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STATIC AND DYNAMIC BALANCING What are the reasons for unbalanced forces? Unbalanced forces are set up in high speed engines due to the following reasons: (a) Rotating masses: Rotating masses if not balanced, produce centrifugal forces which act as unbalanced forces and cause undesirable vibrations and noise. (b) Reciprocating masses: reciprocating masses if not balanced, produce inertia forces which act as unbalanced forces and cause vibrations and noise.

What is balancing? Balancing is the process of designing or modifying machinery, so that the unbalance in the machinery is reduced to an acceptable level and if possible completely eliminated. Why balancing is necessary? If rotating and reciprocating masses are not balanced, they produce centrifugal / inertia forces which will cause excessive vibration, noise, wear and tear of the system. Hence balancing is very essential.

What are the types of balancing?


Rotating masses

Reciprocating masses



Primary force

Secondary force

Combined rotating and reciprocating masses

STATIC AND DYNAMIC BALANCING Define static balancing. A system is said to be in static balance if the net dynamic force acting on the system is zero. F = 0. Define dynamic balancing. A system is said to be in dynamic balance if the net dynamic forces as well as net dynamic couples are equal to zero respectively. What are the various types of balancing of rotating masses? (a) Balancing of a single rotating mass by a single mass rotating in the same plane (static balancing) (b) Balancing of a single rotating mass by two masses rotating in different planes (dynamic balancing) (c) Balancing of several masses rotating in the same plane (static balancing) (d) Balancing of several masses rotating in different planes (dynamic balancing)

STATIC AND DYNAMIC BALANCING What is rocking? Sometimes it may not be possible to introduce a single balancing mass in the same plane of rotation of the disturbing mass. Hence the balancing mass is provided in a plane parallel to the plane of rotation of the disturbing mass. This balances the forces, but produces an unbalanced couple. This unbalanced couple tends to rock the shaft in its bearings. The shaft is subjected to bending. This phenomenon is called rocking of the shaft. Define reference plane. Reference plane is a plane passing through a point on the axis of rotation and perpendicular to it. It is used as a reference for analysis and balancing. What are the conditions to be satisfied in reference plane for complete balance in the case of balancing of several masses in different planes? (a) Forces in the reference plane must balance i.e. resultant force must be zero. (b) Couples about the reference plane must balance i.e. resultant couple must be zero.

STATIC AND DYNAMIC BALANCING How will you balance several masses rotating in different planes? When several masses rotate in different planes, they may be transferred to a plane known as reference plane (R P) and hence the problem is reduced to that of several masses rotating in the same plane. This transfer will introduce the following effects in the reference plane: (a) An unbalanced force equal and parallel to the centrifugal force produced by the rotating mass (F) (b) An unbalanced couple whose magnitude is equal to the product of the centrifugal force and the distance between the two planes (F l) Why are the projection of hands in opposite direction in watches and clocks? Projections are made such that mass occupied in the projected length is same as mass occupied in the needle from the pivot point. Hans are thus balanced.

BALANCING OF ROTATING MASSES How would you balance several rotating masses in the same plane by analytical method? H = mi ri cos i V = mi ri sin i Resultant force magnitude , R = *( H)2 +( V)2 ] Direction = V / H Inclination of balancing mass with horizontal R = 180 + Let Value of radius of rotation of balancing mass be r Balancing mass be m The relation used to find m or r is m = R / r


BALANCING OF RECIPROCATING MASSES What do you mean by balancing of reciprocating masses? It is the dynamic balancing of inertia force and couple (shaking couple) due to reciprocating masses to avoid vibrations of reciprocating engines. What will happen if reciprocating masses are not balanced? As the stroke of the reciprocating parts is proportional to radius of crank, the radius of crank acts as an eccentricity of reciprocating masses. Due to this eccentricity inertia force is produced causing vibrations of the engine. Even if there is no unbalanced force due to inertia effect, there will be unbalanced couple called shaking couple causing vibrations of the engine.

BALANCING OF RECIPROCATING MASSES Why complete balancing of reciprocating mass is not possible? To balance the rotating mass at crank pin, balancing mass is connected dynamically opposite to the crank pin. But the vertical component of the force produced by the balancing mass is unbalanced and produces hammer blow. In reciprocating engines, unbalanced forces in the direction of line of stroke are more dangerous than the forces perpendicular to the line of stroke. Therefore reciprocating masses balanced only to an extent (fraction c of reciprocating masses) to avoid hammer blow. Complete balancing of reciprocating masses are not possible. Distinguish between the nature of unbalanced force due to reciprocating mass and that due to rotating mass. Inertia forces ( both primary and secondary) due to reciprocating masses are constant in direction but vary in magnitudes. Centrifugal forces due to rotating masses are constant in magnitude, but vary in direction.





