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For our final design, we decided to make an interactive animation for our Greek mythology and then we would make a quiz (around 10 questions) with questions related to the animation. We will show the story board of the animation first then the quiz.



Scene 1: In this scene there would pictures of waves and Poseidon. It is the introductory scene to tell the participants that the quiz will start. Duration: 5 seconds

Scene 2: This is the instruction scene. It would allow the participants to understand how the quiz is played. The arrow is required to be click after the instructions have been read. Duration: Until click next arrow


Scene 3: This scene is the first question. Participants would be able to select one answer from the list of three. There would be a scoreboard to tell how many points they get. Duration: Until a choice is clicked

Score: 1

Correct Scene If participants have answered the question correctly, they would be transported to this page. They would also acquire 1 score which will be recorded into the score board. The background would be confetti. Duration: 5 seconds

Score: 1

Wrong Scene: If participants have answered there questions wrong, they would be transported to this scene. They would not gain any points if they got there questions wrong. Duration: 5 seconds

Score: 1

Scene 3: This scene is the second question. Participants would be able to select one answer from the list of three like the first question. The format would be kept the same. (correct answer is Delos) Duration: Until a choice is clicked

For the remaining question scenes, the format would be kept the same but the questions and answer would be different. The same correct and wrong scene would appear according to the answers given. Here are the lists of the questions and choices (the correct answers are in brackets) 3Q: Who was the person that was cursed by Hera? A: Zeus, (Leto), Amphitrite 4Q: Where did Leto escape to? A: (Delos), Sea, Mount Olympus 5Q: What was the only thing that grew in Delos? A: (Palm Tree), Strawberries, Grass 6Q: Why did Hera allow Ilithia to help Leto with her birth? A: (Goddess traded with nine yard necklace), She felt sorry for Leto, Leto forced her to do it 7Q:What were the names the two children that Leto gave birth to? A: Apollo and Artemis, Zeus and Hera, Nereus and Poseidon 8Q: Why did Hera stop Leto from giving birth? A: She had was going to have twins, Hera cant have kids, They are enemies 9Q:What did Zeus give Artemis and Apollo A:Bow and Arrow, Money, Sword and Shield 10Q: What did Zeus do to the Island? A: Bless it, Destroyed it, Left it alone


Last Scene: In this scene there would be a text saying end of the quiz and a score of what they have acquired. Duration: Forever until quiz is closed

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