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MSI Logic

T he complexity of a chip
Scale of integration: SSI 1 - 10 gates MSI 10 - 100 gates LSI 100 - 1000 gates VLSI > 1000 gates

Specialized MSI components

Encoders Decoders Multiplexers / Demultiplexer BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder and Liquid Crystal Displays

Encoder s - Decoder s
Main function of encoder and decoder The purpose is to reduce the number of wires required for interconnection.

Decoder logic circuit that activates an output that corresponds to a binary number on the input (set of inputs). May not use all of the possible input codes
ENABLE inputs The 74ALS138 decoder BCD to decimal decoders (the 7442) BCD to decimal decoder/driver (the 7445) Decoder applications

A 2 n -to- n -line encoder symbol

Symbol for an n -to2 n- line decoder

Binar y Decoder s, Nto-2N decoder s

Accept a N-bit binary input code (number) Activate a 1-out-of-2Noutput code corresponding to the input code (number) Some decoders do not use all 2Ninput codes

3-Line to 8-Line Decoder

3-Line to 8-Line Decoder


Example 74138 Decoder W/Enable

74138 Decoder

Example BCD-toDecimal Decoder s 74LS42 / 74HC42

7-segment configuration- to form the decimal characters 0 -9 and sometimes the hex characters A F. BCD-to-7-segment decoder/driver is used to take 4-bit BCD input and provide the outputs that will pass current through the appropriate segment to display the decimal digit.

(a) BCD-to-7segment decoder/driver driving a common-anode 7-segment LED display; (b) segment patterns for all possible input codes.

The opposite of this decoding process is called encoding and is performed by a logic circuit called an encoder. Encoder has a number of input lines, only one of which is activated at a given time, and produces an N-bit output code depending on which input is activated. An 8-line-to-3-line encoder accepts 8 input lines and produces a 3-bit output code corresponding to the activated input.

Following through the logic, verify that a LOW at any input will produce the output binary code corresponding to that input.

Note that A0 is not internally connected (A1A7=1111111, then Q2Q1Q0=000 Only one input should be low. Example: If A3 = A5 =0, and all other are High, then Q Q Q =011 (=3 ), NOT ACCEPTABLE

Priority Encoders Include the necessary logic to ensure that when 2 or more inputs are activated, the output code will correspond to the HIGHEST-NUMBERED input. Example: A3, and A5 are LOW, the output code will be 101(5). When A6, A2, and A0 are all LOW, the output code is 110(6). The 74148, 74LS148, and 74HC148 are all

74147 Decimal-toBCD Priority Encoder

Nine active low inputs representing decimal 1 thru 9 Output: inverted BCD code corresponding to the highest numbered activated input. Outputs can be converted to normal BCD by putting each through an inverter. No A0. When all inputs are high, it corresponds to decimal 0

Switch Encoder

Multiplexer s (Data Selector)

Multiplexer (MUX)- it selects one of the several input signal sand passes it on to the output. Multiplexing- multiplexer selects 1 out of N input data sources and transmits the selected data to a single Digital multiplexer or data selector is a logic circuit that accepts several digital data inputs and selects one of them at any given time to pass on to the output. The routing of the desired data input to the output is controlled by SELECT inputs

Multiplexer s (Data Selector)

Basic Two Input Multiplexer The logic level applied to the S input determines which AND gate is enable so that its data input passes through the OR gate to output Z.

Multiplexers (Data Selector)

Four Input Multiplexer

Four-input multiplexer: (a) using sum of products logic; (b) using tristate buffers.

Multiplexer s
Main function of multiplexer and demultiplexer The purpose is to reduce the number of wires required for interconnection by making the signals to time-share the link.

A multiplexer/demultiplexer ar rangement for infor mation transmission


A 2 n -to-1-line multiplexer symbol

MUX implementation of a Boolean function

Any Boolean function of n variables can be implemented by a multiplexer with n control inputs in a straightforward manner.

Multiplexers (Data Selector)

Eight Input Multiplexer- 74LS151(74HC151) This multiplexer has an enable input E and provides both the normal and the inverted outputs.

E=0, Select input S2S1S0 will select one data input E=1, multiplexer is disable

Multiplexers (Data Selector)

Quad Two Input MUX (74ALS157/HC157)

Multiplexer A pplications
1. 2. 3. 4. Data routing Parallel-to-serial conversion Operation Sequencing Logic Function Generation

Logic Function Gener ation

1-Line-to-8-Line Demultiplexer

Demux (Data Distributer)

Clock Demultiplexer 74ALS138 demultiplexer being used as a clock demultiplexer Under control of the SELECT lines, the clock signal is routed to the desired destination. If S2S1S0 = 000, the clock signal applied to I will appear at output O0. If S2S1S0 = 101, the clock signal applied to I will appear at output O5.

Ma gnitude Compar ator

Magnitude comparator combinational logic that compares two input binary quantities and generates outputs to indicate which one has the greater magnitude. Data inputs 74HC85 compares two unsigned 4-bit binary numbers. A3A2A1A0 which is called word A; the other B3B2B1B0 which is called word B Outputs Has 3 active-HIGH outputs Output OA>B will be HIGH when the magnitude of word A is greater than the magnitude of word B Output OA<B will be HIGH when magnitude of word A is less than the magnitude of word B. Output OA=B will be HIGH when magnitude of word A is identical with the magnitude of word B.

Magnitude Comparator

Cascading Inputs Expanding the comparison operation to more than 4 bits by cascading two or more 4-bit comparators. When 2 comparators are to be cascaded, the outputs of the lower-order comparator are connected to the corresponding inputs of higher-order comparator.

Code Conver ter s

Code converter is a logic circuit that changes data presented in one type of binary code to another type of binary code. BCD-to-7 segment decoder is a code converter because it changes a BCD input code to the 7 segment code needed by the LED. BCD-to-binary converter 2 digit decimal values ranging from 00 to 99 can be represented in BCD by 2 4-bit code groups.

BCD-to-binar y conver ter

Code Conver ter s

Tr y this....
Whats the output, if 74ALS138 .

E 0 = 0 E 0 = E 0 = 0 A0 = A0 = 0 A0 = 0 , ; ,

E0 = E 0 = 0E 0 = 0 A0 = A0 = 0A0 = 0 , ; ,

Figure 1

Try this....
Determine the states of the 74147 decimal-to-BCD priority encoder outputs when A 0, A 0, A 0are LOW and the other are HIGH.

Basic Adders

Simple Binary Addition 0+0=0 0+1=1 1+0=1 1 + 1 = 10 Zero plus zero equals zero Zero plus one equals one One plus zero equals one One plus one equals zero with a carry of one



Full-Adder Full adder from two half-adder circuits

Parallel Binary Adders

Parallel Binary Adders Two-bit parallel binary adder

Parallel Binary Adders Four-bit parallel binary adder

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