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Design Purchase of Materials Fabrication Inspection

Finance Human Resources Corporate Law

Administrative and Support Activities

The role of all Administrative and Support activities

is to support the rest of the organization in creating and delivering products and services that exceed customers expectations.
EXAMPLE Human Resources Departments handling of the payroll so that employees get paid. The Legal Departments support to researchers in the Research and Development (R&D) Department in preparing and filing patent applications.

Functional Areas of A & S Processes

The Administrative and Support operations of an

organization can be looked at as occurring in three related areas:

Administering the internal activities of the Organization. Supporting members of the organization in serving external customers. Supporting external customers in doing their business with the organization.
Broadly include suppliers and other outside stakeholders

Historical Barriers to Quality Progress

Lower levels of training in systems and processes

Engineering and other science-based disciplines.

Processes that are not highly visible because they are episodic and infrequently repeated

Drafting legal contracts Analyzing major investment projects Dealing with turnover of team members
The belief that A & S Activities are not processes at all but are an art rather than a science.

Preparing an advertising campaign Preparing a patent application Managing an investment portfolio

Q UALITY based Improvements in Administrative and Support Operations

Doing things better Process

Quality + A&S Operations

Context Changing roles and relationships

Content Doing different things

How to Enhance Quality in A & S Activities

A. Quality Planning
Identify the customers and their needs. Develop a product that meets those needs. Develop a process capable of producing the product. Three aspects of quality planning
Setting Breakthrough Goals Competitive Benchmarking to Identify Improvement Opportunities Cross-functional Process Re-engineering Projects

How to Enhance Quality in A & S Activities

B. Quality Control
Flow Diagrams, Histograms, Pareto Charts, Run Charts, Cause-andeffect Diagrams, Control Charts, And Scatter Diagrams

C. Quality Improvement
Examine the deficient process for root causes of the deficiencies and remove or mitigate the effects of the root causes

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