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Classification of Computers

A. According to type:
1. Analog Computers
Devices where values are obtained by the measurement of some continuous quantity Such as the length of a line or the value of a voltage e.g. slide rules, automobile speedometers, scales and electric meters Devices that operate on discrete or exact values. Data at processed according to arithmetic and logical operator Devices that combine both analog and digital capabilities in a single computer

2. Digital computers

3. Hybrid Computers

Classification of Computers (continuation)

B. According to Purpose:
1. Special-purpose computers
Designed for specific uses, they have been built for both military and civilian applications Designed for a wide variety of applications, processing However, it is limited by the size, speed, and peripherals available o a system of a particular computer. They are further classified as follows:

2. General-purpose computers

Classification of Computers (continuation)

General-purpose computer classification:
a)Scientific computers
Designed for the high-speed processing of numerical data Applications that typically require large amounts of computations with only a small volume of input and output data

b)Business computers Designed to handle large volumes of data open required in payroll, billing, inventory, and other typical business applications

c)Educational computers Designed to analyze or simulate situations. They are also used in the classrooms to perform or to check calculations or even study computers

According to size:
1. Portable computers are easily carried by one person from one location to another. The first portable computers were dubbed luggables

Laptop computers
A compact unit weighing roughly 10 to 12 pounds Are small enough to fit easily on ones lap Some of the more sophisticated models even possess humidity safeguards


Notebook computers
Portable computers that are small enough to fit into an averagesized briefcase Typically, they weigh less than 6 pounds Cost about twice as much as equivalent regular-sized computers

According to size : (continuation)

c) Sub-notebook computers

A portable computer that is slightly lighter and smaller than a full-sized notebook computer Have a smaller keyboard and screen Sometimes called picocomputers Offer reduced size with reduced capabilities Although some palmtops are general-purpose, many are special-purpose Personal Information Managers, or PIM
1) Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)
A special-purpose palmtops that keep phone directories and calendars and provide calculator capabilities Most PDAs are designed to accept written input by a pen PDA decodes what you write

d) Palmtop computers

According to size :(continuation)

3. Microcomputers

Generally small desk-sized models often called small business, personal, and/or home computers
Are relatively small computers having limited memory and input/output capabilities Often come in sizes of ordinary office desks Are larger, faster and can handle more input/output and storage devices than the minicomputer Sizes are similar to that of huge cabinets or large refrigerators

4. Minicomputers

5. Medium-scale computers

According to size: (continuation)

6. Large-scale computers

Faster in processing speed, greater in storage capacity Wider n selection of input/output devices, and greater in processing capabilities than mediumscale computers Utilized for large and complex data processing Were coined to describe an elite group of extremely powerful computer systems

7. Super computers

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