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Art criticism or appreciation is a dynamic process much like art history itself since it has to follow the movements and developments of the art world.

Criticism is the action, process or result of passing judgment, evaluating and/or analyzing (someone or something) not in legal but in social, literary, linguistic, or similar terms.
The term is usually neutral and may be further differentiated into destructive (negative) and constructive (positive) criticism (Tan, 1998).

There are two types of criticism i.e destructive and constructive.

Destructive criticism is the act of judging severely where it seems the critic is belittling the artist often venomously. Constructive criticism is the opposite; it engages argumentation while giving positive feedback where improvements can be made. Critics really do hold the future of an aspiring artist in their hands especially if they are very influential since it deals with emotion, spirit and overall public view.

Art criticism is an evaluation and discussion of visual arts. According to Barret Terry, art criticism is responding to, interpreting meaning, and making critical judgments about specific works of art.

The word critic comes from Greek krites meaning judge which was taken from the old Romanian language krinien meaning to judge. Thus art criticism is the judgment or evaluation of art. According to Prof. Dr. Zakaria Ali, the evaluationis likely to take the viewers attention away from the artwork, and redirect it to itself, a selfconstruct irony many people fail to grasp. According to Hamidah Hamid (1995), criticism are evaluation and interpretation. This means that the evaluation will be the main highlight rather than the artwork which is quite contrary since the art is meant to draw people, not the judgment of a person.

But sometimes people like the everyday man do not understand the language of art and so depend on the interpretation of another person; this is why art criticism is so important.

The art criticism articles usually appear in art magazines, books, museums, galleries and internet. Sometimes, art critics employed in an exhibition to do a write-up for a catalogue and exhibition.
Each of art critics has their own judgement and style in evaluating an artwork. Basically they are evolved around their background of studies and field of work.






it can greatly influence their careers. as many artists have learnt, publicity helps build a career, and art criticism belongs to the apparatus of publicity it can affecting artistic reputation it intermediaries between works of art and the values or interests that art works designate. so, artists need discerning critics experienced professionals who can look at their work anf tell them what they are doing and whether it really matters. as such, it can clarify what they have said in another language. they need the response of at least one other discerning person.

Artist Title Medium Year

: Anwar Rashid : Kelahiran Inderaputra : Oil on Canvas : 1978

Artist Title Medium Year

: Mohd. Hoessein Enas : Admonition : Oil on canvas : 1959

it affects what the public sees,

for the public, they are interested in criticism because they wonder whether their opinions and preferences sre shared. critics business of making public sense out of art, whether it is good or bad, sophiticated or nave, meaningful or incomprehensible. criticism creates an art literacy and the level of intellectuality in the society.

Artist : Syed Ahmad Jamal Title : Semangat Ledang (2003) Medium : Oil on canvas Year : 2003

Artist : Edvard Munch Title : The Scream or The Cry Medium : Oil on canvas

Recollections of the Long Lost Memories series - Ahmad Fuad Osman.

Recollections of Long Lost Memories # 6, 2008, Oil on canvas, 198cm X 275cm- Ahmad Fuad Osman.

it affects what the artists make;

It can greatly influence their careers. As many artists have learnt, publicity helps build a career, and art criticism belongs to the apparatus of publicity It can affecting artistic reputation It intermediaries between works of art and the values or interests that art works designate. So, artists need discerning critics experienced professionals who can look at their work anf tell them what they are doing and whether it really matters. As such, it can clarify what they have said in another language. They need the response of at least one other discerning person.


Daumier- The Third-Class Carriage, 1863-65 Oil on canvas 25 3/4 x 35 1/2 in. (65.4 x 90.2 cm) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York


In The Omnibus 1864, Daumier

A Famous Motives, 1862-65, Daumier

It affects what the dealers want

Is to build a market for his or her artist and the ability to promote favorable comment. Good art will attract favorable attention. Favorable attention is also the product of a favorable climate of criticism for a certain style. It will create a market for the artists a dealer happens to represent. For dealers, art criticism serves the following purposes: it alerts them to the arrival of fresh talent, it enhances the value of works they possess, it generates excitement about the artists they represent, and it creates a dignified form of communication with art buying public.

