of septum primum which form ostium secundum. when the lumen of right atrium expands a new crescent-shaped fold appear on the right side of septum primum called septum secundum. Oval opening in the septum primum and not covered by septum secundum is called foramen ovale. After birth this foramen is pressed by septum secundum due increased pressure in left atrium.

Septum formation in atrioventricular canal

At the end of 4th week two endocardial cushions appear in anterior & posterior border of atrioventicular canal. In addation to that two lateral cushion also appear in the right and left wall of AV canal. Those superior & inferior cushions fuse and separates the AV canal into right & left portion. Muscular portion of lateral cushion tissue disappear and become fibrous forming mitral valve( bicuspid) on left side and tricuspid valve on the right side.

Septum formation in ventricles

Starts at end of 4th week. Formed by two parts thick muscular part and thin membranous part. Membranous part is formed from 1. right bulbar ridge. 2. left bulbar ridge. 3.endocardial cushion. If membranous part fail to fuse then interventricular foramen is formed.

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