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Revitalized BHERTS

Will act as the core group that will coordinate and monitor activities related to the detection, prevention, and control of infectious diseases

Recommended Composition

Chairperson Vice-chairperson Members

- Punong Barangay - Kagawad for Health - BHWs/BNS/BNAO - Purok Leader - Barangay Tanod -Nurse/Midwife

Technical Adviser

***Composition may vary based on the situation in your barangay

Revitalized BHERTS
Revitalization of the BHERT must be covered by a resolution issued by the Sangguniang Barangay May serve as the overall Barangay Health Committee under the BDC Must work closely with BDCC


Act/serve as overall coordinative body and link of the SB with various stakeholders for activities related to EID and REIDs early detection, recording, reporting, and action-response

Specific 1. Detection/Recording

Oversee the activities of the barangay disease reporting advocates (BHWs, BNSs, BSPOs, tanods, purok leaders, schools, NGOs, etc.) Gather and maintain information related to vulnerability risk Record any unusual events

2. Reporting/Notification
Report any unusual event in coordination with different reporting advocated
Assist health investigating team Assist the health team in implementing measures Implement appropriate measures based on the Health Advisory

3. Case Investigation

4. Management and Treatment

5. Public Measures
Prepare Annual Action Plan and Budget Organize/conduct awareness campaign Coordinate with various stakeholders for implementation of interventions

6. Documentation
Prepare/submit reports on activities undertaken

Organization Structure of BHERT

Does not mean supervisory and hierarchical relationships Shows flow of communication Works under the authority and supervision of SB Coordinates closely with BDCC Technically guided by the Health Center Nurse/Midwife Coordinates and works closely with other groups

Expected Roles

Monitory any sign or symptoms observed that may pose danger on the spread of diseases Immediately inform assigned health worker about observed signs and symptoms Undertake necessary precautionary measures Implement interventions as needed

Expected Roles

BHW/ Tanod/ Purok Leader

Very reported signs and symptoms using Annex C Advise family Report immediately to BHERT or directly to Health center the verified signs and symptoms Assist conduct of investigation Implement necessary actions

Expected Roles

Cluster Leaders
Assist the Health Worker in monitoring Inform Health Worker for any observed/reported signs and symptoms of infectious disease Assist in investigation Assist in implementation of preventive and control measures

Expected Roles

Barangay Council
Pass resolution creating/revitalizing BHERTs Include BHERT plan in annual budget allocation Coordinate with other agencies Implement general precautionary actions Implement laws related to prevention of infectious diseases Monitor and evaluate BHERTs activities

Expected Roles

Health Center
Assist the Barangay Council in revitalizing BHERTS and the CHIN Orient BHERT members and community Support BHERT Conduct case verification/validation Report validated/verified cases Provide early intervention Implement, in coordination with BHERT and Barangay Council, recommended actions

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