Cognizance On Gender Diversity

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There is no need for temples, No need for complicated philosophy

Our own brain, our own heart is our temple;

The Philosophy is kindness

Celebrating Diversity

Makabagong Kasarian

Baby Boy

Baby Girl

When a person is born, they are immediately classified as a baby boy or a baby girl..

And everybody is happy because all is simple and clear


There are males and females..


You have XX for females Woman and XY for males..



and we all live happily ever after..


Turner Syndrome
Only one fully functional X

.. And now we find out there are females who lack sex-determining chromosome..

Klinefelters Syndrome
XXY Syndrome

Or males with an extra X chromosome

So without their choice - they are also females biologically..

Swyer Syndrome
XY chromosome pattern in females
Natalie Kirk who found out that she had Swyer Syndrome

And individuals who have female appearance and female external genitalia but with an XY chromosome. This occurs 1 in 30,000 people because of gene mutation.

Is it really just either male or female? Biological Sex

is based on

.. and then sometimes. .X only.. or XXY also..

penis or vagina.. or both

with both male and female reproductive organs

Is it really just either male or female?

Biological Sex
.X only.. or XXY also..

penis or vagina.. or both


.. who says biological sex truly come only in two forms?

Swyer Syndrome
XY chromosome pattern in females
Jeanne Nollman is married with two adopted teenage children. She is trying to help other children and their parents learn and embrace their gender
Improved understanding of gender identity led to shift in medical strategies.. Before, what a child looked like from the outside and how they were raised would define their gender. Now, Stanfords Center for Biomedical Ethics permit people to choose their gender or be both and its ok.


(intersex) A Rocket Scientist from Canberra, Australia. He was born in 1958 and is happily married since 1981. He fathered a son in 2001.

As he grew older, his physical features turned into that of a females.

..he said..How was I to know I was different?

People like me have been described as the spawn of Satan. Well, how does one argue against that? I can show that Ive led a pretty decent life, that Ive contributed to society, that Ive tried to be a good parent.
But society, in return, has largely denied my very existence


But for my partner.having your

husband turn into a woman before your eyes is shattering.

And what do I tell my son?
This is miraculous, and wonderful, and hilarious, and terribly tragic too.

So, what am I?
After the transition I really wondered about this. Am I male? Am I female? Am I some sort of mix? You know, what the heck, at the end of the day ,

Im me!

a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesnt seem to fit the typical definitions of male or female
- with ambiguous genitalia

-diff. physical conditions

like congenital adrenal hyperplasia, progestin induced virilization, androgen insensitivity syndrome etc.

-..aka.. Hermaphrodites

with both male and female reproductive organs

Hermaphrodite from a woman

to a

With both male and female reproductive organs

so does sex determine gender ?

Biological sex .. refer to the biological characteristics that
distinguish female from male chromosomes, gonads, hormonal mix, genitalia

Gender refer to the social, psychological, and

cultural definitions of woman / feminine and man / masculine refers to expectations for men & women..
example feminine woman... gentle, long hair, soft-spoken, pretty

masculine man mascular, aggressive

Gender .is dictated by Social Institutions

We grow up learning the masculine or feminine ways of acting..

Family Peers School Community Media



but not all females are feminine and not all males are masculine..

so does sex determine gender ? Biological Sex

physiological characteristics

socialized gender roles

- chromosomes - external genitalia

biologically determined??

- attitudes - behaviors
socially constructed

male and female ..

masculine and feminine

and the intersex

and those in between?

