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Chapter 1

Personality Development
By Abdul Rashid Husain Commerce Department PKK

Learning outcome:
Demonstrate competency of good appearance and personal image
List characteristics of positive self image Describe the physical appearance/positive self image Explain the code of dress that is appropriate for certain situations

Understand intellectual skills and competencies

Explain the importance of the cultural of knowledge Explain the creative and critical thinking

Positive self image

Developing positive self-image will give many benefits to someone's daily life such as health, high spirit, lose weight, stop smoking, and reduce or even eliminate all one's bad habits. In addition, positive self-image can strengthen their personality to become more friendly, respect others, and respected by many people.

Characteristics of Positive Self Image

Have a strong self-confidence Ambition and goal oriented Well organized and efficient "Be able Have a pleasant personality Being able to control oneself

1. Have a strong self-confidence

Strong sense of confidence that can be developed by learning to like oneself. For that, this person should be able to suppress negative thoughts such as low self-esteem, envy, and selfish and take the strength (positive side) that a person has to continue develop.

2. Ambition and goal oriented

Ambitions and goals should be tailored to the capabilities that a person has. By having ambition and goals, someone will have a clear purpose in life and not be swayed by any circumstance. The work that is performed daily will be very meaningful and valuable because it is part of the process to achieve the ambition and goal.

3. Well organized and efficient

A very good habit to develop so that one is not accustomed to delay things and wasting time. The trick, of course by finishing all the work on time.

4. "Be able
This attitude will automatically follow if a person thinks positively. By being able to, problems which seem difficult to handle becomes easy, because a positive mind "capable" would pave the way to find various alternative solutions to a problem that is difficult to overcome.

5. Have a pleasant personality

One must always avoid the mind being a shy, aloof, and scared.

6. Being able to control oneself

A person can control the entire life if that person left the habit of looking for selfpleasures such as smoking, over-eating, and drunk. Thus, the person will not be controlled by that persons bad habits but will be exempted from these bad habits forever.

Code of Dress


Appropriate Dress

Business Suit with Collar Dress Shirt and Necktie

Sport Coat, Dress Slacks, Collar Shirt and Necktie

A banded collar shirt may be worn, but only if sport coat or business suit is worn.

Banded Collar

Dress Shoes and Socks

Appropriate Dress

Business Suit With or Without a Blouse

Skirt or Dress Slacks with Blouse or Sweater

Nylons when Wearing Skirts and Dresses

Dress Shoes

Pumps Open-toe

Dress Mules

Inappropriate Attire for Both Men and Women

NO Jewelry in Visible Body Piercing, Other Than the Ears

NO Denim or Chambray Fabric

NO Shorts or Skorts

NO Exercise/Bike Shorts, Stretch/Stirrup Pants

NO Backless, See-through, Tight-fitting, Spaghetti Straps, Strapless, Extremely Short Skirts/Dresses, Low-Cut Blouses/Tops

NO T-Shirts, LycraTM, Spandex, Midriff Tops, Tank Tops, Bathing Suits

NO Latest Trends (Not really businesslike attire--Keep These Baby Dolls for your non-conference activities)

Shoes You Dont Want to Wear

Sandals of Any Kind

Shoes You Dont Want to Wear

NO Athletic Shoes/Sneakers, Industrial Work Shoes, Hiking Boots, Bare Feet, Clogs, or Over-the-Knee Boots

NO Hats or Flannel Fabric Clothing

Culture of Knowledge
Time Annual dinner Avoid from PHD Sensitivity of organization
Political issue Ethnic issue

Creative and Critical Thinking

Creative thinking
Creative thinking generating new ideas by combining, changing, or re-applying existing ideas Schumpeter (1883-1950) described an entrepreneur as an individual who carries out new combinations such as:
Introducing a new good
Introducing a new method of production Opening a new market Identifying a new source of supply of raw materials Forming a new organization of any industry

Joseph Schumpeter (1934). The Theory of Economic Development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press

Creativity a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations between existing ideas or concepts

The creative process

Several other models have been proposed, but one common theme is that the creative process involves:
Analysis (breaking down the problem/issue into smaller more easily understandable parts) Evaluation (determining whether an item or activity meets specified criteria) Imagination (forming images and ideas in the mind) Synthesis (combining existing ideas/concepts into something new)

The creative process at work


Dance Inventions airplane, telephone Innovations Apple iPhone, Gateway (Dell personal computers) Creative problem solving using a knife/letter opener to tighten a screw when a screwdriver is not available

Critical thinking
the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action (Scriven & Paul, 1992) reasonable reflective thinking focused on deciding what to believe or do (Ennis, 1992).

Blooms taxonomy of the cognitive domain




High order thinking skills




Low order thinking skills

Bloom, B., Englehart, M. Furst, E., Hill, W., & Krathwohl, D. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals. Handbook I: Cognitive domain. New York, Toronto: Longmans, Green

Critical thinking, creativity and the critical/creative process

Both creative and critical thinking involve the use of high order thinking skills

In the creative process one uses:

creative thinking skills (synthesis and imagination) in the preparation and verification phases

critical thinking skills (analysis and evaluation) in the incubation and illumination phases

Creative vs critical thinking

Creative thinking is described as: making and communicating connections to think of many possibilities; think and experience in various ways and use different points of view; think of new and unusual possibilities; and guide in generating and selecting alternatives.

Critical thinking is described as: analyzing and developing possibilities to compare and contrast many ideas improve and refine ideas make effective decisions and judgments, and provide a sound foundation for effective action.

(Isaksen and Treffinger (1985), Creative Problem Solving: The Basic Course)

Creative vs critical thinking

Creative thinking Divergent Right brain (global, parallel, emotional, subjective) Synthesis Critical thinking Convergent Left brain (analytic, serial, logical, objective) Evaluation

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