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DAILY AGENDA August 15, 2012 Ms.

Fishers Language Arts Class

ESSENTIAL QUESTION Why is beneficial to Go Green? TODAY WE ARE LEARNING what specificity is BECAUSE I need it to score exceeds on the 8th grade writing assessment. STANDARD ELA8W2: The student demonstrates competence in a variety of genres a. Engages readers by establishing and developing a plot, setting, and point of view that are appropriate to the story (e.g., varied beginnings, standard plot line, cohesive devices, and a sharpened focus).

ELA Agenda 8.14.12

DO NOW (5 MINUTES) Daily Grammar Practice: Run0on Sentences and Fragments WORK SESSION (40 MINUTES) The teacher will model the steps to developing a paragraph with specific details that fully elaborate the topic. Then the teacher will show how to highlight the sentences: Blue- main idea/ Pink- general details/ Green- specific details and elaboration.
Students will highlight their paragraphs and then highlight what theyre reading using the same key as before: Blue- main idea/ Pink- general details/ Greenspecific details and elaboration.

CLOSING Students will share their detailed topic with two other people. The people with whom they share will give the speaker two questions in which to ponder

DO NOW 8.14.12
Look inside the folder at your group and grab a word

search puzzle to complete . Look inside the folder at your group and find the Table of Contents. Glue the Table of Content on the FIRST page of your composition notebook! Once you finish gluing your table of contents start numbering your composition notebooks starting at page #2!

DO NOW 8/15/12
Directions: Write down each sentence in your DO NOW section, tell me what type of sentence they are and if either one need any corrections.

Bricks are crumbling in places, and the front door is so swollen you have to push hard to get in. Mother thought I was safe at the farm, slopping the pigs and hoeing the fields.

Activator 8.14.12
Overview the class and school wide rules and

procedures. Elect class managers. Practice daily routine and check for understanding of routine.

Overview of the th Grade Writing Assessment 8

Scoring of Papers Papers are scored from 1-5

Score 5 is the highest

4 Domains 1. Ideas- 40% of score 2. Organization- 20% 3. Style- 20% 4.Conventions- 20%

Expository Writing Topic

General Topic Context for the Topic

Writing Situation Students use many types of transportation to get to school. Some students ride buses, some ride in cars and others ride bicycles or walk. Directions for Writing
Think about the types of transportation students use to get to your school. Write an essay for your teacher explaining the advantages and disadvantages of using the different types of transportation. Be sure to include specific details so that your teacher will understand the advantages and disadvantages.

Format, purpose, audience, & task

Expository Writing
*Establishes a clear controlling idea *Uses clear, complete descriptions and/or explanations to develop the controlling idea *Includes specific details and examples *Contains an appropriate organizational strategy for the purpose of explanation, description, comparison and contrast, or problem and solution *Is multi-paragraph writing *Blends personal experience and knowledge to inform the reader about the topic

NOT Effective
*Copying words or information from the writing topic *Listing facts, personal stories, anything not related to topic *Ideas not presented in logical order *A single paragraph *Formulaic writing or repetitive formula that overshadows the information

Argumentative Writing
*Clearly establishes an opinion *Fully develops an argument with specific details and examples, personal experience or statistics *Defends the writers position with relevant evidence that is appropriate for the audience *Includes appeals to logic and/or emotion

NOT Effective
*Copying words or information from the writing topic *Formulaic writing or a repetitive standard five-paragraph essay that repeats the writers position *Listing irrelevant ideas or supporting ideas that are inappropriate for the audience *Listing facts that are unrelated to the topic *Simply venting about the topic

Expository (8th Grade)

General Topic

Car, bus, biking

Supporting Ideas

Pros and cons car

Pros and cons of bus

Pros and cons of biking

Details and Elaboration

Color Coding Key

BLUE- The main idea of the paragraph

RED- Supporting details

GREEN- Specific details & examples

Blue- Main idea

The main idea will usually be the first sentence of the body paragraph. It supports the overall controlling idea for the paper.
Ex: School buses are not the best form of transportation to and from school.