Gender ways of acting

Is gender really just either masculine or feminine? Is gender unchanging or fixed ? Is it really based on biological sex? but what the culture has divided into
masculine or feminine ways of acting are simply human behaviors, which all people are capable of expressing

men can be gentle and women can be goal-oriented

Gender as Performance
Gender is a way of acting the bodyone executes it, institutes, produces and reproduces it, wears it, flaunts it, hides it, but always stylizes it in one way or another. (Butler, 1989) We do Gender we dont have one..
- gender is something that people do, it is an accomplishment, a performance what we present to others, our actuations - it is not something we have.. it is not something inborn, or even internal.. When a woman acts coy or cute, she is doing gender When a man acts tough and insensitive, he is doing gender

Dad wears skirt to support dress-wearing son

Nil Pickerts five-year-old son enjoyed wearing dresses when their family lived in West Berlin. Dad said I didnt

Father of the Year

want to talk my son into not wearing dresses and skirts. He didnt make friends in doing that already and after a lot of contemplation I had only one option left: To broaden my shoulders for my little buddy and dress in a skirt myself.

Dad wears skirt to support dress-wearing son

Dad says hes trying to raise his son to believe he doesnt have to conform to social expectations just because of his sex.

Im not one of those pseudo-intellectual daddies that rambles on about studying gender justice, and then, as soon as the child is born, falls back into the comfortable and clichd gender roles.

refers to anyone who blurs traditional gender lines

(i.e. transexuals, transvestites, cross-dressers, drag queens, gender benders/blenders, androgynes, etc.)


DEAN SPADE Raised in rural Virginia by a single working mother on welfare, Spade was exposed early to injustice, poverty, and sexism. When she was 14 and his mother died of lung cancer, she was left in the care of two sets of foster parents.

Spade was once arrested simply for

trying to use a men's restroom in Grand Central Station. Even though she broke no
law, he was held in jail for 23 hours.

"We have to walk through the

world with a lot of fear and trepidation, not knowing when someone will victimize us," he said.

- individuals who have chosen to live as a member of the sex other than their own birth sex some undergo physical changes, while others choose to retain the physical body of their birth sex

Mianne Bagger

After living in England for 5 years, from the age of 3, Mianne's family moved back to Denmark where she, and her parents, started playing golf at Holstebro Golf Klub in 1974.

Bagger moved to Australia in 1979. In 1995, she had sex reassignment surgery. In 1998, she returned to golf, as an amateur in Australia.

She caused media stir in 2003, when she played the Australia Women's Open and attempted to join the Australian Ladies Professional Golf association (ALPG).

" she said. "I would not feel comfortable competing if I felt I had an advantage. From what I have experienced and from the medical research I have read, there is no advantage at all. All I want to do is carry myself with dignity.
" There is a lot of misunderstanding about transexual women in society. I can't blame people for that. Why would people know anything about it? There is not much else I can expect, really. But if they want to talk about it, I am pretty open about my situation, explaining what goes on and what changes happen to the body. I would like people to have all the facts before they judge me."

Ones sex is not necessarily relevant to ones gender performance..

Biological Sex . is diverse XX, XY, X, XXY..
Gender can be any behavior along the continuum of feminine to masculine behaviors Biological sex and gender. (intersex, hermaphrodite, transgender, transexual)

Its okay for men to cry, to be gentle, loving and kind in the same manner, its alright for women to speak their mind

Sexual Orientation
based on the sex (same or other) of the people to whom one is emotionally and sexually attracted to
Straight referring to heterosexual identity people attracted to the opposite sex.. Gay usually a term for men attracted to other men Lesbiana term for women attracted to other women Bisexuala person who is emotionally and sexually attracted to either male or female serially or simultaneously

To Parents who Discover their Child is Gay

.... When you hit puberty and your hormones kick in you realize that you find the opposite sex attractive.. Its not different for gay kids, they hit puberty and realize they are attracted to the same sex.. .. It has nothing to do with choice.. You can choose to be a theif or glutton but you cannot alter the way you are made.. Your child has not chosen to feel this way and they just grow up gradually realizing they are different as their sexuality developed.. Youre not so different yourself when you find yourself attracted to the opposite sex..

To Parents who Discover their Child is Gay

.. Science already proves that there is Genetic predisposition in the growing fetus which is subjected to a certain set of hormones in the womb. .. Ask any gay person and they will usually say they felt different to all the kids growing up which suggest that our sexuality is hardwired before birth.. .. They are good kids but they are made to feel

dirty, unworthy and shameful about something they have no control over..

