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Introduction to Accounting

Presented by Kevin Markle August, 2004

Purpose To teach the basics of accounting to those students entering the MBA program at SSB who do not have any background in accounting. To prepare all MBA students for the mandatory course, ACTG 5100 Financial Accounting for Managers, by providing the fundamental concepts on which the course builds.

Introduction to Accounting

Intended audience All incoming MBA students at The Schulich School of Business.
In particular, this lecture is designed for those that have no previous education or training in accounting. The intention is for this lecture to teach at the most basic level.
To teach the alphabet of accounting so that students can learn to speak in full sentences in the accounting (and other) courses at SSB. Students with even minimal background may wish to skim or skip sections of the lecture.
Introduction to Accounting 3

1. 2. 3. 4.

Fundamental concepts The Accounting Cycle Financial statements Comprehensive example

Introduction to Accounting

Fundamental concepts What is accounting? The language of business. A means to communicate financial information. A way to convey information about a business to users.

Introduction to Accounting

Fundamental concepts Who uses accounting information? Owners Managers Investors (including potential)
Analysts on their behalf

Creditors (including potential) Government (tax assessment) Regulators Customers

Introduction to Accounting 6

Fundamental concepts Accounting has two main divisions: Financial accounting

Primarily prepared for users external to the company.
Revenues, earnings, assets, etc.

Management accounting
Primarily for internal purposes
Costing, budgeting, net present value, etc.

This lecture will focus only on financial accounting.

Introduction to Accounting 7

Fundamental concepts There are several ways that cash gets into a company: Investment by owners Investment by creditors (loans) Payments from customers. Repayment of amounts loaned to other entities. Return on investments (interest and dividend) Proceeds from selling assets.
Introduction to Accounting 8

Fundamental concepts
These can be organized into three categories: Operations Payments from customers Refunds from suppliers Financing Investment by owners Investment by creditors (loans) Investing Return on investments (interest and dividend) Proceeds from selling assets Repayment of amounts loaned to other entities
Introduction to Accounting 9

Fundamental concepts
Similarly, money going out of an entity can be categorized: Operations Payments to suppliers Refunds to customers Financing Payment of dividends or capital to owners Repayment of creditors Investing Purchase of assets Amounts invested in other entities (debt or equity)
Introduction to Accounting 10

Fundamental concepts Financial accounting categorizes all transactions and events based on their substance.
It is very important that the substance of a transaction be accurately reflected by financial accounting because the users of the information are using it with the assumption that these categorizations are being made accurately.
If money invested by owners was reported as revenue, this would be counter to the fundamental definition of revenue (i.e. that it results from the operations of the company).

The separation of income and capital is a fundamental concept of financial accounting.

Introduction to Accounting 11

Fundamental concepts Entity concept Going concern Unit of measure Periodic reporting

Introduction to Accounting


Fundamental concepts
Entity concept There are three basic structures that a company can have in Canada:
1. 2. 3.

Sole proprietorship Partnership Corporation A sole proprietorship is not a legal entity separate from its owner A partnership is not a legal entity separate from its owners
These are both sub-components of their owners/partners for legal purposes

A corporation is a separate legal entity

The entity concept for accounting does not simply follow the legal guidelines
A business can be a separate entity for accounting even if it is not one from a legal perspective
Introduction to Accounting 13

Fundamental concepts Entity concept It is essential that we know for which entity we are accounting because it will determine if and how events are recorded.
e.g. If Ms. Prop is the sole proprietor of a business called SP, there is one legal entity, Ms. Prop (SP is not a separate legal entity).
If we wish to account for SP, there will be events to account for that are non-events from a legal perspective
e.g. When Ms. Prop puts money into a separate account for the company. This is a non-event legally, but is an event to be accounted for from an accounting perspective.
Introduction to Accounting 14

Fundamental concepts Going concern It is assumed that an entity will complete its current plans, use its existing assets, and meet its obligations in the normal course of business.
This is an underlying concept necessary for many of the fundamental recording and reporting decisions that are made in accounting.

Introduction to Accounting


Fundamental concepts Unit of measure In order for accounting to present information that is useful, it must be able to express things in a common unit of measure. The unit of measure in Canada is usually the Canadian dollar (or U.S. dollar).
It is not useful to tell users that an entity has 30 cars, a building, some land, some equipment, and that it sold 35,000 widgets in the year. The unit of measure concept allows us to express all of these things in dollars.
Introduction to Accounting 16

Fundamental concepts Periodic reporting Meaningful financial information about an entity can be provided for periods of time that are shorter than the life of an entity.
Because financial statements tell the users what the entity has and what they did to get it, the users want that information at different points in the entitys life. Most commonly, the reporting period is annual. All companies are required to file annual financial statements with their tax returns.
Other common reporting periods are monthly or quarterly.
Introduction to Accounting 17

Fundamental concepts To review: Entity concept Going concern Unit of measure Periodic reporting

Introduction to Accounting



The Accounting Cycle Transaction or event occurs

Could simply be the passage of time.


Recorded in the Journal using a Journal Entry.

event is translated into accounting language.


Journal is posted to Ledger

the information from all the journal entries in the period is aggregated.

1. 2.

Ledger accounts are totalled. Financial statements are prepared.

Introduction to Accounting 19

The Accounting Cycle

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Transaction or event occurs Recorded in the Journal using a Journal Entry. Journal is posted to Ledger Ledger accounts are totalled. Financial statements are prepared.

