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Customer Communication

Shareholder Communication

Important for the daily operations of the company; Affects the sales and profitability of the company;
Without good customer communication, the internal and external structure of a business can face numerous challenges that can ultimately lead to its demise.

New product launching or new service offerings;

To invite customers for an event;

To resolve customer complaints;

To satisfy the needs of the customer;

For the promotion of the brand;

To get feedback from the customers.








Key components :- sound, words, speaking, and language;

Feedback is spontaneous thus decisions can be made quickly; Best in case of problem resolution; The customer complaints, conflicts and issues can be put to an end by talking them over;

Face to face Preferred during the sales process; When complex information has to be passed on to customer; Used while doing consumer surveys; Important because it provides immediate feedback. Over the Wire

Physical presence may not be feasible always; Used when speed is important; Most customer service operations are over the wire.

Example : Customer care.

Message is Personal Heard Message is Open for Dialogue .The Message Demonstrates Respect

Communicating a message to another person through a body movement or gesture is nonverbal communication, one of the most powerful and widely used forms of communication among humans. Types of nonverbal communication include hand gestures, facial expressions, and posture. Touching another person is a form of nonverbal communication. Even the way you dress communicates messages nonverbally

Nonverbal communication can increase the opportunity to interact with colleagues, competitors, clients and potential clients through avenues outside of explicit word choice.
Posture, vocal tone and eye contact can deliver subtle messages that reinforce whats being said to convey consistency and trustworthiness. can help demonstrate confidence, enthusiasm and professionalism through attire choice, active listening cues and the ability to present a message.

1) E-MAILS A method of exchanging digital messages from a sender to one or more recipients Important because of its rapid delivery, ease of use and ability to reach large audiences. 2)LETTERS Is used primarily to request or provide information, to relate a deal, to bring or continue conversation, and/or to discuss prior negotiations; Organizations and customers retain copies of business proposals and reports as a permanent record for future reference.

AVERTISEMENTS Help in attracting huge number of potential customers and make positive impact about their products and services; Can be done in a lot of ways, starting from hoardings to television ads, to print ads and even ads on the internet;

Social media is playing an increasingly important role in advertising. WEB PORTAL Is a web site that brings information from diverse sources in a unified way; Important as customer can find information very easily and at a faster rate; Provides contact information like email id and contact no; Provides detailed information about all the products; They are also used for advertising upcoming product.

Communication important important because they Shareholders arewith them isto a business as they are a have invested their money in the money major source of capital and theirbusiness;is what is used to Needsa business andregularly regarding the start to be informed help it to continue its operations; of the company; performance Communication with them is important because they also needs to be informed regarding their holding have invested their money in the business; balance. Share holders need to be informed regularly regarding the performance of the company; They also need to be informed regarding their holding balance.


An annual report is a statement prepared by a publicly traded company and distributed to employees, customers, shareholders, and the general community. The most important purpose of a company's annual report is to provide shareholders and potential investors with information on how the company has been performing and how it expects to grow in the future. Contains Auditor's report on the financial statements, Balance sheet, Statement of retained earnings, Income statement, Cash flow statement, Notes to the financial statements, and Accounting policies.

Contains general information about the Company and its operations, details of the Companys corporate governance policies and procedures and information specifically targeted at keeping the Companys shareholders informed about the Company.

Throughout the year it may be appropriate for the Company to directly communicate with shareholders by mail; Is done in situations to give shareholders notice of general meetings or to update shareholders by way of a Chairmans letter;

Is a meeting between the official bodies, associations and shareholders; Information that is relevant to shareholders in making decisions on matters to be voted on by them is given at the meeting; Gives an opportunity for the shareholders to ask questions to the Board of Directors and to otherwise participate in the meeting; The external auditor of the Company will be present to answer shareholder questions .


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