To Parents who Discover their Child is Gay

.. Adolescence is such a difficult time as it is for everyone and yet - gay children have to face the added fear of rejection, perhaps even scorn and abuse.. .. Every Religion basically conveys loving one another, being good people and making your own life and other people better..

.. Remember the golden rule.. .. Take it to heart.. .. Live it!

Biological Sex Gender Sexual Orientation

To whom one is attracted to.. XX, XY, XXY, X, could be of the same sex or Intersex, of the opposite sex Hermaphrodite Gender can be any behavior along the continuum

of feminine to masculine behaviors

male female male female hermaphrodite masculine feminine feminine masculine female-male attracted to a man attracted to a woman attracted to man/woman attracted to a man attracted to a man

When Cynthia was born, doctors took their best guess as to whether she was a girl or a boy, and a surgeon altered her ambiguous genitalia to match.

Cynthia has breasts, a vagina, and the Y chromosome of a man.

She was born with the chromosome; the breasts are largely the result of hormone therapy and the vagina is partially a surgical creation.

Her father seemed to bear a burden of anxious guilt for years, she says. Her mother was an emotional basket case about anything about me. And the price they paid to protect her was to uproot themselves and leave both sides of the family behind in Chicago.

I love my dad and Im very interested in keeping my relationship with him, she says. But theres a chasm with my dad. He loves me and he wants to have a relationship, but theres this space between us. Its his shame, his embarrassment, his pain. Its Look what we did to you.


Four decades after being assigned to the female gender, Cynthia has entered a manylayered coming-out process. It entails gradually letting people at work understand that theres a reason I never have a time of the month when you see me take my purse into the ladies room with me.

And then I fell in love with. Farrah..

My father was like..

Youre a girl.. People will think youre a weirdo.

I was like.. What do they have

against Farrah? You realize now that I am an XY individual, so I was just being an average guy. But it looked to him like I was into something homoerotic. And it was just my body telling me what I liked.

Are they different compared to us?

So what if they are different???

So what if you are different?

INSIGHT, I believe, refers to the depth of understanding that comes by setting experiences,

yours and mine , familiar and exotic , new and old,

side by side, Learning by letting them speak to one another
Mary Catherine Bateson Its the most unhappy people who most fear change..

At bottom every man knows well enough that he is a unique being, only once on this earth; and by no extraordinary chance will such a marvelously picturesque piece of diversity in unity as he is, ever be put together a second time. Friedrich Nietzsche You are a unique being.. No one will ever be like You..

Just Stand Up!

There is no need for temples, No need for complicated philosophy Our own brain, our own heart is our temple;

The Philosophy is kindness

Season Three of Koreas Next Top Model features among its cast of aspiring fashionistas Choi Han-bit, who is transgender.
Ee Choi, 26, studied traditional dance in college. With the support of Chois parents, she received genderreassignment surgery six years ago and changed her name, which means ray of sunshine.

In a 2009 interview with Korea Times, she said selfconfidence was her coping mechanism for dealing with intolerance: I have found many sexual minorities who distanced themselves from society to avoid public exposure, Choi explained. I would like to advise them not to hide and [to] come out. With a fear of public attention, its all but impossible to change peoples attitude toward us.
Firework.. Download for video

To Parents who Discover their Child is Gay .. Genetic predisposition .. Homophobic society .... Your head is filled with misinformation .. It has nothing to do with choice.. Its part of nature.. Why.. We dont know.. Homophobic society.. Its taken all of your childs courage and trust in you to finally tell you the truth

They are exactly the same person they were before

There is homophobia in the world.. And I hope we

dont get it from you Misinformed prejudices that our society engenders Lack of acceptance, love and support.. They want the same as you to find a mate that they can fall in love with and share their lives with.. Wealth of human love that exists in this planet..

Biological Sex...
is also based on GONADS . Ovary or testes INTERNAL GENITALIA uterus or vas deference HORMONAL MIX testosterone


facial hair breasts


.. who says biological sex truly come only in two forms? Male or Female ?

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