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Done By: Fereal Zireeni 11 IB

Why are cell phones important? The rate of using cell phones The damages a cell phone could cause How car accidents occur from usage of cell phones Cell phones and cancer How can cell phones cause a brain tumor The use of cell phones can cause ear infections

Cell phones can affect a mans sperm

Cell phones can lead to bullying Use of cell phones can harm your baby Cell phones are one of the reasons for the death of bees Cell phones increase memory loss Cell phones cause Parkinson's disease Alzheimers disease caused by cell phones Revision, advantages and disadvantages Conclusion es.aspx

Done by: Fereal Zireeni 11 IB Subject: IT/Computer

A young female teenager had an obsession with her iPhone, she would always be on it, whether shed be texting or calling, most of the time she would have been on the phone. She was always up to date with iPhones. On her seventeenth birthday, her parents had bought her the latest version of an iPhone, as excited as she was, she had called up all of her friends and had informed them of her new phone. The young teenagers parents realized that their daughter had been spending tremendous hours on the phone talking to her boyfriend, her parents ALSO started to notice the change in their daughters actions, she became more tired, her personality changed and the daughter had began to feel pain in the back of her head. Her parents became worried and they had taken her to the doctor. A few days later they had found out that she had a brain tumor and a few weeks later, she had died from it. The cause of the tumor was from the usage of cell phones.


- Pocket Size

Inform and be informed


- Keyboard
- Phone calls

Easier way
Cheap compared to laptops, iPads, etc.

- Consists of apps

Car accidents
Brain Tumor

- Cancer
- Ear infections


- Threats, bullying
- Death of bees

Increase memory loss

Parkinsons Disease

- Hearing loss
- Alzheimers Disease

Texting and driving is very common these days, especially with teenagers who are around the age 16-25 years old. Car accidents normally occur when the driver isnt paying attention to the road. Now, above the fact that most teens drive recklessly, most teens love to be up to date with phones so their new obsession would be texting and calling their friends. When a teenager or in fact anybody is texting, they would pay more attention to their phone than to the road, same thing with calling, the drivers mind would be in the conversation and not on the road and thats the MAIN reason why car accidents occur, due to the usage of cell phones.

-It is said to be that cell phones can cause cancer due to the radiations. - Cell phones are microwave transmitters. - Italian scientists demonstrated that cell radiation makes cancerous cells. Phone microwaves can cause: damage in the nerves scalp, blood cells to leak hemoglobin, memory loss, mental confusion, headaches, creates joint pain, burning sensation, reduces number of white blood cells, causes digestive problems, induces ringing in the ears, creates rashes on the skin, creates muscle spasms.

- Tumors are a type of cancer. Signs of knowing if you have a brain tumor; - Headaches, Seizures, Nausea and vomiting - Vision or hearing problems - Behavioral problems - Weakness in parts of the body - Children have larger risks at getting brain tumors than adults. - Cell phones include microwave radiation which is harmful to the human environment and the human health.

- Cell phones are radio transmitters - Holding the phone over your ear for several of hours can cause your ear to hurt, as well as your head to pound. - Dangerous for teenagers and toddlers. Symptoms of an ear infection for toddlers: -Difficulty sleeping - Loss of balance -Fever - Fluid draining from ear Symptoms of an ear infection for adults: -Fever - Earache - Hearing loss - Dizziness

-Keeping a cell phone in a mans pocket sends out radio frequency energy and reduces the amount of sperm inside the body. -A study in the United States came to a conclusion where men who used a mobile for more than four hours a day had a lower sperm count.

A fifteen year old high school student was getting bullied by a group of popular students. One day, these students decided to mess around with the girl and so they tricked her into going to a party where the guy she likes would be there, they got the boy to flirt around with the girl and to kiss her. In the end, these group of popular kids sent the teenager a message with a photo of the boy kissing another girl and in the message were foul words of where the kids were calling the young teen a weak link and saying things like we want you dead. The next day, the teens parents found their daughter dead in her bed, she had slit herself and bled to death, all because of a silly text message.

-Women are at a higher risk for giving birth to a baby who is either mentally unstable, has emotional problems, or behavioral problems when using the cell phone. - Cell phones shouldnt be placed on or near the abdomen.

Researchers made a study where they turned on the cell phones, the bees responded viciously to the mobile when it was in a call, the hive then began to make a noise which caused the bees to swarm, the bees were disorientated by the noise, which then caused the hive to fly away and which left the bees there to die.

- Cell phone radiation causes memory loss, where as it helps people to forget images faster than usual.
A study was made where they took 48 participants, exposed some to cell phone radiation and others not. They showed them an image and they asked them what they saw. Those who were exposed to cell phone radiation had forgotten but those who werent, didnt.

Definition: Parkinson's disease is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects movement. Symptoms of disease: - Hand tremor - Freezing in movement - Arms dont swing - Speech becomes soft with mumbling - Face expressions decrease - There is no cure for Parkinson's disease.

Definition: A progressive neurologic disease of the brain that leads to the irreversible loss of neurons and dementia. Symptoms of Alzheimers disease: - Memory loss that disrupts daily life - Challenges in planning or solving problems - Difficulty completing tasks and confusion with time or place - Trouble understanding visual images and relationships - New problems with words in speaking or writing - Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps - Decreased or poor judgment and withdrawal from social activities and changes in mood and personality

Pocket Sized Emergency Free Calls Can be used worldwide Cheap compared to laptops Consists of applications Faster way of communicating

Hard for old people to use
Addicting Harmful to your body Sends out cell phone radiation Can have poor reception Can cause deaths and problems May easily damage

Are cell phones good or bad? The debate still goes on, but its up to YOU to decide.

-Cell phones are dangerous to the human body. -Cell phones send out radiations which can cause a risk of severe damage. -The use of cell phones are more harmful to children. Did you know? A two minute cell phone call alters a childs brain for an hour. -Cell phones are not only harmful to humans but as well to animals. -Cell phone radiation is a serious dangerous cause.

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