Red- Supporting details

These are details that are general and a

little vague. They do, however, support the main idea.

EX: The school buses we have now are too


Green- specific details & examples

These details need to be specific; use numbers, names,

facts, etc. Build off of the supporting details (the red sentences) to elaborate on the topic.
Ex: Students have to cram in three to a

Every afternoon, on the way home, are squished, sweating, and extremely uncomfortable.

seat. students

Example of Depth of Development in a Paragraph

Controlling Idea:
There are many great options for getting to school, but all have their downsides.

Sample Body Paragraph

Main Idea Supporting Details

Specific Details and Examples

Although they have some drawbacks, cars are a preferred method of transportation. Cars are private, and you probably wont be bothered. You dont have to worry about some intense coffee drinker breathing down your neck or a person you despise sitting next to you. You can also travel in the comfort of your own seat with the A/C set at your ideal temperature. Unfortunately, cars are very expensive and with gas prices at $4 a gallon, it quickly becomes unaffordable. Car riding can also be inconvenient to your parents or whomever you ride with. Some parents must be at work at the time school starts and ends, and they just cant drive you there and back.

Score 1
* Lack of focus on assigned topic *Absence of supporting ideas *Too brief *Repetition of ideas *No evidence of organization *Lack of sentence variety *Fragments, run-ons *Errors in grammar and mechanics

Examples of Depth of Development in Score Point 1: Expository Writing

Ideas Score: 1 Topic: 8214

Students use many types of transportation to get to school. Other students may not go to school. Some students ride the bus cause they dont have any other ways to get to school. Some students also only ride in cars because of other kids on the bus or because they cant be trusted enough to get on the bus. Some students dont need rides or transportation because they got kicked out or dropped out of school or some will just have home school.

Score 2
*Minimal development of controlling idea *Supporting ideas are vague *Ideas not arranged in logical order *Unrelated ideas included *Little sentence variety *Formulaic organization * Language is vague, ordinary

Examples of Depth of Development in Score Point 2: Expository Writing

Ideas Score 2 Topic: 8214

How kids get to school. They get to school by transportation. They either ride a bus, walk, a car, and riding a bike. Thats what transportation is. The first kind of transportation is the bus. Buses are cheaper than driving. But the school bus is too crowded some days. Id rather not ride the bus if I didnt have to. I think cars is a great way to get to school. It is private and comfortable. Car riding can also be hard for your parents, though. Finally, you can walk or take a bike to school. Riding a bike or walking is cheaper than driving, but who wants to ride a bike in the rain? And sometimes the school is too far to walk to. All these transportations can be a good way to get to school but they can also have problems.

Score 3
*Generally consistent focus on topic *Most supporting details are relevant *Organization is generally appropriate *Related ideas grouped together in paragraphs *Introduction clear; conclusion provides closure *Variation in sentence structure *Grammar and mechanics generally correct

Example of Depth of Development in Score Point 3: Expository Writing

Ideas Score 3 Topic: 8214

There are many ways to get to and from school. You can take a bus, ride in a car, or walk or ride a bike. Each kind of transportation has advantages and disadvantages. The first kind of transportation is the ever popular bus. Buses can be cheaper than driving. They are also good for the environment because its like a big car pool. But the school bus is also crowded and cluttered. The buses also run on a schedule, and you would probably miss your bus if you got there late. Cars can be a fantastic way of getting to school. They are private, so you dont have to worry about a person you despise sitting next to you. Car riding can also be inconvenient to your parents though or whoever you ride with. Some parents have to be at work at the time school starts and ends and they just cant drive you there and back. Riding a bike or walking can be good too. These ways are cheaper than driving, a bike isnt too expensive, and walking is free. Bike riding or walking can also be inconvenient though. For example, what happens when it rains? Who wants to ride a bike or walk through bad weather? All these transportation can be a great way to get to school or home from school, but can also be difficult. Maybe someday there will be better means of transportation.