It is important to note that the decision-making of accounting occurs at step 2 Journal entry.
Steps 3 5 are mechanical exercises.

Therefore, the decisions made when making the journal entry (i.e. translating to accounting language) are very important as they determine what will ultimately be presented on the financial statements. contd on next slide
Introduction to Accounting 20

The Accounting Cycle

The making of decisions about what journal entry should be made when a transaction or event occurs is the prominent theme of ACTG 5100.
It is commonly believed that these decisions are bound by strict rules that dictate what the journal entry should be.
In reality, this is not true. There are principles that can guide the decisions, but there are many circumstances for which there are not specific treatments prescribed and, therefore, the judgment of the preparers determines the treatment.

For the purposes of this lecture, we will look mostly at non-ambiguous situations.
Students will become very aware of the ambiguity in the real world in ACTG 5100 (and from reading the newspaper).
Introduction to Accounting 21

Accounting Equation Fundamental Accounting Equation:

Assets = Liabilities + Owners Equity

This equation is always in balance In order for this equation to remain in balance, double-entry bookkeeping is employed.
That is, the recording of every transaction or event must have at least two parts
Either an equal impact (increase or decrease) to both sides of the equation or equal and opposite impact to one side.

The recording of every transaction must keep this equation in balance

Introduction to Accounting


Journal Entries All journal entries have two sides: Debit and Credit
For every journal entry, the total debits must equal the total credits
This ensures that the fundamental accounting equation (A = L + OE) is always in balance.

The basic journal entry: Debit Account name1 Credit Account name2 To record
Introduction to Accounting

$amount $amount

Journal Entries Debit and Credit are just accountingspeak for increase and decrease
Debit means increase for some elements and decrease for other elements. Likewise for credit.
For example, a company pays its $500 utility bill:
In English: the company has incurred an expense (the amount of expense has increased) and the amount of cash in the company has decreased. An expense (Utilities) has increased An asset (Cash) has decreased In Journal entry:

Debit Utility expense $500 Credit Cash $500 To record the payment of utility bill
Introduction to Accounting 24

Journal Entries How do we know whether to debit or credit?

Convention exists based on what element is being increased or decreased.
Each element lives in either debit or credit. If we want to increase something that lives in debit, we will debit it.

The convention works such that the fundamental equation (A = L + OE) is always kept in balance.

Introduction to Accounting


Journal Entries
The Basic Accounting Elements:
Asset Expense


Revenue Owners Equity

Introduction to Accounting


The Basic Accounting Elements: Asset

Has future benefit to the entity

Journal Entries

Obligation to transfer assets in the future

Owners Equity
Owners interest in the company

Increase in economic resources resulting from normal operations of the company

Decrease in economic resources resulting from normal operations of the company
Introduction to Accounting 27

Journal Entries
The Basic Accounting Elements:
Balance Sheet Income Statement
Balance Sheet/ Stmt of Retained Earnings






Revenue Owners Equity

Introduction to Accounting


Journal Entries
Balance Sheet Income Statement Balance Sheet/ Stmt of Retained Earnings







Owners Equity

To increase an Asset or Expense: Debit To increase a Liability, Revenue, or Owners Equity: Credit To decrease an Asset or Expense: Credit To decrease a Liability, Revenue, or Owners Equity: Debit
Introduction to Accounting 29

Journal Entries Going back to the Fundamental Accounting Equation:

Assets = Liabilities + Owners Equity Debit Credit Credit

Introduction to Accounting


What about the Income Statement elements (Revenue and Expense)? They dont appear in the fundamental accounting equation, so how does it stay in balance when they are debited or credited? e.g. consultant sells services for $300 cash
In English: Cash (asset) increases $300 In Accounting:

Journal Entries

Revenue increases $300 $300 $300

Debit Cash (Asset) Credit Consulting Revenue

To record payment for consulting services rendered

Assets have increased. Liabilities and Owners Equity appear to be unchanged. Is A = L + OE not true (i.e. out of balance)?
Introduction to Accounting 31

Element structures
Assets Liabilities Owners equity

Introduction to Accounting


Element structures
Current assets

Cash on hand Bank accounts CIBC BMO Accounts receivable customer 1 Accounts receivable customer 2 Raw materials Work in process Finished goods Product 1 Product 2
Introduction to Accounting 33

Accounts receivable


Element structures
Current assets Long-term assets
Ontario buildings Quebec buildings Montreal building Sherbrooke building

Cars Trucks Truck 1 Truck 2

Introduction to Accounting

Element structures
Current liabilities
Accounts payable Accrued liabilities

Long-term liabilities
Bank loans

Loan from RBC Loan from Scotiabank

Notes payable Bonds payable

Introduction to Accounting


Element structures
Owners equity
Capital stock (direct investment) Retained earnings (indirect investment)
Revenue Expenses (Dividends)

Although revenue and expenses are not subpieces of Retained earnings the way Current assets are a sub-piece of Total assets, for the purposes of understanding how they fit in to the equation, this representation is helpful.
Introduction to Accounting 36

Element structures
The balance sheet is a permanent statement
Its accounts accumulate information from the entitys beginning.
The amounts presented on the balance sheet are aggregated from the entitys beginning to the balance sheet date.

The income statement is a temporary statement

Its accounts are temporary accounts
They accumulate information for a period and then are reset to zero to begin tracking information for the next period.
The amounts presented on the income statement are aggregated from the beginning of the period to the end of the period only.

