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To Ms. Jasbir Kaur By Ms.

Kartiki Fad MMS Sem3 NMITD

Technology Platforms

What is green computing?

Need of green computing

Green manufacturing Energy Usage Profile (EUP)

Methods to implement green computing

Reducing energy consumption Green Disposal

Approaches to Green Computing

What is green computing?

Green computing is the practice of using

computing resources efficiently Designing , manufacturing and disposing Computer, servers with no impact on the environment To reduce the use of Hazardous materials, maximize energy efficiency during products lifetime

Need of green computing

Computer energy is often wasteful

Leaving the computer on when not in use Printing is often wasteful How many of you print out your emails or meeting agendas Pollution Due to manufacturing, packaging, disposal techniques Toxicity Due to toxic chemicals involved in the

Manufacturing of PCs

Used in soldering of printed circuit boards Mercury Used in batteries, switches Cadmium Used in resistors for chips and in semiconductors

Green manufacturing
Bamboo Making casings for computers and peripherals Recyclable plastics Recyclable polycarbonate resin Inventory management

Reducing the quantity of both hazardous materials used in the process

Energy Usage Profile (EUP) For Hardware

Server consumption - 383.75W in Idle - 454.39W in Stress $301.54 per year 7731.8 lbs of CO2

Energy Usage Profile (EUP) For Applications

A three server application 354W consumption in idle $226.67 annual cost

Energy Usage Profile (EUP) For OS

Virtualization allows the host machine to

run at approximately 80 percent of peak processor utilization with fractionally increased power requirements

Energy use of PC
CPU uses 120 Watts CRT uses 150 Watts

8 hours of usage, 5 days a week = 562 KWatts

Energy use of PC
Energy use comes from Electrical current to run the CPU, motherboard, memory Running the fan and spinning the disk(s) -monitor (CRTs consume more power than any other computer component) Printers

Reducing Energy Consumption

Turn off the computer when not in use

Turn off the monitor when not in use

Use power saver mode Use hardware/software with the Energy Star label Dont print unless necessary and you are ready Use LCDs instead of CRTs as they are more power


Tips for Green Home Computing

Dont check your email on a PC use a mobile

Never leave your PC switched on at the wall, or on

Always switch off speakers, modem, monitor at the

wall socket
Only connect to the internet when you know you will

use the connection

Get all family members to log on to the WiFi network

Green Disposal
Reuse: Donate your computer components to people who

may not have or have lesser quality computers.

Refurbish: Rather than discarding your computer upgrade it.

Change its some of the parts in order to make it new.

Recycle: One of the major challenges is recycling the printed

circuit boards from the electronic wastes.

Approaches to Green Computing

Virtualization Computer virtualization refers to the abstraction of computer resources, such as the process of running two or more logical computer systems on one set of physical hardware.

Approaches to Green Computing

Terminal Servers Use terminal in to a central server All of the computing is done at the server level but the end user experiences the operating system Thin clients use up to 1/8 the amount of energy of a normal workstation Using thin clients with a terminal server delivers the Windows or Mac operating system to end users while also decreasing energy costs and consumption

Approaches to Green Computing

Power Management
The Advanced Configuration and Power Interface

(ACPI allows an operating system to directly control the power saving aspects of its underlying hardware
This allows a system to automatically turn off

components such as monitors and hard drives

after set periods of inactivity

Approaches to Green Computing

Increased worker satisfaction
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions related

to travel
Increased profit margins as a result of lower

overhead costs for office space, heat, lighting, etc

Voice over IP (VoIP) reduces the telephony wiring

infrastructure by sharing the existing Ethernet

Approaches to Green Computing

Video card A fast GPU may be the largest power consumer in a computer Energy-efficient display options include: No video card - use a shared terminal, shared thin client, or desktop sharing software if display required Use motherboard video output - typically low 3D performance and low power Select a GPU based on low idle power, average wattage

Approaches to Green Computing

CRT use more power than LCD monitors Use LCD,LED

Green Technologies
Wi-Fi Scheduler

Green Technologies
Smart Fan

Green Web Surfing

Green Surfing Efforts


Thank you

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