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Contents Introduction Marketing research & classification

of Olpers SWOT Analysis 4Ps in Marketing Segmenting & target market Recommendations


Engro Foods History

Engro Foods (Pvt.) Limited (EFL) has

been established in 2005

The plant located at Sukkur on 23 acre

land, has the raw milk reception capability of 300,000 liters per day and UHT milk capacity of 200,000 liters per day
The plant has been established at a cost

of Rs. 1 billion which provides direct employment to 750 people

"Our vision is to become a fast expanding mega foods company.

Core Values
1. Leadership 2. Innovation 3. Diversity and International focus 4. Quality and continuous Improvement 5. Candid and open communications 6. Individual growth and development 7. Enthusiastic pursuit of profit 8. Ethics and integrity 9. Safety, Health and Environment

Marketing research & classification of Olpers

Marketing research
1200 names were reviewed and analyzed before Olper was decided. Once the brand was introduced the organization wanted to add more product lines to it. There fore they conducted another marketing research to find out the success of Olper. secondary data questionnaires

Positioning the brand

Processed milk is seen as less lacking all the nutritions, But Olpers positions itself as milk that has not lost its nutrients. The brand has been positioned as an all purpose milk that is meant for everyone, especially for those who live life to the fullest, hence its tag line,jo dil khol kay jeetay hain unheen kay liyay hai Olpers

Olpers milk and Olpers cream packed in purple color are quite different and distinctive from the typical green and blue packing used by other competitors.

Malik Asad SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses Threats Opportunities

1. Engros Back
Olpers is a brand of ENGRO foods. ENGRO foods can easily afford research and development. ENGRO can distribute the brand through better channel

2. PR with farmers

ENGRO has a strong bond and long term relationship with the farmers who are willing to supply milk to the company.

3. Positive response from customers

In first year, EFL crossed 1.4 billion sales figure which shows customers satisfaction upon EFLs products. 4. Its taste, quality proposition and world-class quality proposition system.

4. Strong consumer & product research

AC Nielsen, Mindshare, JWT Asiatic and MARS marketing and advertising agencies.

1. Olwell TVC
Olwell ad which is based on Western life style. Failed to analyze in Pakistan, where practicing Muslims reside, Ignoring the ethics, religious beliefs and cultural values.

2. Owning Red Color .

There is no color association attached to Olpers.

3. Milk collection & distribution costs

EFLs 34 out of 40 milk-collection

centers are located in Punjab, 1Sukkhur (Sindh). It increases in collection & distribution costs. increases the chances of milk getting spoiled because of increased travelling time.

4. Narrow brand portfolio

EFLs brand portfolio still consists of just 3 products i.e. Olpers Milk, Olwell Milk and Olpers Cream.

1. Increased funding by
Government has decided to increase farmers funding.


2. Increased consumption of
Each competitor in the milk industry wants to increase penetration of processed liquid milk.


3. Awareness

Growing dissatisfaction with loose milk and increasing awareness about health and hygiene issues have led to increased processed milk consumption.

4. Third largest producer of milk

Pakistan with 32 billion liter of milk a year, 3 billion litres in the next few years. This is quite an opportunity for ENGRO foods as there is lot of growth in this part of the Sector.

1 Perceptions and Price Differentials Consumers perceptions and price differentials can cause a threat for the company. It is important that Olpers comes up to the expectations of the customers For example, lose milk is still cheaper than packaged milk and that is also one factor that people still prefer to buy lose milk. 2 Competition For Olpers it might be difficult to penetrate in a market where the loyalties exist for such brands as Nestle and Haleeb.


Olpers Milk Launched on March 20,2006. Olpers milk is EFLs standardized

and homogenized pure UHT (Ultra heat treated) milk with 3.5 % fat and 8.9 % solid non-fats.

Placement & Distribution

According to Mr. Ali Akbar,

Director Marketing EFL, In order to succeed, you should ALWAYS capitalize on your STRENGHTS and NEVER on your COMPETITORS WEAKNESS! Engro Foods did exactly that.

They used their decades of PR with

farmers and used it to provide world-class supply-chain management for delivering the ultimate quality milk in Pakistan.

The launch has been ambitious and

currently Olpers is available in 80 cities across Pakistan.

It reflects the companys intention

to become a big player in the industry, both on a ational and international level. distribution network.

Engro FoodsLimited has its own EFL has divided Pakistan into five

regions for milk distribution namely: Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Peshawar and Multan.

Promotion & Advertising

Olpers launch was, perhaps one of

the most aggressive as far as processed liquid milk (PLM) is concerned, with TV Cs, print ads, radio commercials, billboards and activities including direct consumer and shop branding activities.

Olpers Milk

Media mix for Olpers milk includes

TV, print, outdoor, radio & BTL activities. Olpers

Due to an appealing color scheme,

which stands out in the clutter and thanks to the EFLs strong relationship building and special discounts to retail outlets, placement in the presence of competitors like Nestle and Haleeb .

Olpers has gained a proper shelf

EFL IS pursuing the competitive

pricing strategy for its products. of the product is determined considering the price of major competitors like Nestle, Haleeb etc.

In competitive pricing the price

PRICE (milk)
Size (ml) Olpers Nestle Milkpak Haleeb Haleeb Dairy Queen 85 54 18

1000 500 250

90 60 20

90 60 20

90 60 20

Segmenting and targeting the market for olpers

Segmenting and targeting the market for olpers

Olpers segments the market

keeping some basic things in mind like milk to be white, carefully processed,and good for health and bones.

Demographic segmentation
Olpers products are not bounded to any particular age, gender or lifecycle stage, the brand is meant for all the users in higher upper or middle class families.

Psychographic segmentation
On the basis of psychographics,

factors such as personality traits, lifecycles and values the marketers at olpers have segmented the market.

Behavioral segmentation
Products have been segmented on

the basis of benefits that consumers seek in the milk.


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