Introduction to Accounting


The Closing Entry Whenever financial statements are to be prepared, the temporary (income statement) accounts must be closed to zero so that they can begin tracking data for the next period.

Element structures

The amounts in the accounts at closing are transferred to Retained Earnings (so named because it is the earnings (net income) of the company that is retained in the company and not distributed to the owners).
We will see an example in the comprehensive example.

Introduction to Accounting


Element structures
The Closing Entry The result of the closing entry is that all impacts on Revenue and Expenses (the temporary accounts) are indirectly impacts on Retained earnings (a permanent account).
That is how A = L + OE stays in balance.
The temporary accounts are sub-pieces of OE.

Introduction to Accounting


Journal Entries
Going back to the Fundamental Accounting Equation:

Assets Debit
Assets Current assets Long-term assets

= Liabilities Owners + Equity Credit Credit

Liabilities Current liabilities Long-term liabilities Direct investment Capital stock Indirect investment Dividends (debit) Retained earnings Revenue (credit) Expense (debit)

Introduction to Accounting


Financial Statements
There are 4 statements in a standard set of financial statements

Balance Sheet
The what do we have? statement Shows what the entity owns and owes (the difference being the owners residual interest)


Income Statement
The what did we do? statement Shows the activity the entity undertook in its normal course of operations.


Statement of Retained Earnings

Shows the changes in Retained earnings in the year
Often shown at the bottom of the Income Statement


Statement of Cash Flows

Shows the sources and uses of cash in the year
Information is derived from the B/S and I/S and other
Introduction to Accounting 41

Financial Statements Statement of Cash Flows Contains information about how cash came into and left the entity in the period.
Does not contain new information
i.e. the SCF is derived from the Balance Sheet and Income Statement (with some supplementary information)

The SCF will not be covered in this lecture. It is covered in ACTG 5100.

Introduction to Accounting


Financial Statements
Company Name Income statement For year ended December 33 , 3333 Revenue Expenses Salaries Utilities Rent Other 3 33 3 3, 3 Company Name Balance Steet As at December 33 , 3333 Assets Current assets Long-term assets

33 3 , 3 3 ,3 3 33

4, 4 44 4 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 ,3 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

Total Assets Liabilities Current liabilities Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

3 ,3 3 33

Net Income

3 ,3 3 33 3 ,3 3 33 3 ,3 3 33 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Company Name Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December 33 , 3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings

Total Liabilities and OE

3 ,3 3 33

Introduction to Accounting


Financial Statements
Company Name Income statement For year ended December 33 , 3333 Revenue Expenses Salaries Utilities Rent Other 3 33 3 3, 3 Company Name Balance Steet As at December 33 , 3333 Assets Current assets Long-term assets

33 3 , 3 3 ,3 3 33

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 ,3 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

Total Assets Liabilities Current liabilities Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

3 ,3 3 33

Net Income

3 ,3 3 33 3 ,3 3 33 3 ,3 3 33 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Company Name Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December 33 , 3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings

Total Liabilities and OE

3 ,3 3 33

Introduction to Accounting



Introduction to Accounting



Introduction to Accounting



Introduction to Accounting



Introduction to Accounting

To Balance Sheet



Introduction to Accounting

From Statement of Retained Earnings


Canadian Tire

Introduction to Accounting


Canadian Tire

Introduction to Accounting


Canadian Tire

Introduction to Accounting


Canadian Tire

Introduction to Accounting

To Balance Sheet


Canadian Tire

Introduction to Accounting

From Statement of Retained Earnings


Research In Motion

Introduction to Accounting


Research In Motion

Introduction to Accounting


Research In Motion

Introduction to Accounting


Research In Motion

Introduction to Accounting


Research In Motion

Introduction to Accounting

To Statement of Shareholders Equity


Research In Motion

From Income Statement

To Balance Sheet

Introduction to Accounting


Research In Motion

From Statement of Shareholders Equity

Introduction to Accounting


Accounting Methods
Cash Accounting Revenue is recorded when cash is received. Expense is recorded when cash is disbursed.
Very straightforward. Facts determine the timing of entries. Less room for judgment.

Accrual Accounting Revenue is recorded (recognized) when the revenue has been earned.
When the product or service has been provided to the customer, regardless of when payment is received.

Expenses are matched to the revenue that they helped to earn, regardless of when payment is made.
Introduction to Accounting 62

Accounting Methods It is possible for cash receipt to coincide with revenue recognition and cash payment to coincide with expense recognition. However, in business in North America (and, indeed globally), it is the norm for the exchange of cash to either precede or follow the actual economic event. Except in the simplest of entities (e.g. an individual person) or in unique circumstances, cash accounting will not yield useful information.
Accrual accounting is the standard method.
Introduction to Accounting 63

Accrual Accounting
2 kinds of entries
1. Transactional

The recording of an exchange with another entity Required only when financial statements are prepared to adjust accounts to where they should be Always include at least one Balance Sheet account and one Income Statement account.

1. Adjusting

e.g. Depreciation of capital assets, earning of interest revenue.

Introduction to Accounting


Journal Entries
Journal Entries Usually one side (the Debit or the Credit) will be obvious from the transaction (e.g. when cash is received, cash (an asset) increases. The Debit has to be to cash). It is the determination of the other side of the entry that requires thought and judgment.

Introduction to Accounting


Journal Entries
It is best to reason logically:
1. 1.

Which financial statement should be impacted?

Balance sheet, Income statement, or Stmt of Retained Earnings?

