Job Analysis

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analysis is the process of collecting job related information. Such information helps in the preparation of job description and job specification.


Job: group of positions similar in their Significant duties such as technical assts, supervisors, welders and recruiters. Task: an identifiable work activity carried out for a specific purpose; eg.scruitiny of applications. Position: a designation, a level of hierarchy. As per that position the set of tasks are performed by those individuals.


Job code: the numbers used or the letters used to provide a quick summary of the tasks and the content. Job classification: the grouping of the tasks, done on the basis of skill, expertise, and knowledge; skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled.

Job Description

Job title Job Summary Job Activities Working Conditions Social Environment


Job Title: Manager Job Summary: Integrated Township development Projects Job activities: 1.Understand and advice the Management on the new initiatives in the respective sectors. 2.Project identification & Strategic assessments


Liaisoning with the Govt. agencies,Consultants,Vendors and Suppliers. Review and analyze tender documents and Contractual documents


WORKING CONDITIONS: Extensive Touring, Interiors of Rural areas Deputation at the Site till Project Completion Development of local and other Vendor network


SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT High amount of Integrity required. No compromise over quality and Customer Satisfaction Secrecy of Company details to be strictly observed.

Job Specification

Essential Attributes: KSAs needed to complete the job. Formal qualifications needed. Non-compromising elements. Desirable Attributes: Extra qualifications, training, diversified experience. Contra-Indicators: Factors that pose a handicap in the job performance. ROLE ANALYSIS


Essential Attributes: Civil Engineering Graduates with Management Qual.preferred Project Management Experience necessary Experience:8 years minimum Should have handled projects independently


Desirable attributes: 8-12 Years experience may also apply. Overseas experience welcome --------------------------------------------------Contra-Indicators: Physically fit with no allergies, asthma and vertigo. Adaptable to different climatic and geographical conditions

Job Specification

ROLE ANALYSIS Independent decision making Liasoning Negotiator Co-ordinator Vendor Developer



Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)

The job elements in the PAQ are organized into six divisions as follows (Examples of two job elements from each division are included):
1. Information input: Where and how does the worker get the information that he or she uses in performing his or her job?

Examples: Use of written materials

Near-visual differentiation

Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)

2. Mental processes: What reasoning, decisionmaking, planning, and information-processing activities are involved in performing the job?


Level of reasoning in problemsolving Coding/decoding

Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)

3. Work output: What physical activities does the worker perform and what tools or devices does he or she use?

Examples: Using keyboard devices


Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)

4. Relationships with other persons: What relationships with other people are required in performing the job?

Examples: Instruction

Contact with public and customers

Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)

5. Job context: In what physical or social contexts is the work performed?

Examples: High temperature

Interpersonal conflict situations

6. Other job characteristics: What activities, conditions, or characteristics, other than those described above, are relevant to the job?

Rating Scales Used with the PAQ There is a provision for rating each job on each job element. Six types of rating scales are used:

Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)

Letter ID U I T P A S the case job elements)

Type of rating scale Extent of Use Importance to the Job Amount of Time Possibility of Occurrence Applicability Special Code (used in of a few specific

Management Position Description Questionnaire (MPDQ) Factors

1. Product, Marketing, and Financial Strategy

Planning: Indicates long-range thinking and

planning. The incumbents concerns are broad and oriented toward the future.

2. Coordination of Other Organization Units

and Personnel: The incumbent coordinates

efforts of other functional, handles conflicts or disagreements, when necessary, and works in an environment that cuts across existing organizational boundaries.

Management Position Description Questionnaire (MPDQ) Factors

3. Internal Business Control:
Incumbent exercises business controls, e.g., reviews and controls allocation of human and other resources. Activities and concerns are assignments of supervisory responsibility, expense control, cost reduction, setting performance goals, preparing and reviewing budgets, protecting the companys money and properties, and employee relations practices.

4. Products and Services Responsibility:

Activities and concerns of the incumbent in technical areas related to products, services, and their marketability. Specifically included are planning, scheduling, and monitoring products and services delivery, along with keeping track of quality and costs. Concerned with promises that are difficult to meet, anticipates new or changed demands for the products and services, and closely maintains the progress of specific projects.

Management Position Description Questionnaire (MPDQ) Factors

5. Public and Customer Relations:
A general responsibility for reputation of the companys products and services. Concerned with promoting the companys products and services, goodwill of the company in the community, and general public relations. Involves firsthand contact with the customer, frequent contact and negotiation with representatives from other organizations, and understanding needs of customers. Incumbent applies technical expertise to special problems, issues, questions, or policies. This requires an understanding of advanced principles, theories, and concepts in several required fields. Often, he or she is asked to apply highly advanced techniques and methods to address issues and questions, which few people in the company can do.

6. Advanced Consulting:

Management Position Description Questionnaire (MPDQ) Factors

7. Staff Service: 8. Supervision:
Incumbent renders various staff services to supervisors. Such activities can include fact gathering, data acquisition and compilation, and record keeping. Incumbent plans, organizes, and controls the work of others, requiring face-to-face contact with subordinates almost daily. Concerns revolve around getting work done efficiently through effective use of people. Incumbent must operate under pressure. This may include activities of handling information under time pressure to meet deadlines, frequently taking risks, and interfering with personal or family life.

9. Complexity and Stress:

Management Position Description Questionnaire (MPDQ) Factors

10. Advanced Financial Responsibility:
Activities and responsibilities concerned with the preservation of assets, making investment decisions, and other large-scale financial decisions that affect the companys performance.

11. Broad Personnel Responsibility:

affecting them.

The incumbent has broad responsibility for the management of HR and policies


Employees fears. Resistance to change Overemphasis on current trends Straight jacket approach.

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