Calorie Calculation

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The Use of Metabolic Equations in Exercise Prescription

Conversions and Calculations


To enable the participant to calculate oxygen uptake in METS and ml/kg/min and determine caloric expenditure for various activities

The Value of Metabolic Math

Follow progress over time Determine the maximal response to an exercise bout Prescribe appropriate exercise intensity on various modalities Determine workload at any point in an exercise session Determine energy expenditure

What is Metabolism?

The sum of all chemical processes that occur within the body to allow for normal function Metabolic Rate - the rate at which the body consumes oxygen and produces energy Rest = ~1MET = 3.5ml/kg/min

Metabolic Measurements

1. 2. 3. 4.

Oxygen Consumption Kcals Work Power

Oxygen Consumption

A measure of aerobic fitness A measure of volume of oxygen Measured through maximal tests or predicted by measuring physiological variables expressed in liters/min or ml/kg/min


A measure of energy transfer (kilocalorie) The amount of energy necessary to raise the temperature of 1kg of water 1C For every liter of O2 consumed ~5kcal are expended RER + 4 is more precise


A measure of the amount of force over a given distance Work = Force x Distance Expressed in kgm or Nm


WorkTime (Force x DistanceTime) Expressed in kgm/min (kpm/min) or Watts 1Watt=6.12 kgm/min


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Distances Speeds Weights Volumes Work Units Workload Units Nutritional Units


1mile=1.62km 1km=0.62mile 1mile=5280feet 1km=1000meters 1m=3.28ft 1m=100cm 1inch=2.54cm 1inch=0.0254m


1mph=26.8m/min 1mph=1.62km/hr 1km/hr=0.62mph


1kg=2.2046lbs 1kg=9.8N 1kg=1000g


1oz=29.57ml 1qt=1.11L 1L=1000ml

Work Units

1 MET=3.5ml/kg/min 5kcal per Liter of O2/min

Workload Units

1Watt=6.12 kgm/min 1kgm/min=.1635 Watts 1.8 ml O2/kg/min per 1m/min 1.8 ml O2 consumed per 1kgm (leg) 3ml O2 consumed per 1kgm (arm_ .2 ml O2 per 1step/min

Nutritional Units

4kcal per gram carbohydrates 4 kcal per gram protein 9 kcal per gram fat 4 kcal per gram alcohol


Metabolic Calculations

Three components of the Metabolic Equation

resting component horizontal component vertical component


Rest = 3.5 ml/kg/min Horizontal = m/min x 0.1 ml O2 per m/min

0.1 ml of O2 to transport each kg of body mass per meter of horizontal distance

Vertical = grade (fraction) x m/min x 1.8

1.8 ml of O2 per kg of body mass for each meter of vertical distance

Walking Equation
Equation: VO2(ml/kg/min) = 0.1 (speed) + 1.8 (speed) (grade) + 3.5 used for speeds of 50-100 m/min or 1.9-3.7 mph Units: (0.1ml/kg/meter)(meter/minute) + (1.8ml/kg/meter) (meter/min)(fractional grade) + 3.5 ml/kg/min


Resting = 3.5 ml/kg/min Horizontal = m/min x 0.2 O2 per m/min Vertical = grade (fraction) x m/min x 0.9 Equation:
VO2 (ml/kg/min) = 0.2 (speed) + 0.9 (speed) (grade) + 3.5 used for speeds >80 m/min if truly jogging

Leg Ergometry (Cycling)

Rest = 3.5 ml/kg/min Unloading component = 3.5ml/kg/min (still have resistance even though pedaling with no resistance - like moving your hand through air) Horizontal = none Vertical = kgm/min x 1.8
1.8 ml of O2 per kg of body mass for each meter of vertical distance

Leg Ergometry Equation

VO2 (ml/kg/min) = 1.8 (kgm/min)BW + 3.5 + 3.5 used for 300-1200 kgm/min Units: (1.8ml/kg/meter)(kgm/min)(kg) + 7 ml/kg/min

Arm Ergometry

Resting = 3.5 ml/kg/min No unloading component (negligible since arms have small mass) Horizontal = none Vertical = kgm/min x 3 Equation:
VO2 (ml/kg/min) = 3 (kgm/min) BW + 3.5 used for 150-750 kgm/min


Rest - 3.5 ml/kg/min Horizontal = .2 x steps/min Vertical = m/step x steps/min x 1.33 x 1.8 Equation:
VO2 (ml/kg/min) = 0.2 (steps/min) + (1.33 x 1.8 x m/step x steps/min) + 3.5 1.33 accounts for going up (1.0) and coming down (.33)

VO2 max Equations

Bruce Treadmill (without handrails)

VO2max (ml/kg/min)= 14.8 - 1.379 (time in min) + 0.451 (time2) - 0.012 (time 3)

Bruce Treadmill (with handrails)

VO2max (ml/kg/min) = 2.282 (time in min) + 8.545

Cycle Ergometry

VO2max (ml/min) = 10.51 (Watts) + 6.32 (BW kg) - 10.49 (age in yrs) + 519.3

VO2max (ml/min) = 9.39 (Watts) + 7.7 (BW kg) - 5.88 (age in yrs) + 136.7

Field Tests

Rockport Walking Test

VO2max (ml/kg/min) = 132.853 - 0.1692 (BW kg) - 0.3877 (age in yrs) + 6.315 (gender) 3.2649 (time in minutes)

1.5 Mile Run Test

VO2max (ml/kg/min) = 3.5 + 483time in minutes

12 Minute Run
VO2max (ml/kg/min) = 3.126 x (meters in 12 min) - 11.3

Calculating kcals

VO2 in ml/kg/min
multiply by BW kg = ml/min divide by 1000 = L/min multiply by 5 = kcal/min multiply by minutes of exercise = total kcals multiply by # sessions = kcals over time divide by 3500 = lbs of fat lost (assuming caloric balance)

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