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Internal Business Communication

Electronic Media and Shareholder Communication

Internet. A group of networks/computers that are connected together into a huge global network. Intranet. A private version of the Internet that lets people within an organization exchange data by using Web browsers. Extranet. An extension of a company intranet to connect with its customers, suppliers, and business partners.

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Intranet is a term we use when we apply Internet technology to serve the internal needs of an organization

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What is an Intranet?
An intranet is a private space that gives employees in a company the ability to organize information, readily access that information, manage documents, share calendars and enable efficient collaboration
Because all your important business information resides in a central repository, it's available at any time, from anywhere in the world, using a simple web browser.
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Mid to large organization are spending thousands of dollars just to keep their documents under control
Intranet can be viewed as a tool that provides Internet-Like capabilities at the internal organizational level

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Company network is separated from other networks by firewall

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How Can an Intranet Help Me Do My Job?

Intranets: Some typical uses include:

Sharing documents with anyone you authorize Scheduling meetings Conducting discussions Creating and sharing access to information databases Managing and delegating action on project tasks Maintaining standard contact directories of all your employees, suppliers and customers Conducting opinion polls among your employees
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A simple comparison will help show the differences between each type.

Internet Access public

Intranet private

Extranet semi-private



members of a specific company


group of closely related firms

Shared in closely trusted held circles



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The Difference between Internet and Intranet Design

Intranet users are your own employees who know a lot about the company, its organizational structure, and special terminology and circumstances. Internet site is used by customers who will know much less about your company and also care less about it.

Tasks. The intranet is used for everyday work inside the company; the Internet site is mainly used to find out information about your products.
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The Difference between Internet and Intranet Design

Type of information . The intranet will have many draft reports, project progress reports, human resource information, and other detailed information. the Internet site will have marketing information and customer support information.

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Amount of information . an intranet has between ten and a hundred times as many pages as the same company's public website.

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8.

Links employees and managers together Automates a lot of intra organizational traffic A company has a large pool of information to share among hundreds of its employees Serves as a creative and empowering tool Establishes the foundation for developing enterprise-wide information systems Intranets are cheap, robust and fast Available 24/7 to employees Information in intranet can be updated quickly
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Human Resources Employee handbook: save the cost of printing and updating handbook Employee surveys: all survey data are captured online, which save time and paper Organizational charts: easy to update organization chart Newsletters: keep employees updated on company events Company calendars: keeps employees apprised of special events

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Sales and Marketing Product information: speeds the distribution of product data Market research: instant access to wealth of marketing information for product Prospecting: easy way to collect information about future customers quickly Managing sales contacts Sales training

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Accounting and Finance Financial reports: sensitive financial reports can be published on a secure access Intranet web site Expense reports Accounts receivable/payable processing Asset management: current asset can be placed online for review and update Policies and procedures Payroll: online submission

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Manufacturing and Operations Inventory control Production schedules Quality assurance Requisition system

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Transmission of files or messages through a computer linked to the internet Employees can communicate with people close to them or on the other side of the world Attachment capabilities saves time and postage charges

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Spamming Sending unwanted advertisements or literature through e-mail Flaming Responding to a message or a call in anger

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Techniques for blocking spam 1. Blacklist the sender 2. Accept e-mail from a list of approved address ( whitelist) 3. Use anti-spam software

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Principles of e-mail
Plan and write Review the content after writing Do not direct to unwanted recipients, think before hitting the send button Remember even deleted e-mails can be retrieved for disciplinary actions Put power in the subject line Use attachments for long messages Explain in e-mail about the attachments The informality of email should not get you into a false sense of comfort
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Keep sentences short Be aware of your office and organization culture Avoid flaming Dont use e-mail to send bad news Dont type in capital letters Sensitive information should be kept away Use only for professional purpose Use the WIFM rule, put you attitude Use magic words Reply promptly

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Use e-mail when

You want to information You want to You want to of people You want to You want to be a part of the network to share

contact people quickly and save time send information to a large number
establish a professional image cut through hierarchy

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Shareholder Communication

Shareholders are the internal stakeholders of the company They provide huge capitals needed by the company It becomes utmost priority for a company to retain the confidence of the shareholder This is done through effective communication

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Shareholder communication

Companies need to disclose certain information in order to have a clear and effective communication with both existing and potential shareholders. Companies need to be committed to effectively communicate with shareholders and encourage participation at general meetings

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Shareholder communication Best practice is achieved by Open and regular communication with shareholders through Annual and other financial reports Making information accessible through website Engaging shareholders and encouraging shareholder participation in meetings

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1.When the company is doing good and needs to go for expansion or diversification 2.To raise funds 3.To minimize borrowings from outside sources 4. When times for the company are rough, a crisis, etc. 5.To explain about the developments 6.To discourage grapevine among shareholders

7.So that you get support of your shareholders 8.To disclose Annual performance of the company

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Many companies are shareholder friendly and communicate responsibly with them through an investor relations team that communicates with its shareholders regularly and attends to their queries. Shareholders of the Company receive notices of general meetings

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Be careful of your Netiquettes!!

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