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Human Resource Management and Labour Laws

Introduction Nature, Objectives and Scope of Human Resource Management Evolution of Human Resource Management Human Resource Management Vs. Personnel Management Role of a Personnel Manager

The Human Power


UNIT I : Introduction to Human resource Management

People can move mountains! What are the unique qualities inherent in the human resource?


Various definitions of Human Resource Management given by:-

Prof Jucius Prof Thomas G Spates Edward Flippo Indian Institute of Personnel Management ( National Institute of Personnel Management)



Prof Jucius :
The Field of management which has to do with planning, organizing, directing and controlling various operative functions of procuring, developing, maintaining and utilizing labour force, such that:



a) objectives for which the company is established are attained economically and effectively b) objectives of all levels of personnel are served to the highest possible degree c) objectives of the community are duly considered and served

Edward Flippo :
Personnel Management is the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance and separation of human resources to the end that individual, organizational and social objectives are accomplished.



Indian Institute of Personnel Management ( National Institute of Personnel Management) Personnel management, Labour Management or Staff Management means the task of dealing with human relationships within an organization.


Nature of Human Resource Management

Pervasive force. Action Oriented Individually oriented. Development oriented. Integrating mechanism Inter-disciplinary function. Continuous function.

Personnel management is known by different names e.g.

Human Resource Management. Manpower Management. Labour Management. Industrial Relations.

Employee Relations Personnel Administration.

Staff Management etc.

Human Resource Management Vs Personnel Management



PM is traditional, routine, maintenanceoriented, administrative function PM is an independent function with independent subfunctions

whereas HRD is continuous, on-going development function aimed at improving human processes. It is not considered in isolation from the larger organization and must take into account the linkages and interfaces.



It is a staff function

It is a part and Parcel of every line function. HRD is proactive, anticipating, planning and advancing continuously. is a concern for all managers in the organization

PM is reactive, responding to demands as and when they arise. PM is the exclusive responsibility of the personnel department The scope of PM is relatively narrow with a focus on administering people



Traditionally , Personnel Managers have operated through Pressure tactics and Coercive measures.

HRM aims to achieve workers co-operation through team building, mutual understanding and motivation.

In PM improved satisfaction is considered to be the cause for improved performance

HRD it is the other way round (performance is the cause and satisfaction is the result).


Nature of Personnel Management

Manage people. Develop potentialities and capacities in employees. A continuous process to aid and direct individuals Co-operation/ Team work in employees Inherent in all organization.


Scope of Personnel Management

is very wide. All major activities in the working life of a worker from the time of his or her entry into an organization until he or she leaves come under the purview of personnel management. scope revolves around the three Rs recruitment, retainment retirement


Specifically, the activities included are

HR planning, Job analysis and design, Recruitment and selection, Orientation and placement, Training and development, Performance appraisal and job evaluation, Remuneration, motivation Communication, welfare, safety, health Industrial relations etc.

Objectives of Personnel Management

To achieve effective utilization of human resources To establish and maintain an adequate organizational structure To secure the integration of the individuals and groups To generate maximum individual/group development To recognize and satisfy individual needs and group goals To maintain a high morale and better human relations

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Role of Personnel Manager

Size, Nature Location of organization. Business or Industry Objectives (short term or long term) Nature of Industry & Product Market Conditions. Economic Cultural Political Environment The overall organizational philosophy of business. contd

Factors affecting the Role of Personnel manager:

Role of a Personnel Manager Personnel Role


Welfare role
1. 2.




Advising management Manpower planning Training and development Measurement and assessment of individuals and group behavior


Research role Managing services like canteen, transport etc Group dynamics like motivation leadership communication


Role of a Personnel Manager Administrative Role

1. 2. 3.

Fire-fighting legal Role


Time keeping Salary and wage administration Human engineering-man machine relationship


3. 4.

Settlement of disputes Handling disciplinary action Collective bargaining Joint consultation


Qualities of a Personnel Manager


Educational Qualification Personal Attributes



Professional Approach


Educational Qualifications
A personnel manager should possess the following qualifications:

Degree of a recognized university. Post graduate degree or diploma in sociology or social work or personnel management, industrial relations, labour welfare, labour law, or MBA with specialization in HRM. A degree in law is an additional/desirable qualification.

Personal Attributes
Ability to understand, depth of perception etc.
Command over language, ability to express correctly, listening skill, ability to explain and interpret policy Analytical ability, sound judgment, foresight etc. Fair in matters of promotions, demotions, transfers, layoffs. In dealing with difficult situations Sympathetic attitude towards employee demands, open mind, employees welfare.

Communication: Decisiveness: Fairness and firmness: Tact and resourcefulness: Sympathy and consideration: Leadership skills:

physical fitness, moral courage, ability to inspire confidence, to win cooperation, ability to createPARIMALA enthusiasm etc.

Professional Approach

Sound knowledge of the Constitution Governments policy towards labour. Training in Industrial Psychology. Labour legislation & labours relations.. Expertise in Personnel Administration. Knowledge of relevant laws, procedures, techniques. Knowledge of developments in theory and practice. An adequate knowledge of behavioral sciences. (which study the reactions of individuals to particular environment in an organization)


Role of Personnel Managers of


To constantly encounter change Open minded Receptive to new ideas New operational techniques and innovations. To acquire advanced knowledge. Ability to lead group efforts. Counsel individuals Good listener.

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