Which element on that statement should be impacted? 2. Which specific account should be impacted?
Assets Current assets Cash Accts receivable Long-term assets Building Land Liabilities Current liabilities Accts payable Long-term liabilities Bank loan Owners Equity Direct investment Capital stock Indirect investment Dividends (debit) Retained earnings Revenue (credit) Expense (debit)


Introduction to Accounting 66

We will account for a company, Tasman Inc., for its first year of operations. Tasman Inc. is a Pizza business that makes and delivers pizza in the Toronto area. It is 100% owned by Dave, who is also active in the business as its manager. Tasman Inc. is a corporation (a legal entity separate from Dave). The company begins on January 1, 2003. Its fiscal year end is December 31. We will prepare a Balance Sheet as at December 31, 2003 and an Income Statement and Statement of Retained Earnings for the year ended December 31, 2003.
Introduction to Accounting 67



Introduction to Accounting


Example Tasman Inc. Our approach We will be given several transactions and events and will process them one at a time, carrying them all the way to the financial statements.
This approach will reinforce the impact of each event on the financial statements as a whole.

We will then go back and do the mechanical steps that get us from journal entries to financial statements.
This will show the accounting cycle in its entirety.
Introduction to Accounting 69


Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
On January 1, 2003, the financial statements of the company are all nil A = L + OE is true because 0 = 0 + 0
Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December 33 , 3333 Revenue Expenses Net Income Liabilities Current liabilities Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings Total Liabilities and OE Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at January 33333 , Assets Current assets Long-term assets

Total Assets

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December 33 , 3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
1 Tasman Inc. (Tasman) is incorporated on January 1, 2003. Dave pays $1,000 of his own money to pay for the incorporation.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
1 Tasman Inc. (Tasman) is incorporated on January 1, 2003. Dave pays $1,000 of his own money to pay for the incorporation.
If we assume that Dave is going to want to be reimbursed by Tasman:


Incorporation costs


1,000 1,000


Due to shareholder


To record payment of incorporation costs by shareholder.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December33 ,3333 Revenue Expenses Incorp costs Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Long-term assets -

33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Total Assets Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Total current liabilities Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings

Net Income

33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 -

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December33 ,3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Total Liabilities and OE

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
2 Dave opens a bank account for Tasman and deposits $10,000. He receives 1,000 common shares in return.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
2 Dave opens a bank account for Tasman and deposits $10,000. He receives 1,000 common shares in return.




10,000 10,000

To record sale of common shares.

Capital stock Owners Equity

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December33 ,3333 Revenue Expenses Incorp costs Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Cash Total current assets Long-term assets Total Assets Net Income 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Total current liabilities Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings

3, 3 33 3

33 3 , 3 -

3, 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3

33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December33 ,3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Total Liabilities and OE

3, 3 33 3

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
3 Tasman Inc. gets a $50,000 loan from the bank. Interest rate is 6% per year. Interest on the outstanding amount must be paid each year on the anniversary. Principal can be repaid at any time.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
3 Tasman Inc. gets a $50,000 loan from the bank. Interest rate is 6% per year. Interest on the outstanding amount must be paid each year on the anniversary. Principal can be repaid at any time.





To record the receipt of bank loan.

Bank loan


Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December33 ,3333 Revenue Expenses Incorp costs Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Cash Total current assets Long-term assets Total Assets Net Income 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Total current liabilities Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings

3, 3 33 3

33 3 , 3 -

3, 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3

33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December33 ,3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Total Liabilities and OE

3, 3 33 3

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
4 Signed a lease for store space. Rental cost is $3,000 per month. Lease term is 36 months. Annual rent must be paid up front on the anniversary of the lease.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
4 Signed a lease for store space. Rental cost is $3,000 per month. Lease term is 36 months. Annual rent must be paid up front on the anniversary of the lease.
There is no entry.
Signing of a lease (or any contract) is not considered a transaction for accounting purposes.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
5 Make the rent payment for 2003 ($36,000).

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
5 Make the rent payment for 2003 ($36,000).


Prepaid rent expense



To record the payment of 2003 rent in advance.



Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December33 ,3333 Revenue Expenses Incorp costs Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Cash Prepaid rent expense Total current assets Long-term assets Net Income 33 3 , 3 Total Assets 33 3 , 3 Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Total current liabilities Long-term liabilities 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 Total Liabilities and OE 3, 3 33 3 Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings 3, 3 33 3

33 3 , 3 -

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December33 ,3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings

33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
6 Buy an oven which costs $15,000. Pay $5,000 cash, balance is due in one year. Interest rate on the outstanding balance is 3.5% per year.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
6 Buy an oven which costs $15,000. Pay $5,000 cash, balance is due in one year. Interest rate on the outstanding balance is 3.5% per year.


Cooking equipment


Asset Liability

Credit Credit
To record the purchase of oven partially on credit.

Cash Accounts payable

5,000 10,000

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December 33 , 3333 Revenue Expenses Incorp costs -

Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Cash Prepaid rent expense Total current assets Long-term assets Cooking equipment

Tasman Inc.

33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

Net Income

Total Assets Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December 33 , 3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Accounts payable Total current liabilities Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Total Liabilities and OE

3, 3 33 3

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
7 Buy $1,500 of food supplies (ingredients to make pizzas).

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
7 Buy $1,500 of food supplies (ingredients to make pizzas).


