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Planning & Order Management

Session 12

Business of Design





Process Flow & Plan and Execution of

a particular Order / Style/ Account

Calendar Planning & Order Management

Key activities for effective calendar planning and

order management
Coordination of materials with suppliers

Efficient utilization of people and machines

Efficient flow of materials

Good communication with buyers


A typical manufacturing system


Raw Materials

Raw Material Machines People

Finished Products


Time and Action Calendar for 1style

Size Set Submit Expected Appvl.


Style No.: Date:

Main Lable W/Care Lable


PP Submit
Expected Appvl.

Zip Lace

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 FABRIC CUTTING PRINTING EMBROIDERY SEWING FINISHING Pilot Run Initial Insp Mid Insp Final Insp

Time and Action Calendar for many styles

SAMPLES Size Set Submit
Expected Appvl. PP Submit Expected Appvl.


Style No.: Date:

TRIMS Main Lable W/Care Lable Button Zip Lace




Printing Embroidery Sewing


ORDER STYLE NO. NO. EDT Start End Start End Start End Start End Start End Start End P

BUYER : CLT-182 SEASON : S'07 STYLE NO. : 150336 STYLE DESC : strap to with pleating and embr stitching detail at empire lien QTY : 5,000 Pcs, PARIS FABRIC ; 70s Cotton voile print stripes+Plain 70s Cotton voile Fabric Supplier: Nagpal Textiles Contact No: 9810035088 FABRIC MILL : printing mill SPL, Faridabad MANPREET 989121102 Office Responsible R.K. GUPTA 981499986 Order confirmation (60 days from goods Ex-China) Olivier OC Received from Paris Teck Pack received from Paris OC issued to Factory Fit sample Exit from India (5 days + teck pack Received) Fit sample comments received (exit + 6 days) Fit sample re submit (4 days from the Ist fir comments received) FA 2 Comnts Fom Buyer (Max 6 days frm revised smpl sent) Technical sample (4 days after the fit is approved Technical samples (6 days after the comments received Paris office Ishwar India Paris office/ Roopneet India & Roopneet Ishwar India India & Roopneet India & Roopneet India & Roopneet India & Roopneet India & Roopneet SLA in days 1/10/2007 1/13/2007 1/16/2007 1/14/2007 1/22/2007 1/29/2007 2/2/2007 2/9/2007 2/13/2007 2/19/2007 POSSIBLE ACTUAL DEVIATION


POSSIBLE Fabric Booked Labdip/Strikeoff/Deskloom off Submit- (6days after po issued to factory) Approval of Labdip/Strikeoff/Deskloom off Submit- (comments from sent date) First of bulk 10 days after labdip/Strikeoff/Deskloom approval Bulk Fabric Inhouse Fabric Test Report with Wash care Fabric Inspection Report Shade lots submit by fty Shade lots approved Thread Panel Submit(days) Embroidery Submit Embroidery Approvals Garment Print submits Garment Print Approval Special Trims Submit Trims Inhouse 50 Days Trim Card Submit Gpt Sample Report Roopneet Roopneet India + Paris Roopneet Roopneet Roopneet + Paris Roopneet + India Roopneet Ishwar India Roopneet Roopneet Ishwar India 1/11/2007 1/18/2007 1/23/2007 2/2/2007 2/9/2007 2/14/2007 2/11/2007 2/10/2007 2/11/2007 2/10/2007 2/9/2007 2/16/2007


Roopneet Roopneet Roopneet Roopneet+ India

1/15/2007 2/7/2007 2/8/2007 2/18/2007 ACTUAL DEVIATION

PP/Sealer Sample ( ) PP/Sealer Sample Approval PP meeting Pilot Offer () BCD(30 DAYS

Roopneet India + Paris India+ Roopneet India+ Roopneet India+ Roopneet

2/14/2007 2/15/2007 2/16/2007 2/19/2007 2/16/2007

From: bhavna.sharma [] Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 2:51 PM To: vishal Cc: 'Impulse - Shivani Choudhary (E-mail)'; Subject: Re: 4782-T&A Hi Toni/Vishal, Pls. note that the attached FPO's and POD's have already been sent to you which clearly mention that the dates are x-india not x-factory. Resending the same.Pls make sure that the deliveries are met or factory has to air the goods at it's own cost. Confirm yr understanding.

Regards Bhavna Sharma -------------------------------------------------Debenhams Impulse +91-124-4026-459

----- Original Message ----From: bhavna.sharma To: vishal Cc: 'Impulse - Shivani Choudhary (E-mail)' ; Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 11:08 AM Subject: Re: 4782-T&A

Order Management
Orders need to be managed because in real life there always exist a gap between planned and

We need to monitor to check if everything is

going as per the plan

When delays start creeping in, managers have to take actions to ensure timely deliveries.

Order Management
Orders are managed based on the following factors:

Delivery dates

Family sequencing

Product sequencing

Order quantity


Importance of buyer

Software for Planning

Software for production planning provides support for decision making Software does not make decisions or manage the operations, Managers do

However, today some software support the

decision makers as well as make (at least) some

of the decisions!


