Wireless Ad-Hoc Sensor Network: Presented By: Ummu Roll No.: 1265

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Wireless ad-hoc Sensor Network

Presented By: ummu Roll No.: 1265

Project Summary Relevant Standards Block Diagrams Modes of Operation Specifications Equipment Progress Project Timeline

WISENET is a network of low-power wireless sensor devices (motes) designed to record and report environmental data.

(MICA mote from Crossbow Technology)

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Structured Query Language (SQL) Serial Link (RS-232) Micro-Controller Serial Link (I2C) FCC regulations (ISM Bands)

System Block Diagram

Block Diagram Client

Block Diagram Server

Block Diagram Server

Block Diagram Sensor Network

Block Diagram Mote

TinyOS is a small micro-threading operating system that abstracts core application development from specific hardware details

The design methodology is to 'wire' different components to each other higher level components call 'tasks' in lower level components, and lower levels signal 'events' to higher levels


Modes of Operation

Sleep Mode Power Conservation

Query Mode Data Acquisition

Re-Programming Mode Future Option

Environmental Conditions
-20 80 C 0 100% Relative Humidity (RH)

Sensor Accuracy
Light Sensor: 10% Lumens Humidity: 3% RH Temperature: 3 C

Power Usage
3.3V Operating Voltage Goal: 6 Month Battery Life

Pentium-class PC or better NT-based OS Internet Connectivity Serial Port MySQL Database Apache / PHP Webserver

Mote Development
Chipcon CC1010 Development Kit Keil uVision2 Integrated Devel. Environment (IDE) Low-Power Sensor Hardware

Project Progress
Selected most of the components Preliminary designs

Software: TinyOS
Analysis of TinyOS 1.0.0 source code (nesC) Began port to CC1010 hardware Working on simple Blink application

Project Progress
Software: WiseDB
Using MySQL++ API
Analyzed code utilizing MySQL++ Performed database operations

Implementing Serial Communications

Using Serial API written by Ramon Klein Tested with loop-back (null-modem) connection Wrote basic simulator of gateway mote

Project Timeline
December 2002
Project Research Preliminary Design Proof-of-Concept Porting TinyOS to CC1010

January 2003
WiseDB Interfaced to Hardware Hardware Design & Software Driver Development Continue Porting TinyOS to CC1010

February 2003
Add Scheduling / Routing to WiseDB Finalize Hardware (Design PCB)

Project Timeline
March 2003
Finalize WiseDB Complete Port of TinyOS to CC1010
Integrate Hardware Drivers Implement Advanced Power-Saving Implement Routing

System-Wide Testing and Debugging

April / May 2003

Continued System Testing / Debugging Web-Interface Final Presentation and Report

Project Applications
Lab / Office Monitoring
Habitat Monitoring Security Applications Extreme Weather Surveillance

Potential Biomedical Applications

Military Reconnaissance


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