Food inventory






To record the purchase of supplies to be used in making pizzas for sale.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December33 ,3333 Revenue Expenses Incorp costs -

Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Cash Prepaid rent expense Food inventory Total current assets Long-term assets Cooking equipment

Tasman Inc.

33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

4, 4 44 4 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

Net Income

Total Assets Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December33 ,3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Accounts payable Total current liabilities Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Total Liabilities and OE

3, 3 33 3

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
8 Purchase office equipment costing $4,000 on credit. Full amount to be paid within 30 days.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
8 Purchase office equipment costing $4,000 on credit. Full amount to be paid within 30 days.


Office equipment




Accounts payable


To record the purchase of office equipment on credit.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December33 ,3333 Revenue Expenses Incorp costs -

Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Cash Prepaid rent expense Food inventory Total current assets Long-term assets Cooking equipment Office equipment Total Assets

Tasman Inc.

33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

Net Income

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December33 ,3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Accounts payable Total current liabilities Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Total Liabilities and OE

3, 3 33 3

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
9 Hired a chef. Salary of $33,800 per year paid biweekly (26 times a year).

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
9 Hired a chef. Salary of $33,800 per year paid biweekly (26 times a year).

No entry.
Hiring of an employee is not considered a transaction for accounting purposes.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
10 In addition to being the manager, Dave will be the delivery man until there is revenue enough to hire one. Dave decides to pay himself a salary of $62,400 per year paid bi-weekly. To avoid draining cash from the company, Dave will not take cash salary until further notice.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
10 In addition to being the manager, Dave will be the delivery man until there is revenue enough to hire one. Dave decides to pay himself a salary of $62,400 per year paid bi-weekly. To avoid draining cash from the company, Dave will not take cash salary until further notice.
No entry.
Same reason as previous example. Information will be useful in determining future journal entries.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
11 First salary payments are made.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
11 First salary payments are made.


Salary expense



To record payment of chef (33,800/26 = 1,300).




Salary expense




Due to shareholder


To record salary expense for Manager, not paid in cash (62,400/26 = 2,400)

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December33 ,3333 Revenue Expenses Incorp costs Salaries -

Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Cash Prepaid rent expense Food inventory Total current assets Long-term assets Cooking equipment Office equipment Total Assets

Tasman Inc.

33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

Net Income

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December33 ,3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Accounts payable Total current liabilities Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Total Liabilities and OE

3, 3 33 3

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
12 Buy a delivery car, a used 1989 Camaro, for $10,000. Expected remaining life is 5 years or 100,000 kms.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
12 Buy a delivery car, a used 1989 Camaro, for $10,000. Expected remaining life is 5 years or 100,000 kms.








To record purchase of used vehicle to be used as delivery vehicle.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December33 ,3333 Revenue Expenses Incorp costs Salaries -

Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Cash Prepaid rent expense Food inventory Total current assets Long-term assets Cooking equipment Office equipment Vehicle Total Assets Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Accounts payable Total current liabilities Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings

Tasman Inc.

33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3

Net Income

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December33 ,3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Total Liabilities and OE

3, 3 33 3

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
13 Tasman caters an event for $1,500. Receives $900 in cash. The balance is due in 30 days.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
13 Tasman caters an event for $1,500. Receives $900 in cash. The balance is due in 30 days.

Debit Debit

Cash Accounts receivable

Asset Asset

900 600


Catering revenue


To record the earning of catering revenue.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December 33 , 3333 Revenue Catering Expenses Incorp costs Salaries

Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Cash Prepaid rent expense Food inventory Accounts receivable Total current assets Long-term assets Cooking equipment Office equipment Vehicle Total Assets Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Accounts payable Total current liabilities Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings

Tasman Inc.

33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3

Net Income

4, 4 44 4 3, 3 33 3

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December 33 , 3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 44 4 , 4

Total Liabilities and OE

3, 3 33 3

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
14 Store is open for business. Cash register reports revenue of $1,200 for the day.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
14 Store is open for business. Cash register reports revenue of $1,200 for the day.






Store revenue


To record the aggregate sales for the first day of business.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December33 ,3333 Revenue Catering Store sales Expenses Incorp costs Salaries

Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Cash Prepaid rent expense Food inventory Accounts receivable Total current assets Long-term assets Cooking equipment Office equipment Vehicle Total Assets Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Accounts payable Total current liabilities Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings

Tasman Inc.

33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 -

33 3 , 3

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3

33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Net Income

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December33 ,3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Total Liabilities and OE

Introduction to Accounting

3, 3 33 3

Tasman Inc.
15 The company upstairs in Tasmans building approaches Dave about an exclusive catering arrangement whereby the company will pay Tasman $4,000 up front to cater 5 functions throughout the year. Dave accepts the deal and $4,000 cash.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
15 The company upstairs in Tasmans building approaches Dave about an exclusive catering arrangement whereby the company will pay Tasman $4,000 up front to cater 5 functions throughout the year. Dave accepts the deal and $4,000 cash.



Unearned revenue


To record the receipt of cash for work to be performed in the future.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December 33 , 3333 Revenue Catering Store sales Expenses Incorp costs Salaries Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Cash Prepaid rent expense Food inventory Accounts receivable Long-term assets Cooking equipment Office equipment Vehicle Total Assets Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Accounts payable Unearned revenue Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 Net Income 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

33 3 , 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December 33 , 3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Total Liabilities and OE

3, 3 33 3

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
16 Purchase $5,000 more of food supplies on credit with the supplier. To be paid within 30 days.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
16 Purchase $5,000 more of food supplies on credit with the supplier. To be paid within 30 days.


