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aka: L.I.T Ms. Fisher 8th Grade

Why can't I just get started saying what I've got to say? *Introductions have three primary purposes:

A.) Draw the reader in= LEAD B.) Provide vital information about the topic=INTRODUCE TOPIC C.) State your topic, claim, and reasons in ONE SENTENCE=THESIS SENTENCE L+I+T=INTRODUCTION FORMULA!


Begin with a quotation. Just make sure you explain its relevance Begin with a hypothetical question Begin with an acknowledgment of an opinion opposite to the one you plan to take Begin with a very short narrative or anecdote that has a direct connection with the topic Begin with an interesting fact Begin with a definition or explanation of a term relevant to your paper Begin with an analogy. An analogy is like a metaphor where you will compare the topic to something else.


THESIS Sentence Formula

Directions: Read the writing prompt and complete the steps below for creating a thesis sentence

Writing PromptEach year many people lose their lives to the effects of smoking tobacco and it costs the families and our country billions of dollars in hospital expenses. What are the effects of tobacco smoke on a persons health. Use details and examples to support your claim. _________________________________________________ 1.) Complete T.A.P.P for prompt 2.) Plugin the pieces of TAPP into the thesis organizer below:

(topic) + (organizing pattern) + (3 main ideas)=thesis

Ex: Smokings effect on teenagers include cancer, bad breath, and yellow teeth.

Practice Introduction-L.I.T

Directions: Take notes on TAPP for the news clip on the teacher strike in Chicago. With the help of your group create a thesis to answer the writing prompt below and place it into the formula for an intro paragraph (ie: LIT) Writing Prompt- (TAPP) Today marks the first teacher strike in chicago in many decades. Teachers have organized to protest unfair wages, diminished health care coverage for their families and poor learning conditions for the children. How can you help solve the problems causing this strike? Come up with a plan to end the strike and put teachers back into the classroom where the children need them most.

HW-September 11th Today is Make Your Dreams Come True Day. What are your dreams? Write about the dreams you have for your future. Explain how you are going to make them come true in the form of a THESIS STATEMENT.

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