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Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and Leave a trail.

It means thinking completely unconventional, unique yet very effective and innovative
Such a thinking helps to unleash a path never discovered In corporate world and also in business out of box thinking is encouraged and has its importance Therefore we would like to highlight business ventures and marketing gimmicks which were a result of out of the box thinking and became the pioneer of the industry

Wine storage Business Rural Bpo Bio fuel Generation from Algae Green gym Sulabh shauchalya

This was started by John Mathews in Britain. The basic idea of this venture was that it would store bottles of wines of customers for a long span say 10 to 40 years Customers would pay a nominal rent on this storage facility

With receipt of a bottle to firm, customer gets a legal paper stating that firm is legally bound to return the bottle after the term ends
Therefore this venture became a big hit in the country gathering a revenue of more than a million only because of its out of the box idea

Started in year 1973 by Bindeshwar pathak

It was regarded as a waste of time and even commercially unsuccessful However it eliminated problems of rampant diseases and lack of toilets Today sulabhs concept is accepted all around the globe, it earns a profit of 100 crores with 7500 toilets all over the nation


are various sources of electricity However who thought of creating electricity through a gym This is done by connecting generator to a treadmill and other equipments This novel idea has been implemented in Oregon gym in Portland It generates a decent amount of electricity which can be used for operating other devices and at the same time provides best fitness level

To setup a business in a rural area is very difficult because of various imminent problems
However a firm named Desi Crew came up with this idea to start it in year 2003 Inspite of many setbacks it managed to sustain and its uniqueness became its USP

Its small and unique idea made it different and successful

Today it has more than 200 employees and operates in many rural parts of India

With depleting conventional energy resources, there is a need to switch to other sources for fuel generation. Who thought Algae can be used to produce biofuel ? Algae grows in waste water and utilizes carbondioxide to produce lipids, similar to vegetable oil It has minimal requirements, fast growth rate and high lipid content The per unit area yield of oil from algae is estimated to be from between 1,000 to 6,500 US gallons per acre per year. Solazyme (South San Francisco, California) produces a fuel suitable for powering jet aircraft from algae

KQV Dental insurance

Super glue


National geographic channel

KQV Dental implant insurance company in the US used Bowling ally in an unconventional way for advertising.

Super glue in US adopted an out of the box way to promote its brand by keeping a huge dummy of it. It helps them to grab attention of all people who pass through the bridge.


geographic channel designed this bus which was similar to a SHARK

Its motive was to make it eye catchy and grab attention to market their channel

National geographic Channel- shark bus


a coffee brand in US, used an out-of-the-box way to promote its brand. painted the outlet of the drainage, such that it looks like a coffee cup. used the tagline: Hey, City that never sleeps. Wake up. caught the attention of the passerby's.




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