Food inventory




Accounts payable


To record the purchase of food inventory on credit.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December 33 , 3333 Revenue Catering Store sales Expenses Incorp costs Salaries Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Cash Prepaid rent expense Food inventory Accounts receivable Long-term assets Cooking equipment Office equipment Vehicle Total Assets Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Accounts payable Unearned revenue Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 Net Income 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

33 3 , 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December 33 , 3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Total Liabilities and OE

3, 3 33 3

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
17 Pay off the balances owing on the office equipment and the food supplies.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
17 Pay off the balances owing on the office equipment and the food supplies.


Accounts payable



Credit Debit
Accounts payable



To record the payment of amounts owing to supplier of office equipment.






To record the payment of amount owing to supplier of food inventory.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December 33 , 3333 Revenue Catering Store sales Expenses Incorp costs Salaries Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Cash Prepaid rent expense Food inventory Accounts receivable Long-term assets Cooking equipment Office equipment Vehicle Total Assets Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Accounts payable Unearned revenue Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 Net Income 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

33 3 , 3

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December 33 , 3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Total Liabilities and OE

3, 3 33 3

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
18 Dave finds out that the company that owes Tasman $600 for the catering job has gone bankrupt and Tasman will not be receiving payment.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
18 Dave finds out that the company that owes Tasman $600 for the catering job has gone bankrupt and Tasman will not be receiving payment.


Bad debt expense




Accounts receivable


To record the write-off of amount owing from customer.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December33 ,3333 Revenue Catering Store sales Expenses Incorp costs Salaries Bad debts Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Cash Prepaid rent expense Food inventory Accounts receivable Long-term assets Cooking equipment Office equipment Vehicle Total Assets Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Accounts payable Unearned revenue Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 Net Income 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

33 3 , 3

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December33 ,3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Total Liabilities and OE

3, 3 33 3

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
19 Tasman provides the catering for an event for the company upstairs. Everything goes fine.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
19 Tasman provides the catering for an event for the company upstairs. Everything goes fine.


Unearned revenue


800 800


Catering revenue


To record the earning of catering revenue (assume $4,000 is earned evenly over 5 events)

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December33 ,3333 Revenue Catering Store sales Expenses Incorp costs Salaries Bad debts Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Cash Prepaid rent expense Food inventory Accounts receivable Long-term assets Cooking equipment Office equipment Vehicle Total Assets Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Accounts payable Unearned revenue Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 Net Income 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

33 3 , 3

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December33 ,3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Total Liabilities and OE

3, 3 33 3

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Summary amount 1 Store revenues have been $220,000.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Summary amount 1 Store revenues have been $220,000.






Store revenue


To record aggregate store revenue for the year.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December33 ,3333 Revenue Catering Store sales Expenses Incorp costs Salaries Bad debts Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Cash Prepaid rent expense Food inventory Accounts receivable Long-term assets Cooking equipment Office equipment Vehicle Total Assets Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Accounts payable Unearned revenue Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 Net Income 33 3 , 3 3 33 3 3, 3

3 33 3 3, 3

3 33 3 3, 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3

3 33 3 3, 3

3, 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December33 ,3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 3 33 3 3, 3 3 33 3 3, 3

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3 3 33 3 3, 3

Total Liabilities and OE

3 33 3 3, 3

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Summary amount 2 All salaries have been paid. Dave has taken half of his salary in cash.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Summary amount 2 All salaries have been paid. Dave has taken half of his salary in cash.


Salary expense






To record payment of chefs salary (33,800 - 1,300 (previously recorded) = 32,500).


Salary expense


Asset Liability

Credit Credit

Cash Due to shareholder

31,200 28,800

To record salary expense for Manager (62,400 2,400 (previously recorded) = 60,000)

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December33 ,3333 Revenue Catering Store sales Expenses Incorp costs Salaries Bad debts Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Cash Prepaid rent expense Food inventory Accounts receivable Long-term assets Cooking equipment Office equipment Vehicle Total Assets Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Accounts payable Unearned revenue Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 Net Income 3, 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3

3 33 3 3, 3

3 33 3 3, 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3

3 33 3 3, 3

3, 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December33 ,3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 3 33 3 3, 3 3 33 3 3, 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3 3 33 3 3, 3

Total Liabilities and OE

3 33 3 3, 3

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Summary amount 3 Additional food supply purchases were $80,000.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Summary amount 3 Additional food supply purchases were $80,000.


Food inventory






To record aggregate food supply purchases for the year.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December33 ,3333 Revenue Catering Store sales Expenses Incorp costs Salaries Bad debts Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Cash Prepaid rent expense Food inventory Accounts receivable Long-term assets Cooking equipment Office equipment Vehicle Total Assets Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Accounts payable Unearned revenue Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 Net Income 3, 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3

3 33 3 3, 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3

3 33 3 3, 3

3, 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December33 ,3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 3 33 3 3, 3 3 33 3 3, 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3 3 33 3 3, 3

Total Liabilities and OE

3 33 3 3, 3

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Summary amount 4 Food supplies that had cost $3,500 are on hand on December 31, 2003.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Summary amount 4 Food supplies that had cost $3,500 are on hand on December 31, 2003. Total purchased in the year
= 1,500 + 5,000 + 80,000 = 86,500 86,500 3,500 = 83,000 = Cost of the inventory used = Cost of goods sold