GEORGE SEURAT- Sunday Afternoon Oil on canvas - Size: 7 x 10 feet

The Persistence of Memory, 1931 Artist: Salvador Dal


Collector care mainly concern about the monetary value of their collections Love the artwork s they have acquired and want the public to love them too. Admire certain artists and want them to prosper. To see their aesthetic judgments vindicated. Earning the respect of collectors and connoisseurs, recognizing excellence before anyone else, distinguishing between trendiness and quality, demonstrating prowess in the art market: - these are attractive goals to high-status individuals, and art criticism helps them measure progress toward their goals.

The function of criticism is to find significant connections between what an artist creates, what the viewers care about and what a critic thinks they are should care about.

Different critics use different approaches when critiquing art. Constructive is to judge the artwork and build positivity. It is to help better the artist. Criticism deals with emotion and artists are a sensitive lot but it is important to critique ethically since it has been proven that the write-up of the piece of artwork can affect many people.
It can turn the artist either into a legend or pauper; it can double the price of an artwork or bring it down significantly and most important, it can affect the future of the artist. Such is the power of criticism that it should not be viewed lightly.

Art criticism helps audience to interpret and have a better understanding of artworks. Even so, many people are associating the negative connotations with the word criticism. Somehow, the objects of criticism here is the artwork, not the artist. The society needed to be exposed to art criticism in order to let them know more about the important of having your work to be evaluated.
Besides, the existence of art criticism should be appreciated because of its contribution towards improving the understanding of visual art among the society. An art criticism may start with pure description of what a person can see with their naked eye and develop into a formal analysis and contextual form. An art criticism will always relate an artwork to the era or art movement and also into a bigger context.


Deal with the feelings, ideas, and events represented or symbolized in drawings,paintings, and sculpture (works of art)

Intermediaries between works of art and the values or interests that art works designate

Deal with cultural affairs Comment on the direction of our culture Commentary about the hopes, wishes and fears expressed in art

Give ideas about who we are, where we have been, and where we are going

1. To comment on the aesthetic organization and technical execution of works of art. 2. To comment on the interests and values symbolized or expressed in works of art

INTEREST OF THE PUBLIC AN ARTISTS WORK - To find significant connections between what an artist creates, what viewers care about, and what a critic thinks they should care about

Teachers of art: systematic talk about art: acting like a critic Whoever teaches us to see meaning

Art scholars: university professors, museum curators, art researchers, authors of art texts


Arts scholar such as college and university professors, museum curators, art researchers, and authore of art texts are art critics. They write the books and articles that eventually filter into the public consciousness as standard or cannonical ideas about art and artists. Art scholars have more time to research a subject before writing about it. Scholars know more about the subject. they often specialists in a style, a period, a medium or an artist. Scholar usually enjoy institutional sponsorship, that is, their work is subsidized by a university, a museum, a foundation or a publisher.

art critics to cultural affairs editors.

They range from lowly reporters to art reviewers to specialized

It deals with art as a category of news. however they live and work by deadlines.
Most journalists, however, do not make independent judgments: they lack the necessary experience, they do not have sufficient space and their trainning emphasizes human interest stories more than aesthetic analysis.

Criticism has a pedagogical function. Teachers at all levels, in every kind of institution, and teachers of art history and theory as well as studio subjects. This all inclusiveness is based on the fact that talk about art, especially systematic talk about art, constitutes the substance of art criticism. They assign art problems and exercises and they evaluate artwork when it is finish

The largest body of critic.

They are so numerous and their opinion are so well known and extremely important. It shapes what many artists create; it is highly consistent and exceedingly durable. Its form the established feelings and thinking against which the avant-garde rebels. Generally, lay critics know little or nothing about theory. They often have an unconscious theory of art, which is that art ought to be representational. Popular criticism is influential in the long run, but in the short run it tend to be ignored. why? they dont have much money; they buy only inexpensive or kitschy art.



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