Week 1 Chapter 1

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Cyber-Security, Law and Money Laundering

Sean Grillo Email:sgrillo@pitt.edu


Scene of the Cybercrime-Second Edition In class handouts In class notes (3) Short Tests (1) Class project-handed out in week (10)
Investigation using materials from class

Class Participation

Be prepared to discuss materials

Defining Cyber Crime

Crimes committed using computers and the internet

Can involve just computers or be a combination with traditional crime Computer can be just one tool in the commission of a simple or complex crime

Hacking or Nigerian 419 scam

Use Net vs Depend on Net

Same old Stuff

Computer network is somehow involved

Pyramid scheme, take bets, prostitution, 419 scams, child porn photos

Cyber aspect is not a necessary element of the offense, it merely provides the means

Use Net vs Depend on Net

Dependant-The crime is unique and came into being with the advent of the internet
Unauthorized access (hacking network) DDOS

Categories of Cybercrime

Violent or Potentially Violent Cybercrime Categories

Committed, planned, or coordinated in cyberspace Email between conspirators Recruitment Infiltrating various systems-air traffic control, water system, power grids

Categories of Cybercrime
Assault by threat-Cyber bullying
Threats via email Social Network sites


Similar to Assault but can be a mechanism to stalk victim

Categories of Cybercrime
Child Pornography
Creating materials Exchanging materials Find and create victims

Categories of Cybercrime

Nonviolent Cybercrime

Access computer or network without authorization but does not misuse or damage


Using a computer and network to steal information, money or other valuables

Embezzlement, Unlawful appropriation, Corporate/Industrial espionage, Identity theft

Categories of Cybercrime

Promoting flasehoods to obtain something of value or benefit

Similar to theft EXCEPT victim knowingly and voluntarily gives money or property to the criminal-Misrepresentation 419 scams Misrepresenting credentials

Categories of Cybercrime

Categories of Cybercrime
Destructive Cybercrimes
Service disrupted or data destroyed Hacking Network to delete, deface, intro worms and viruses, DDOS

Other Non-Violent Cybercrimes

Internet Gambling Internet Drug Sales Cyberlaundering Skimming/Carding Drops/reshipping

Reasons for Cybercrime

Internet has made it easier to reach more victims or carry out criminal activity
Easier for pedophile to acquire items Commit crime anonymously Using websites and email to herd more victims Target attacks against former employee or rich targets

Fighting Cybercrime

Know the enemy Players

Police Law makers IT professionals Courts

Fighting Cybercrime

Some problems
Businesses reluctant to admit problem
Brand or image issue Law Enforcement too slow or not sharing into Technical issues

Computers and networks can be involved in crimes in several different ways

The computer or network can be the tool of the crime The computer or network can be the target of the crime The computer or network can be used to support the crime-storing records of criminal activity

Jurisdiction Issues

Covering Federal Issues

Numerous ways to establish venue
Where Where Where Where

criminal is located victim is located servers are located undercover created venue

State and local

Can be very dicey

Quantifying Cybercrime

Internet Crime Center (IC3)

Partnership of FBI and National White Coller Crime Center (NW3C) Take complaints from victims of cybercrime Can be a wealth of information

Request is made, research, results


Two Groups

IT Professionals
Discover on systems-report or not

Law Enforcement
Sort through legal, jurisdictional and practical issues

Homework Assignment

Research a current Cybercrime Discuss the crime/scheme Who are the players What is the reason for the violation Professional or weekend warrior What laws were violated 5 minute presentation

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