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Summary amount 4 Food supplies that had cost $3,500 are on hand on December 31, 2003. Total purchased in the year
= 1,500 + 5,000 + 80,000 = 86,500 86,500 3,500 = 83,000 = Cost of the inventory used = Cost of goods sold


Cost of goods sold


83,000 83,000


Food inventory


To record the cost of food inventory used in the year.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December33 ,3333 Revenue Catering Store sales Cost of goods sold Gross margin Expenses Incorp costs Salaries Bad debts Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Cash Prepaid rent expense Food inventory Accounts receivable Long-term assets Cooking equipment Office equipment Vehicle Total Assets Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Accounts payable Unearned revenue Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 3 33 3 3, 3 -

3 33 3 3, 3 3, 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3

3 33 3 3, 3

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3

Net Income

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December33 ,3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

Total Liabilities and OE

3 33 3 3, 3

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Summary amount 5 Utilities expenses were all paid in cash on the last day of each month. Total for the year was $9,600.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Summary amount 5 Utilities expenses were all paid in cash on the last day of each month. Total for the year was $9,600.


Utilities expense






To record aggregate payment of utilities expense for the year.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December33 ,3333 Revenue Catering Store sales Cost of goods sold Gross margin Expenses Incorp costs Salaries Bad debts Utilities Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Cash Prepaid rent expense Food inventory Accounts receivable Long-term assets Cooking equipment Office equipment Vehicle Total Assets Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Accounts payable Unearned revenue Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 3 33 3 3, 3 -

3 33 3 3, 3 3, 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3

3 33 3 3, 3

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3 33 3 3, 3 3, 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3

Net Income

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December33 ,3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

Total Liabilities and OE

3 33 3 3, 3

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Summary amount 6 Tasman catered 3 of the remaining events for the company upstairs. The last one will be held on January 7, 2004.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Summary amount 6 Tasman catered 3 of the remaining events for the company upstairs. The last one will be held on January 7, 2004.


Unearned revenue


2,400 2,400


Catering revenue


To record the earning of revenue for 3 of remaining 4 events that had been pre-paid.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December33 ,3333 Revenue Catering Store sales Cost of goods sold Gross margin Expenses Incorp costs Salaries Bad debts Utilities Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Cash Prepaid rent expense Food inventory Accounts receivable Long-term assets Cooking equipment Office equipment Vehicle Total Assets Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Accounts payable Unearned revenue Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 3 33 3 3, 3 -

3 33 3 3, 3 3, 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3

3 33 3 3, 3

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3 33 3 3, 3 3, 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3

Net Income

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December33 ,3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

Total Liabilities and OE

3 33 3 3, 3

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Adjusting entry 1 Costs related to the oven, the office equipment, and the Camaro must be recorded.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Adjusting entry 1 Costs related to the oven, the office equipment, and the Camaro must be recorded.
Depreciation expense

3,000 3,000


Accumulated Depreciation Oven


To record annual depreciation of Oven (15,000/5 = 3,000 (assume 5-year life)).


Depreciation expense


1,000 1,000


Accumulated Depreciation Office equipment


To record annual depreciation of office equipment (4,000/4 = 1,000 (assume 4-year life)).


Depreciation expense


2,000 2,000


Accumulated Depreciation Vehicle


To record annual depreciation of delivery vehicle (10,000/5 = 2,000).


Introduction to Accounting

Tasman Inc.
Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December 33 , 3333 Revenue Catering Store sales Cost of goods sold Gross margin Expenses Incorp costs Salaries Bad debts Utilities Depreciation Net Income Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Cash Prepaid rent expense Food inventory Accounts receivable Long-term assets Cooking equipment Office equipment Vehicle Accum Depn (total) Total Assets Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Accounts payable Unearned revenue Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 3 33 3 3, 3 -

3 33 3 3, 3 3, 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

3 33 3 3, 3

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

3, 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3

3 33 3 3, 3 3, 3 33 3

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December 33 , 3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

Total Liabilities and OE

Introduction to Accounting

3 33 3 3, 3

Tasman Inc.
Adjusting entry 2 Interest has accrued on the bank loan and the amount due to the oven supplier.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Adjusting entry 2 Interest has accrued on the bank loan and the amount due to the oven supplier.


Interest expense


3,000 3,000


Interest payable


To record the interest which has accrued in the year (50,000*6% = 3,000)


Interest expense


350 350


Interest payable


To record the interest which has accrued on amount payable on oven (10,000*3.5% = 350)

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December33 ,3333 Revenue Catering Store sales Cost of goods sold Gross margin Expenses Incorp costs Salaries Bad debts Utilities Depreciation Interest Net Income Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at Assets Current assets Cash Prepaid rent expense Food inventory Accounts receivable Long-term assets Cooking equipment Office equipment Vehicle Accum Depn (total) Total Assets Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Accounts payable Interest payable Unearned revenue Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 3 33 3 3, 3 -

3 33 3 3, 3 3, 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

3 33 3 3, 3

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

3, 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3

3 33 3 3, 3 3, 3 33 3

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December33 ,3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3

Total Liabilities and OE

Introduction to Accounting

Tasman Inc.
Adjusting entry 3 Rent expense must be recorded. Recall that $36,000 was paid at the beginning of the year for the full year and was recorded as an asset, Prepaid rent expense.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Adjusting entry 3 Rent expense must be recorded. Recall that $36,000 was paid at the beginning of the year for the full year and was recorded as an asset, Prepaid rent expense.
Rent expense



Prepaid rent expense


To record the rent expense which had been prepaid at the beginning of the year.

