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Going Native Highlights

New C++ Style

New C++ core language features
auto and decltype smart pointers uniform initialization nullptr rvalue references lambda functions range-based loops user-defined literals and few others

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auto Type
const auto num = QOSTR("0123456789"); const auto* numPtr = num.c_str(); auto loader = boost::bind(&PptXArchive::DiagramDataLoader, this, _1, _2); std::vector<CES::QPD_DOM::QPD_NotesMasterPtr> notes; auto note = notes[0];

Base* p = new Derived();

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decltype Operator
decltype(num) anotherNum; anotherNum = num; decltype(notes[1]) note1; note1 = notes[1];

template<typename U, typename T>

auto foo(T& t) -> decltype(std::make_shared<U>(t));

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Really Smart Pointers

std::unique_ptr for unique ownership. It can be stored in a

standard container
std::shared_ptr and std::weak_ptr for shared ownership.

Shared pointer is thread safe. std::auto_ptr is deprecated!!! Raw pointers and references still can be used but... But is the pointer really needed?

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Pointer Passing to Functions

void f(widget* w); void f(widget& w);

Explicit about shared ownership

void f(std::shared_ptr<widget>& w);

void f(std::shared_ptr<widget> w);

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Uniform Initialization
QPC_SlideRefsListPtr slideRefs{ ChNEW QPC_SlideRefsList }; const char USERNAME[]{"USER"}; std::vector<CES::Int_64> v{0, 1, 2, 5};

int i{42}; vs int i = 42;

m_renderer.MoveTo(QO_Dpoint(x, y)); vs m_renderer.MoveTo({x, y});

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struct SequenceClass { SequenceClass(std::initializer_list<int> list); }; SequenceClass some_var = {1, 4, 5, 6}; void foo(std::initializer_list<float> l);

foo({1.0f, -3.45f, -0.4f});

std::vector<int> v(10); vs std::vector<int> v{10};

There is no way to make an instance of std::initializer_list

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nullptr Keyword
char *pc = nullptr; int *pi = nullptr; bool b = nullptr; int i = nullptr;

void foo(char*) {}


0 still can be cast to pointer No need for NULL

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Rvalue References
Rvalue references help in implementing move semantics and in perfect forwarding X&& rvalue reference; X& lvalue reference Overload for X&& and X& mostly makes sense in copy constructor(move constructor) and in assignment operator Other functions can be overloaded too Rvalue reference can be either rvalue or lvalue

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Move Semantics
Vector constructors
vector(const vector& other); vector(vector&& other);

Big objects can be returned by value

std::vector<int> foo() {

return {1, 2, 32, 11};


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Perfect Forwarding
template<typename T, typename Arg> shared_ptr<T> factory(Arg arg) { return shared_ptr<T>(new T(arg)); }

arg can value, reference or const reference but none of these is perfect

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Lambda functions
[capture](arguments)->return-type {body}

Capture by value(=) or by reference(&) Return-type can be omitted this is always captured by value Lambdas have same class members access as enclosing function
auto a = [flag](int x, int y) { return flag ? x + y : x - y; }

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Lambda functions
std::function<int(int)> f0 = [](int) {return 1;}; auto decltype(f0) for(auto& f : fa) f1 = [](int x) {return x;}; fa = { std::cout << f(2) << "\n";

f0, f1, [](int x) {return x * x;} };

auto foo = [](int x) { ++x;};

void(*foo_ptr)(int) = foo;

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begin()/end() Functions and Range-based

int a[]{1, 4, 2, 10, 3}; std::vector<int> v{1, 4, 2, 10, 3}; for (auto& d : v) { total += d; } std::sort(std::begin(v), std::end(v)); std::sort(std::begin(a), std::end(a));

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Object Construction Delegation

struct A { A(int i, int j) : m_i{i}, m_j{j} {} A() : A(1, 0) {} private: int m_i; int m_j;


C++11 considers an object constructed once any constructor finishes

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override and final

struct Base { virtual void foo(int) {} virtual void bar() final {} }; struct Derived : public Base {

void foo(double) override {} // Error

void bar() {} } // Error

Class also can be final

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default and delete

struct NonCopyable { NonCopyable& operator=(const NonCopyable&) = delete; NonCopyable(const NonCopyable&) = delete; NonCopyable() = default; void f(double d);

template<class T> void f(T) = delete;


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constexpr Specifier
constexpr int fact(int x) { return x == 1 ? 1 : x * fact(x - 1); }

More computations in compile time without any templates

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User-Defined Literals
CES::QO_Color operator"" _r(int r) { return CES::QO_Color(r, 0, 0); } CES::QO_Color operator"" _g(int g) { return CES::QO_Color(0, g, 0); }

CES::QO_Color operator"" _b(int b) {

return CES::QO_Color(0, 0, b); } constexpr CES::QO_Color c = 12_r + 30_g + 100_b;

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Lets Refactor in New C++ Style

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References e-2012 html

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