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Diges ti v e syste m


Take in food Breaks down food Absorb digested Click to edit Master subtitle style molecules Helps give nutrients Remove waste

Anatomy and histology

The Digestive tract - also called as GASTROINTESTINA L Click to edit Master subtitle style - a long muscular tube with many sections and areas. 9/26/12

layers or 1. Mucosa innermost tunic 2. Submucosa lies just outside the tunics: mucosa. Thick layer loose connective

tissue containing nerves, blood vessels, and small glands. 3. Muscularis most part ofs of the digestive tract consists of an inner layer of cicular smooth muscle and an outer layer of longitudinal smooth muscle. 4. Serosa consist of peritoneum, which is a smooth epithelial layer, and its underlying connective tissue. Regions of Clickdigestive tract not style the to edit Master subtitle covered by peritoneum are covered by a connective tissue layer called AVENTITIA ( continuous with the surrounding connective tissue.


is theserous membranethat forms the lining of theabdominal cavity or the body wall of the abdominal cavity and abdominal organs. Click to edit Master subtitle style The serous membrane serosa or parietal peritoneum covers the organs. Mesenteries is the double layer ofperitoneumthat suspends 9/26/12 thejejunumandileumfrom the


The mesenteries connecting the lesser curvature of the stomach to the liver and diaphragm called Lesser omentum. The mesentery connecting the Click to edit Master subtitle style greater curvature of the stomach to the transverse colon and posterior body wall is called greater omentum. 9/26/12


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bounde d by the lips and cheeks and


The third molars are called wisdom teeth because they usually appear in the late teens or early twenties, when the person is old enough to have acquired some degree of wisdom. Teeth of adults are called permanent teeth or secondary teeth. Most of them are replacements for the 20 primary teeth or deciduous, also called milk or baby teeth which are lost during childhood. Dental caries or tooth decay is the result of the breakdown of enamel by acids produced by bacteria on the tooth surface. Periodontal disease is inflammation and degeneration of the periodontal ligaments, gums and alveolar bone. Disease is the most commonto edit Master subtitle style Click cause of tooth loss in adults.


Palate and tonsils

Palate or roof of the oral cavity, separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity during chewing and swallowing Tonsils are located in the lateral posterior walls of the oral cavity.
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Salivary Glands


-is a watery substance located in the mouths of organisms, secreted by thesalivary gland.
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The enzymes found in saliva




chewing, tearing, or grinding food with the teeth while it becomes mixed with saliva.
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The human pharynx is conventionally divided into three sections: thenasopharynx, Click to edit Master subtitle style theoropharynx, and thelaryngopharynx.

- is a muscular tube connecting the throat with the stomach. The esophagus is about 8 inches long, and is Click to edit Master subtitle style lined by moist pink tissue called mucosa. Runs behind the windpipe and heart, and in front of the spine. Just before entering the stomach, 9/26/12

- known scientifically asdeglutition,is the process in the human Click to edit Master subtitle style or animal body that makes something pass from themouth, to thepharynx, and into 9/26/12 theesophagus, while


- lies between theesophagusand theduodenum(the first part of thesmall Click to edit Master subtitle style intestine). It is on the left upper part of the abdominal cavity. The top of the stomach lies against 9/26/12 thediaphragm. Lying

Secretions of the Stomach: (gastric Mucus:The most abundant epithelial cells are mucous cells, secretions) which cover the entire lumenal surface and extend down into
the glands as "mucous neck cells". These cells secrete a bicarbonate-rich mucusthat coats and lubricates the gastric surface, and serves an important role in protecting the epithelium from acid and other chemical insults.

Acid:Hydrochloric acid is secreted from parietal cellsinto the lumen where it establishes an extremely acidic environment. Click to edit Master subtitle style This acid is important for activation of pepsinogen and inactivation of ingested microorganisms such as bacteria. Proteases:Pepsinogen, an inactive zymogen, is secreted into gastric juice from both mucous cells and chief cells. Once secreted, pepsinogen is activated by stomach acid into the active protease pepsin, which is largely responsible for the stomach's ability to initiate digestion of proteins 9/26/12

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produce or store enzymes

Movement in small intestine

Mixing: segmental contraction that occurs in small intestine Secretion: Lubricate, liquefy, digest Digestion: 9/26/12 Mechanical and

Large intestine
also known as colon larger diameter, but shorter ( 5ft ) water absorbed from the undigested food making the waste harder until it
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Waste is pushed into the expanded portion (rectum) of the large intestine. Solid
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- largest gland of the body - stores vitamin A,D,E,K - stores sugar style Click to edit Master subtitle and glycogen - produces bile ( watery, greenish 9/26/12

Produces a juice that contains enzymes ( amylase subtitle style and Click to edit Master insulin ) to break down carbohydrates, fats and protein. 9/26/12

Gall bladder stores bile in between meals -Secretes bile to the duodenum through the bile ducts mealtime.

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-is the mechanical and chemical breakdown offoodinto smaller components that are more easilyabsorbedinto ablood stream, for
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Path of digestion


MECHANICAL - changes the physical form of food

Chew, tear, grind, mash, mix

CHEMICAL changes the chemical composition subtitle style with the of food Click to edit Master aid of digestive enzymes
Carbohydrate, protein, and lipid

Digestive enzymes are special proteins that help break up large molecules of food into 9/26/12 very tiny molecules that can be

Digestion, Absorption and transport

- After the molecules digested, some diffuse Click to edit Master subtitle style through the intestinal wall ; others must be transported across the intestinal wall. 9/26/12

A good eater must be a good man; for a good eater must have a good digestion, and a goodtodigestion Click edit Master subtitle style LYDITH CRISSA depends upon a QUARTEROS your good conscience. BY: BenjaminTHANK reporter. 9/26/12 Disraeli, 'The Young

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