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Unit - 03

Structures, Classes and Objects

Handling data and objects

Unit Introduction
This unit covers structures, classes and objects

Unit Objectives

After covering this unit you will understand Structures Classes Static data and member functions Differences between structures and classes References Friend functions and classes


Following will be discussed in order to understand structures:

Declaration Definition Using structures Nested structures

Declaring Structures

struct keyword is used for declaration A structure is collection of variables and methods In a structure, variables can have different data types Can have private, protected and public access specifiers The default access specifier is public Semicolon ; comes in the end to complete structure declaration

Example: Declaring Structures

#include <iostream.h> struct SPart

private: int partType; public: // type of part, by default public

float cost;

// cost of part, be default public

int GetPartType() { return partType;

}; // semicolon indicates end of declaration

Defining Structures

With declaration

A structure can be defined while declaring the structure Structure Tag (which is used to name the structure) is not required, if a structure variable is defined while declaring the structure Structures can be defined separately after declaration

Without declaration

Example: Defining Structures

// declaring and defining together struct { int partType; float cost; } part; // type of part // cost of part // tag is not required here

// declared and defined

// declaring and defining separately struct SMachine { int machineType; float cost; }; SMachine machine; // type of machine // cost of machine // declared only // defined now // tag is required to define it separately

Using Structures

Structure can be initialised either by:

putting values in it; or assigning other structure of same type

A structure variable can be assigned to other if they are instance of same structure Assigning different structure types (even though they have exactly the same data types) is not allowed and will generate an error

Using Structures (contd.)

Structures are initialised using curly braces

Dot (.) operator is used to access the variables

Example: Using Structures

// Initialising a structure variables # include <iostream.h>

struct SPart
{ int partType; float cost; // type of part // cost of part

void main() { SPart part1 = {12,23.56}; // Initializing variables

SPart part2;
part2 = part1; part2.cost = 13.5f; } // cost variable accessed


Nesting can be to any level (nth level)

Dot (.) operator is used to access the each inner level

When the inner most level is reached, the dot (.) operator will be used to access the variables and functions

Example: Nested Structures

// Example of Structure nesting # include <iostream.h>

struct SDistance
{ int feet; float inches;

struct SRoom { SDistance length;

SDistance width;

Example: Nested Structures (contd.)

void main() {

SRoom dining = {{10,120},{10,120}} // Initializing

SRoom study;


= 10;

// Assigning values

study.length.inches = 120;
study.width.feet study.width.inches } = 10; = 120;

Classes in C++

Following will be discussed in order to understand Classes in C++:

Classes and objects Access specifiers Member functions Constructors Destructors Static class data

Classes and Objects

Classes are the infrastructures while objects are runtime utilisation of those infrastructures A class has functions and data Member functions and data can be of type private, public or protected Default access specifier is private Variables cannot be initialised during declaration (as you can in Java)

Example: A Simple Class

// demonstrates an object #include <iostream.h> class SmallObj // Specify a class name { private: int m_SomeData; // Class data public: void SetData(int data) // member function to set data { m_SomeData = data; } void ShowData() // member function to display data { cout << \nData is << m_SomeData; } };

Example: A Simple Class (contd.)

void main() { SmallObj s1, s2; // defining two objects

s1.SetData(1234); // calling member function to set data s2.SetData(5677); s1.ShowData(); s2.ShowData(); } // calling member function to display // data


Constructor is a class method with exactly the same name as class name A constructor may accept argument(s) but does not return anything, not even void They are called when an instance of the class is created A default constructor does not accept any argument

Constructors (contd.)

