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Presented By: RICHA RASHMI -342 PRAVEEN PANDEY - 226

Open Source technology can be defined as Computer Software for which the human-

readable source code is made available under a copyright License (or arrangement such as
the Public Domain) . Open Source is a development methodology which offers practical accessibility to a product's source (goods and knowledge). This permits users to use, change, and improve the software, and to redistribute it in

modified or unmodified form.

Open Source Software , IT , Delta

The distribution terms of open-source software must comply with the following criteria:
Free Distribution

Source Code
Derived Works

No Discrimination Against Persons or

3 Open Source Software , IT , Delta

Non-proprietary software which may or may be used commercially. Source code is generally made available. License terms differ from proprietary software license terms For open-source software development many online forums & blogs are available so that many developers can come together and can produce a new one or can help each others.

Open Source Software , IT , Delta

Open-source software is based on the idea that the user cannot only view but also can change the source code of the existing application. Closed-source software is hidden to prevent the user either viewing or changing the code.

Open Source Software , IT , Delta

After initial production, open source software is released to the development community and undergoes a secondary phase of evolution. It is scrutinized by thousands of professional developers across the globe who highlight bugs and security glitches in the software. Closed source software is developed in isolation with a small team of developers. It isn't possible to build a team of hundreds to check the code because the code is deemed proprietary and secret.
6 Open Source Software , IT , Delta

1. Lower total cost of ownership. 2. Reduced dependence on software vendors. 3. Open source software gives you the power to control your software's code. You have the right to modify the code to suit your requirements. 4. Anyone can easily modify the code of software to produce a new featured software from existing one or to reduce the functionalities of existing one.
7 Open Source Software , IT , Delta

1. Most open source software applications are not reliable. 2. No guarantee of updates since you are not paying for the open source software nobody is bound to give you regular updates. You can get stuck with the same old version for years without ever getting an update.

Open Source Software , IT , Delta

3. No one is bound with you for maintenance and support like as legal software vendors, if any error in working of software occurs.

4. No warranties regarding to viruses and performance.

Open Source Software , IT , Delta

1. It's all about Linux versus Windows, with Red Hat as yet another challenger to Microsoft. 2. Open-source Software Isn't Reliable or Supported. 3. Big companies don't use open source software. 4. There's no money to be made on free software. 5. Open Source is playing catch up to Microsoft and the commercial world.
10 Open Source Software , IT , Delta

1. Mozilla Firefox

2. Open Office


Open Source Software , IT , Delta

3. 7-ZIP

4. VLC Media Player


Open Source Software , IT , Delta

5. Joomla

6. WAMP Server


Open Source Software , IT , Delta

7. Blender

8. MySQL


Open Source Software , IT , Delta

1. Linux

2. Android


Open Source Software , IT , Delta


Open Source Software , IT , Delta

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