Score 4
*Consistent focus on topic *Well developed; addresses the topic *Supporting examples and specific details *Logical sequencing of ideas *Introduction sets the stage; conclusion ends the piece without repetition *Varied sentence structure and length *Correct usage and mechanics

Example of Depth of Development in Score Point 4: Expository Writing

Ideas Score 4 Topic: 8214

The first means of transportation is the ever popular bus. Buses can be much cheaper than driving. School buses dont cost anything and city buses usually dont cost more than a dollar. Although the bus is less expensive than driving, its also crowded and cluttered. The buses also run on a schedule, and you would probably miss your bus if you got there late. Cars can be a fantastic way of getting to school. They are private, so you dont have to worry about some intense coffee drinker breathing down your neck or a person you despise sitting next to you. Unfortunately cars are very expensive and with gas prices today, it becomes more unaffordable. Car riding can also be inconvenient to your parents or whomever you ride with. Some parents must be at work at the time school starts and ends and they just cant drive you there and back. Riding a bike or walking can be good too. These ways are cheaper as well, a bike isnt too expensive now, and walking is free. And riding a bike or walking is definitely less polluting and the world doesnt need anymore of that nasty pollution. The downside is it takes a lot longer to get from school and back. Lets be honest here, a bike or a person just cant go that fast and if you live far away from school, it can be a hassle. Bike riding or walking can also be inconvenient, for example, what happens when it rains? Or Snows? Who wants to ride a bike or walk through bad weather?

Score 5
*Addresses all aspects of writing topic

*Supporting ideas, specific examples and details *Ideas grouped in logical order *Effective transitions *Word choices are engaging and precise *Sentence variation in length and structure *Correct Usage and Mechanics * Complete control of all skills throughout the entire paper

Example of Depth of Development in Score Point 5: Expository Writing

Ideas Score 5 Topic: 8214

Have you ever thought about all the different types of transportation that can take you to school? At my school, lots of students take the bus or have their parents drop them off on the way to work. Those students who live near the school may walk or ride their bikes. All of these types of transportation can be great, depending on your situation, but they all have disadvantages too. Whats the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about ways to get to school? The traditional yellow school bus. This is a great means of transportation for getting a large number of students to school on time. And as a student, school buses are free. You could also take a city bus if you live in a big city. They arent free, but city buses usually dont cost more than a dollar. Although the bus is less expensive, it can also be crowded, cluttered, and noisy. I hate having to squeeze next to a total stranger and listen to kids yelling all the way to school. If you prefer a more private mode of transportation, I suggest cars. You dont have to worry about some intense coffee drinker breathing down your neck or a person you despise sitting next to you. You can also travel in the comfort of your own seat with the A/C set at your ideal temperature. Unfortunately, cars are very expensive and with gas prices at $4 a gallon, it quickly becomes more unaffordable. Car riding can also be inconvenient to your parents or whomever you ride with. Some parents must be at work at the time school starts and ends, and they just cant drive you there and back. Riding a bike or walking can be good too. These ways are cheaper as well, a bike isnt too expensive now, and walking is free. And riding a bike or walking is definitely less polluting and the world doesnt need anymore of that nasty pollution. You also get plenty of exercise peddling your bike or walking those miles to your school. The downside is it takes a lot longer to get from school and back. Lets be honest here, a bike or a person just cant go that fast and if you live far away from school, it can be a hassle. Bike riding or walking can also be inconvenient, for example, what happens when it rains? Or Snows? Who wants to ride a bike or walk through bad weather? All these types of transportation can be a great way to get to school or home from school, but they can also be difficult. Lets just face it - school is hard enough, so the way to get to and from school shouldnt be hard too. Maybe someday there will be luxury cars with clean, affordable fuel for every student.

The more green, the more specific the paper.

The goal? More green!

Visual representation of a well written essay

CLOSING Brief Constructed Response:

Summarize and explain Going Green in your own words. Tell me how you will GO GREEN in your own paper! Once you have completed your BCR, go back and use highlighters to show the different parts of Going Green in your own writing.

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