If a default constructor is not provided, compiler assumes there exists but it does not do anything Constructors can be overloaded in their argument type and number of arguments In constructors, variables can be initialised to a default value A copy constructor is used when objects are copied

Example: Constructors
#include <iostream.h> class Customer // Specify a class name { private: int m_CustomerId; // Class data public: Customer() // no-arg or default constructor { m_CustomerId = 0; // default customer ID } Customer(int newCustomerId) // one-arg constructor { m_CustomerId = newCustomerId; } };

Example: Constructors
void main() { Customer ordinaryCustomer; // creating instance using // default constructor Customer registeredCustomer(49); // creating instance // using one-arg constructor

Copy Constructor

Copy constructor is used when objects are copied Default copy constructor performs shallow copy Explicit copy constructor can be provided to perform deep copy

Shallow and Deep Copy

m_pAddress name : e1

Shallow Copy
m_pAddress name : e1 Employee

Deep Copy
m_pAddress name : e1

Address City : LHR State : Punjab Country : PK

Address City : LHR State : Punjab Country : PK

City : LHR State : Punjab Country : PK

City : LHR State : Punjab Country : PK

Employee m_pAddress name : e2

Employee m_pAddress name : e2

Example: Copy Constructor

struct SAddress { char* city; char* state; char* country; SAddress() { city = ""; state = ""; country = ""; } void DisplayAddress() { cout << city << ", " << state << ", " << country << endl; } };

Example: Copy Constructor (contd.)

class Employee { private: SAddress* m_pAddress; char* m_Name; public: Employee() { m_pAddress = 0; } ~Employee() { delete m_pAddress; }

Example: Copy Constructor (contd.)

void SetAddress(char* city, char* state, char* country) { m_pAddress = new SAddress(); m_pAddress->city = city; m_pAddress->state = state; m_pAddress->country = country; } SAddress* GetAddress() { return m_pAddress; } void SetName(char* name) { m_Name = name; }

Example: Copy Constructor (contd.)

char* GetName() { return m_Name; } void Display() { cout << m_Name << " -- "; m_pAddress->DisplayAddress(); } // this copy constructor performs deep copy Employee(Employee& e) { m_pAddress = new SAddress(); m_pAddress->city = e.GetAddress()->city; m_pAddress->state = e.GetAddress()->state; m_pAddress->country = e.GetAddress()->country; } };

Example: Copy Constructor (contd.)

void main() { Employee e1; // no-arg constructor is called e1.SetName("E1"); e1.SetAddress("LHR", "Punjab", "PK"); e1.Display(); Employee e2 = e1; // copy constructor is called e2.SetName("E2"); e2.GetAddress()->city = ISB"; // change city for e2 e1.Display(); e2.Display(); }


Called when an instance of the class is destroyed Destructor is a class method starting with tilde (~) and have exactly the same name as class name Destructors are used to release resources held by the instance (object) Destructor does not accept any argument

Destructors (contd.)

Destructor does not return anything, not even void Destructors can not be overloaded Memory allocated by the instance is released after calling the destructor Automatically called when the object goes out of scope

Example: Destructors
#include <fstream.h> class MyFileHandler { private: ofstream m_file; public: MyFileHandler() {, ios::binary); } ~MyFileHandler() { m_file.close; }

Example: Destructors (contd.)

void WriteToFile(int buff[1000]) { m_file.write((char*)buff, 1000*sizeof(int)); } }; void main() { int myData[1000]; MyFileHandler myFileHandler; for(int j=0; j < 1000; j++) { myData[j] = j; } myFilehandler.WriteToFile(myData); } // as myFileHandler goes out of scope, destructor is called // and the file is closed

Member Functions

Member functions are methods of a class, could be:

private, protected or public

Can be declared and defined together or separately Inline functions code is expanded where it is called and differ in normal function calling mechanism

Example: Member Functions

#include <iostream.h> class Employee // Specify a class { private: int m_EmployeeId; int m_EmployeeAge;

// Class data

protected: // implicit inline function void ShowAge() // Member function to show { // Employee age cout << \nAge is << m_EmployeeAge; }

Example: Member Functions (contd.)

public: void SetId(int id) { m_EmployeeId = id; } void ShowId(); void SetAge(int age); // Member function to set id