Planning Activities
Materials Planning Purchasing Raw Material Inventory Control
Capacity Planning Scheduling Machine and People WIP Inventory Control

- Fabric store - Accessory store

Production Department


Hierarchical Planning
1. Overall Manufacturing Planning 2. Detailed Materials and Capacity Planning 3. Execution of Plans


1.Overall Manufacturing Planning

Demand Management
Forecasting Order Promising Order Booking Order Entry


1.Overall Manufacturing Planning

- Monthly Plans for Product Families - Weekly Plans for Individual Products


Product Family: T-shirts Products: Red, Blue, Green Usually a period is one month and a subperiod is one week (s=4)


Example (Contd)
Production Plan Months 1 2 T-shirts 100000 120000

Master Production Schedule Products Weeks 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 Red 10 10 10 10 15 15 15 Blue 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Green 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

4 15 10 5

1.Overall Manufacturing Planning

Resource Planning Long-Range Capacity Requirements Number of Machines Number of Employees Overtime Shifts Plants

2.Materials & Capacity Planning

Materials How much When (time phased deliveries) Planning of raw materials,

components, parts, sub-assemblies, etc.

Dependent/independent materials/activities


2.Materials & Capacity Planning

Detailed Capacity Planning Labor Hours Required Machine Capacity Required


3. Execution of Plans

Purchasing Plan
Vendor Search/Vendor Capacity

Order Release Order Follow-up

3. Execution of Plans
Shop Floor Control Assembly line layout may be used Similar machines may be grouped into work centers OR Similar parts are grouped into families work orders with schedules may be released to work centers / departments / machines

start and end date of orders are determined

schedules are daily updated

Case study 2
Resource Planning:

Assume that a dress manufacturing company

decided to open three manufacturing sites

(Mexico, Ireland and Singapore)

Each plant is going to run one shift except embroidery area which will be run in 2 shifts due to high investment requirement.

Example contd.
Demand Management: Demand is forecasted for different product families and different plants as follows:
Mexico plant (Units/yr) 300000 350000 150000 Ireland plant (Units/yr) 200000 225000 100000 Singapore Plant (Units/yr) 150000 200000 75000

Formal dresses Party dresses Hi-fashion dresses

Example contd.
Production Plans: Mexico Plant
Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Formal 20K 20K 20K 20K 20K 20K 30K Party 20K 20K 20K 20K 20K 20K 30K Hi-fashion 10K 10K 10K 10K 10K 10K 15K

8 30K 40K 15K

9 30K 40K 15K

10 30K 40K 15K

11 30K 40K 15K

12 30K 40K 15K



Example contd.
Demand Management: Following manpower and resources requirements are estimated for each plant:
Mexico plant Manpower Machine Type X Machine Type Y Machine Type Z 300 50 100 150 Ireland plant 200 40 120 40 Singapore plant 150 30 50 70

Example contd.
Master Production Schedule: Mexico Plant Party Line 1ST Month
Silk satin dresses Silk satin dresses with silk thread emb. Polyester crepe dresses Polyester crepe dresses with viscose thread emb. TOTAL 1K 1K 1K 2K 5K

Weeks 2 3 4
1K 1K 2K 1K 5K 1K 2K 1K 1K 5K 2K 1K 1K 1K 5K

Master schedule is prepared for each month (possibly for the 1st couple of months, not for the entire year) and product family. 28

Example contd.
Rough-cut Capacity Planning: Due to shortfall in production rates, the Manpower and Machine requirements is revised.

Manpower Machine Type X Machine Type Y Machine Type Z

Mexico plant 340 (300) 55 (50) 95 (100) 190 (150)


Example contd.
Materials Planning: Detailed material plans are prepared for subassemblies and parts to be manufactured; components and raw materials to be purchased.
Silk satin (000 mts.) PES crepe (000 mts.) Silk thread (000 mts.) Viscose thread (000 mts.) 7 9 500

7 9 500

10 6

10 6

Weeks 5 6 7

10 11 12

1000 500

2000 1000 1000 1000


Example contd.
Capacity Requirements Planning:

Manpower Machine X Machine Y Machine Z

1 320 52 90 178

2 310 55 92 163

3 330 60 98 172

Weeks 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 322 57 95 170


Example contd.
Purchasing: Contact vendors, evaluate quotes and cut purchase orders. Shop Floor Control: Assign parts to be embroidered to different embroidery machines (computer, machine, hand) Load manufacturing cells with products and determine start and completion times
Cell1 Job1 Job 3 Cell2 Job 2 Job 4 Cell3 Job 5 Job 8 Time (hrs) Job 7 Job 6

Process Flow and Plan

Process Flow


Execution of a particular Order/Style/Account

Execution of a particular Order/Style/Account

Actual samples of garments is to be used to illustrate and discuss the step by step process of executing a simple, intermediate and complex style in the class.

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