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December33 ,3333 Revenue Catering Store sales Cost of goods sold Gross margin Expenses Incorp costs Salaries Bad debts Utilities Rent Depreciation Interest Net Income Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at December 33 , 3333 Assets Current assets Cash Prepaid rent expense Food inventory Accounts receivable Long-term assets Cooking equipment Office equipment Vehicle Accum Depn (total) Total Assets Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Accounts payable Interest payable Unearned revenue Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 3 33 3 3, 3 -

3 33 3 3, 3 3, 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3

3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

3, 3 33 3

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 -

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 , 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December33 ,3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

Total Liabilities and OE

Introduction to Accounting

The Accounting Cycle

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Transaction or event occurs Recorded in the Journal using a Journal Entry. Journal is posted to Ledger Ledger accounts are totalled. Financial statements are prepared.

We have done step 2 (journal entries). Step 3 is most easily done using a spreadsheet (Friedlan text provides a template).
We will use the old-fashioned method known as Taccounts.
Each account is represented by a T. All debits are posted on the left, all credits are posted on the right. Spreadsheets have made this practice virtually obsolete, but it is informative to do it to help understand the fundamentals.

Introduction to Accounting


Before the closing entry:

Cash 3, 3 33 3 3 , 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 3 , 3 , 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3

T-Accounts (posting to ledgers)

Due to shareholder 33 3 , 3 44 4 , 4 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 Accounts payable 33 3 3 , 3 , 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 Interest payable 33 3 , 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 Unearned revenue 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 Bank loan 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 Capital stock 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 Catering revenue 44 4 , 4 33 3 33 3 , 3 44 4 , 4 Store sales 44 4 , 4 3 33 3 3, 3 3 33 3 3, 3

Accounts Receivable 33 3 33 3 Prepaid rent expense 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 Food inventory 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

Cost of goods sold 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 Incorporation costs 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 Salaries 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 Bad debts 33 3 33 3 Retained earnings

Rent 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 Depreciation 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 Interest 33 3 , 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 Utilities 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Cooking equipment 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 Accumulated depn 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Office equipment 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 Vehicle 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

Introduction to Accounting


The closing entry

The closing entry resets all of the temporary accounts to zero and send the residual to Retained earnings. Dr Catering revenue 4,700 Dr Store sales 221,200 Cr Cost of goods sold 83,000 Cr Incorporation costs 1,000 Cr Salaries 96,200 Cr Bad debts 600 Cr Utilities 9,600 Cr Rent 36,000 Cr Depreciation 6,000 Cr Interest 3,350 Dr Retained earnings 9,850 To close the temporary accounts for the year
Introduction to Accounting 156

After the closing entry:

Cash 3, 3 33 3 3 , 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 3 , 3 , 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3

T-Accounts (posting to ledgers)

Due to shareholder 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 Accounts payable 33 3 3 , 3 , 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 Interest payable 33 3 , 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 Unearned revenue 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 Bank loan 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 Capital stock 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 Catering revenue 33 3 , 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 Cost of goods sold 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 Incorporation costs 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 Salaries 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 Bad debts 33 3 33 3 Store sales 33 3 , 3 3 33 3 3, 3 3 33 3 3, 3 3 33 3 3, 3

Accounts Receivable 33 3 33 3 Prepaid rent expense 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 Food inventory 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

Rent 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 Depreciation 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 Interest 33 3 , 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 Utilities 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 -

Cooking equipment 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 Accumulated depn 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Office equipment 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 Vehicle 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

33 3

Retained earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Introduction to Accounting


Numbers to go to the financial statements

Cash 3, 3 33 3 3 , 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 3 , 3 , 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 Accounts Receivable 33 3 33 3 Prepaid rent expense 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 Food inventory 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 Due to shareholder 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 Accounts payable 33 3 3 , 3 , 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 Interest payable 33 3 , 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 Unearned revenue 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 Bank loan 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 Capital stock 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

Financial statements
Catering revenue 33 3 , 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 Cost of goods sold 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 Incorporation costs 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 Salaries 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 Bad debts 33 3 33 3 Store sales 33 3 , 3 3 33 3 3, 3 3 33 3 3, 3 3 33 3 3, 3

Rent 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 Depreciation 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 Interest 33 3 , 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 Utilities 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 -

Cooking equipment 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 Accumulated depn 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Office equipment 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 Vehicle 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

33 3

Retained earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3

Introduction to Accounting


Tasman Inc.
Tasman Inc. Income statement For year ended December 33 , 3333 Revenue Catering Store sales Cost of goods sold Gross margin Expenses Incorp costs Salaries Bad debts Utilities Rent Depreciation Interest Net Income Tasman Inc. Balance Steet As at December 33 , 3333 Assets Current assets Cash Food inventory Long-term assets Cooking equipment Office equipment Vehicle Accum Depn (total) Total Assets Liabilities Current liabilities Due to shareholder Accounts payable Interest payable Unearned revenue Long-term liabilities Owners' Equity Capital stock Retained Earnings 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 3 33 3 3, 3 -

4 44 4 4, 4 3, 3 33 3 3 33 3 3, 3

3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3

3, 3 33 3

33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 , 3 -

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 , 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3

3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3 33 3 , 3 33 3 3, 3 33 3

Tasman Inc. Statement of Retained Earnings For year ended December 33 , 3333 Opening Retained Earnings Net Income (Loss) Dividends Closing Retained Earnings

Total Liabilities and OE

Introduction to Accounting


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