// Declaration only // Declaration only

}; void Employee::ShowId() { cout << \nId is << m_EmployeeId; } // explicit inline function inline void Employee::SetAge(int age) { m_EmployeeAge = age; }

Example: Member Functions (contd.)

void main() { Employee manager, worker; // defining two objects manager.SetId(1001); worker.SetId(5001); manager.SetAge(45); wroker.SetAge(45); } // // // // // calling member function to // set Id // calling member function to // set Id calling member function to set mangers age calling member function to set workers age

Static Data

Static data could be any type Also called class data Lifetime is the entire program Shared among all objects of the same class Static data members are accessed using class name and :: operator In C++ static data is declared inside the class and defined outside the class

Example: Static Data

class Counter // Specify a class { private: int m_Count; // class data public: void IncrementCount() { m_Count++; } int GetTotalCount() { return m_Count; } Counter() { m_Count = 0; } };

Example: Static Data (contd.)

class Student { private: int m_StudentId; // class data int m_StudentClass; static Counter sm_Counter; // static counter to hold // count for all students public: void AddStudent(int id ,int studentClass) { m_StudentId = id; m_StudentClass= studentClass; sm_Counter.IncrementCount(); // increment count } int GetStudentsCount() // getting class id { return sm_Counter.GetTotalCount(); }

Example: Static Data (contd.)

}; Counter Student::sm_Counter; // if we dont write this line // compiler will give error void main() { Student newStudent; Student oldStudent; newStudent.AddStudent(100,10); oldStudent.AddStudent(23,10); cout << \nTotal = << oldStudent.GetStudentsCount(); }

Difference Between Structures and Classes

The default access specifier in class is private, whereas in structure it is public Structures are inherited as public by default Classes are inherited as private by default


Available only in C++, not in C One way to pass parameters to function is by reference The variable passed by reference, if altered, changes the actual variable value & is used to denote a reference, e.g. &p (where p is any data type) References could be constant, called constant references, e.g. const &p

Example: References
// Passing by reference example #include <iostream.h> void main() { void IntFrac(const float&, float&, float&); float number,intPart,fracPart; do { cout << \nEnter a real number:; cin >> number; Intfrac(number,intPart,fracPart); cout << Integer part is << intPart << , fraction part is << fracPart; }while (number != 0) }

Example: References (contd.)

//IntFrac() // finds integer and fractional part of the real number void IntFrac(const float& n, float& intp, float& fracp) { intp = float(long(n)); fracp = n - intp; // n can not be changed inside the function as it is // constant reference }

Friend Classes and Functions

There are two types of friend modifiers:

Class Level Function Level

A friend function can access the private data of that class A friend function does not belong to a class, and Its definition occurs outside the class without specifying the class name

Example: Friend Function / Class

// friend function example #include <iostream.h> class Beta; // forward declaration of class Beta class Alpha { private: int m_Data; // class private data public; Alpha() { m_Data = 3; } // assigning class data friend int FriFunc(Alpha,Beta); // declaring friend // function friend Beta; // Beta is friend of // Alpha };

Example: Friend Function / Class (contd.)

class Beta { private int m_Data; // class private data public: Beta() { m_Data = 7; } // assigning data void ChangeAlpha(Alpha& a); friend int FriFunc(Alpha,Beta); // declaraing friend }; // function int FriFunc(Alpha a, Beta b) // friend function { return (a.m_Data + b.m_Data); }

Example: Friend Function / Class (contd.)

void Beta::ChangeAlpha(Alpha& a) { a.m_Data = 100; // change Alphas private data // as Beta is a friend of Alpha } void main() { Alpha aa; Beta bb; cout << FriFunc(aa,bb); bb.ChangeAlpha(aa); cout << FriFunc(aa,bb); }

// // // // // //

define aa define bb calling friend function change Alphas private data through bb calling friend function

Unit Summary
In this unit you have covered Structures Classes Static data and member functions References Friend functions and classes

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