Tax - Collection (Collection of Municipal Tax On Real Estate)

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Collection of Municipal Tax on Real Estate

*Value Model (Basic) *Specify BPMN *Skeleton of BPEL

Collection of Municipal Tax on Real Estate

Prepared by Nazli Temur Business Process Engineering Course Prof. Ernesto Damiani Informatics Department, University of Milan , Crema Campus

Needed Definitions for Designing a Complete Value Model

Scenario Actors Value Objects Value Transactions Scenario Paths

A l t e r n a t i v e w e b s e r v i c e

the Citizen - CIT, the Company, COM, nonprofit orgenizations, NGO) (the Licensed Accountant - the LA, or the Center for Tax Assistance - the CAF) (the Municipality - M) (e.g. the Bank (B), the Post Office (PO) or others - (O)).

Value Objects
a tax-payer a tax advisor a public service provider a tax collector

Activity Summaries of a Tax-Payer Point of View


First Piece

Second Piece

Thirth Piece

Fourth Piece

BPEL is an XML programming language. As aprogramming language it has three basic components: Programming logic Data types Input/Output (I/O) BPEL splits these components up in the following way: Programming logic - BPEL Data types - XSD (XML Schema Definition) Input/Output (I/O) - WSDL (Web Services Description Language)

An Example of hello word programwith Bpel

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <process xmlns="" xmlns:print=""> World - my first ever BPEL program --> <import importType="" location="../../test_bucket/service_libraries/tptp_EnginePrinterPort.wsdl" namespace="" />


<partnerLinks> <partnerLink name="printService" partnerLinkType="print:printLink" partnerRole="printService"/> </partnerLinks> <variables> <variable name="hello_world" messageType="print:PrintMessage" /> </variables> <assign> <copy> <from><literal>Hello World</literal></from> <to>$hello_world.value</to> </copy> </assign> <invoke partnerLink="printService" operation="print" inputVariable="hello_world" /></process>

BPEL Skeleton
<xml version = UTF -8 > Bpel : process xmlns:bpel = httpd <bpel : sequence> (for Exclusive OR operation) <receive name : receive input partnerlink:.. (Start) <invoke send request to task advicer / > <bpel:receive name = Receive Form> <input variable : output variable : > <bpel :invoke name =Fill Form > <bpel :receive name = receive information> .. .

BPEL Skeleton
<bpel : invoke name = pay a certain amount of service <switch () ../ > <case condition =A > <invoke name : credit card> <case condition= B> ( <otherwise> ) <invoke name : cash> <bpel:catchAll> <bpel : receive name = receive output> </bpel receive> </otherwise> </switch> . </bpel:sequence> </bpel:process>
Not complete bpel specification of bpmn examle

Any Questions

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