Applying Chanakya's Arthashastra in HR

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Applying Chanakya Arthashastra In HR

By Santosh Bagwe Bhairavi Bhatt Zarin Khan

Uniqueness of Chanakya
Based on own experience Practical & pragmatic

Practical but still ethical

Academic and practitioner

ME - While Reading Arthashastra

Functions of HR
Job Description Job Evaluation & Comp Benefits

Psychometric test Placement

Performance Appraisal Leadership Development Culture Building

Job Description

Modern Management
Job Descriptions are written statements that describe the:
Duties Responsibilities Most important contributions and outcomes needed from a position Required qualifications of candidates, and Reporting relationship and co-workers of a particular job

What Chanakya Says

Job Descriptions are: Purpose of position

Qualities: Functional Skills, Knowledge

Responsibilities: Day to day operational responsibilities and processes

Job Families
Treasury officials Agriculture, forestry and livestock officials Industry officials Trade and transport officials

Leisure control officials

Movement control officials

33 Adhyakshas
Kosashadhyaksha Akaradhyaksha Lohadhyaksha Khanyadhyaksha Lavanadhyaksha Suvarnadhyaksha Koshtagaradhyaksha Panyadhyaksha Pauthavadhyaksha Manadhyaksha Sulkadhyaksha Sutradhyaksha Suradhyaksha Navadhyaksha Mudradhyaksha Bandanagradhyaksha Chief Superintendent of the Treasury Chief Controller Of Mining & Metallurgy Chief Superintendent of Metals Chief Superintend of Mine Chief Salt Commissioner Chief Superintendent of Precious Metals &jewellery Chief Superintendent of Warehouse Chief Controller of State Trading Chief Controller of Weights and Measures Chief surveyor and timekeeper Chief controller of customs ad octroi Chief textile commissioner Chief controller of alcoholic beverages Chief controller of shipping Chief passport officer Chief superintendent of jails

Chief Superintendent of the Treasury

Job Descriptions for Kosashadhyaksha: Purpose
Officer in charge of the treasury for gems, jewellery and precious metals.

Knowledgeable about quality of the product Conversant with identification of adulterated goods

Receive products in treasury Form panels of exports Keep a record of each item Repair and refurbishment of stored articles

Job Evaluation

Modern Management
Job evaluation is a systematic way of determining the value/worth of a job in relation to other jobs in an organisation. The objective of job evaluation is to determine which jobs should get more pay than others.

What Chanakya Says

Principles of salary fixation
One quarter of the revenue of the state Enable to attract right type of people Adequate to meet bodily needs of state servants According to the principle of Dharma and Artha According to their knowledge and expertise in work allotted

What Chanakya Says

18 categories Of Mahamatras Salaries are different for each category Reasons are given for each salary differentiation

What Chanakya Says

Some reasons Why to pay ?
Highest Level Official
To prevent them from succumbing to the temptation of the enemy or rising up in revolt.

Middle Level official

To make them efficient in their work To ensure that they remain loyal and powerful supporters of the king To enable them to carry their men with them

Other Benefits ( perquisites)

Special provision for rituals Travelling allowances

Selection Process

Modern Management
Personal Interviews Functional Interviews

Reference Check
Selection Test

What Chanakya Says

Reference Check
verify from reliable people about
Nationality , Family background , Discipline

Past experience evaluated to examine

Intelligence, Perseverance Dexterity

Functional interview test by experts

Knowledge of various arts

What Chanakya Says

Personal interview
By observing personally the quality such as
Eloquence, Boldness Presence of mind Energy Endurance Ability to suffer adversities Integrity Friendliness Interpersonal skills Loyalty Love of mankind

Selection Test
Modern Management
DISC Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) 16 Personality Factor (16PF) Big Five Personality Assesment Inventory (PAI)

Selection Test
Chanakya Says it should be based on
Dharma Appeal to their religious sentiments Artha By promise of financial reward Kama By temptation of flesh Bhay By playing on fear

Succeed in all test - Highest officer of councillor Dharma - Judicial and Law order post Artha - Chancellor / Treasurer Kama - Controller of recreation inside & outside the Palaces

Bhay - Duties near to king

Fail in all test Difficult post eg. mines, forests, factories

Performance Appraisal

Modern Management
Evaluation of the performance of employees and to understand the abilities of a person for further growth and development Performance Ratings Excellent Good Average Poor

What Chanakya Says

Performance Ratings Wise - Understand dharma and Arth (understand and practice) Lazy - Understand but not Practice Wicked- Hate Dharma and Arth

Leadership Development

Modern Management
Teaching of leadership qualities, including communication, ability to motivate others, and management, to an individual who will use the learned skills in a leadership position.

What Chanakya Says

Who should be potential leader? Based on two kinds Inborn Acquired - Those who capable of benefiting from them Quality Obedience to teacher , desire and ability to learn , Capacity to retain ,reflecting on it , ability to make inferences on the knowledge

What Chanakya Says

What kind of training and who should train the potential leader? Philosophy and three vedas From authoritative teachers Economics Heads of various government department

Science of government Practicing politicians


What Chanakya Says

Sole Responsibility Of King ( Yatha Raja Tatha Praja) competencies of wise king (Raj Rishi)
Self control Cultivates intellect by association with elders Keep his eye open through spies Ensures the observance by the people of their dharma Learn all branches of knowledge Avoid daydreaming , extravagance Avoid association with harmful people

What Chanakya Says

Daily schedule of king Receive reports on defence, revenue and expenditure Meet public to hear petitions Receive revenue and allot task to ministers Write and dispatch letters Inspect and review forces Consult with chief of defence Receive secret information from spies Personal time
Review of business performance
Meeting employee & customers Review P/L and delegation Communication and market updates Review performers Consults core team Market updates Work life balance

Pandit Shama Shastri
1905, discovered Arthashastra from a heap of manuscript 1909, published in Sanskrit 1915, published in English

Mr. R.P. Kangle (1955)

1st book compilation in Sanskrit 2nd book translation 3rd book scholarly discussion and debate and controversies on book and author

Mr. L.H. Rangarajan (1992)

Invitation To Further Exploration

Strategic Management Financial Management
Budget, Accounts & Audit

Corporate Social Responsibility Taxation Public Administration Civil Law Foreign Affair City Development


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