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Dosen: Bambang Sugeng

Main points
Behavioural models of therapy, deriving from psychological learning theories Cognitive models of therapy, deriving from psychological theories of perception and information-processing

Behavioral approach
Fischer and Gochros

Respondent or classical conditioning Operant conditioning Social learning All are directly applicable in social work

Respondent conditioning
behavior (anything we do) produced by a stimulus (a person, situation, event, or thing usually in the environment) Conditioning is the process by which behavior is learned (connected with stimulus) Respondent behavior = classical conditioning (Pavlov)

Operant conditioning
Focuses on the consequences of behavior A (antecedent) B (behaviour) C (consequences) Punishment reduces behaviour Reinforcement strengthens behaviour Extinction

Social learning
Modelling: (Hudson & Macdonald, 1986) Performing an action Observer forms an idea Observer identifies circumstance Observer repeats the behavior

Behavioral social work practice

Increasing desired behaviors Reducing undesired behaviors Recording = detailed observation Assessment = on the present Mediators = clients family or friends

Group behavior techniques

This may be by using a conventional group as a supporter and reinforcer to individual undertaking behavioral programmes or by undertaking interventions with several people at once in the group. -> social skill training

Residential work
Token economics Have been used in schools and residential homes for adolescents with behavior problems and offenders Also used in mentally ill and handicapped people

Token economies are fundamentally an operant conditioning system using interval reinforcement Token economies are useful for discrimination training

Main points
Cognitive behavioral work focuses on defining and addressing peoples problem behaviors, particularly social phobias, anxiety and depression The main techniques = respondent and operant conditioning, social learning and skills training and cognitive restructuring of peoples belief systems

continuous reinforcement
Shaping Fading Modelling Prompting Physical guidance

Intermittent schedules of reinforcement

Ratio schedules reinforce after a set number of occurrence Interval schedules after a set period of desired behavior

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