BALANCING MULTI CYLINDER ENGINES Why are the cranks of a twin cylinder locomotives placed at right angles to each other? The cranks of a twin cylinder locomotives placed at right angles to each other because (a) More uniform turning moment is obtained. (b) Engine can be started easily after stopping in any position. What do you mean by outside cylinder locomotive? In outside cylinder locomotive, two cylinders are placed outside the driving wheels, one on each side of the driving wheels to obtain uniform turning moment. Define tractive force. Tractive force is the resultant unbalanced primary force along the line of stroke. Variation of tractive force (effort) of an engine is caused by the resultant unbalanced primary force due to two cylinders along the line of stroke of the locomotive engine.

BALANCING MULTI CYLINDER ENGINES Define tractive force. Tractive force is the resultant unbalanced primary force along the line of stroke. Variation of tractive force (effort) of an engine is caused by the resultant unbalanced primary force due to two cylinders along the line of stroke of the locomotive engine.

Mention the expression for tractive force. At what angles of inclination of the crank with the line of stroke, the tractive force reaches a maximum value? Tractive force FT = (1-c) m 2 r (cos sin )

It is maximum at =1350 and = 315 0 FT max = 2 (1-c) m 2 r

BALANCING MULTI CYLINDER ENGINES Define swaying couple. The unbalanced primary forces along the line of stroke for two cylinders which are separated by a distance and thus constitute a couple about the centre line of the locomotive engine between the two cylinders. This couple tends to sway the engine alternately in clockwise and anticlockwise direction. Hence this couple is called swaying couple. Mention the expression for swaying couple. At what angles of inclination of the crank with the line of stroke, the swaying couple reaches a maximum value? Swaying couple CS = (1-c) m 2 r (a/2) (cos + sin ) It is maximum at =450 and = 225 0

BALANCING MULTI CYLINDER ENGINES Define hammer blow. The unbalanced force perpendicular to the line of stroke produces variation in pressure on the rails which results in hammering acting action on the rails. The maximum value of this vertical unbalanced force is called hammer blow. This is caused by the mass provided to balance the reciprocating mass. Mention the expression for hammer blow. At what angles of inclination of the crank with the line of stroke, the hammer blow reaches a maximum value? Hammer Blow, FH = B 2 b sin ; where B is balancing mass, b is radius of rotation of balancing mass. It is maximum at = 900 and = 270 0 FH max = B 2 b Effect of hammer blow: Causes variation in pressure between the wheel and the rail.

BALANCING MULTI CYLINDER ENGINES Mention the expression for permissible value of angular speed of the wheel to avoid lifting from the track. Permissible value of angular speed of the wheel to avoid lifting of the wheel from the track , = [P/(Bb)] 1/2 Where B is balancing mass, b is radius of rotation of the balancing mass.

What do you mean by multi cylinder engine? When two or more cylinders are there in an engine, then it is called multi cylinder engine. These engines are broadly classified according to the arrangement of cylinders with respect to each other and crank shaft. Mention the important types of multi cylinder engines. Multi cylinder engine Inline Radial V engine

BALANCING MULTI CYLINDER ENGINES What do you mean by radial engine? Why are they preferred? Radial engine is one which has pistons arranged in a circle about the crank centre. In radial engines, connecting rods (equal to number of cylinders) are connected to a common crank. Unlike in inline engines, the plane of rotation of crank (common crank) is same. Therefore there is no unbalanced primary or secondary couple. What is V-12 engine? Why is it used in some luxury cars? The engine has two banks of 6 cylinders each, the banks inclined to each other at an angle. We know that in 6 cylinder inline engine, each bank of cylinders is self balancing and hence the whole engine is balanced. The engine has two banks of 6 cylinders each, the banks inclined to each at an angle. Each bank with 6 cylinders 4 stroke inline engines is self balanced. Hence the whole engine is balanced and hence v-12 engine is used in some luxury cars.

BALANCING MULTI CYLINDER ENGINES What are the various methods of force balancing of linkages? (a) Method of static balancing (b) Method of principle vectors (c) Method of linearly independent vectors. (d) Use of cam driven masses. (e) Addition of an axially symmetric duplicate mechanism

Mention the types of balancing machine. (a) Static balancing machines: These machines measure the static unbalance only. (b) Dynamic balancing machines: These machines measure the dynamic unbalance only. (c) Universal balancing machines: These machines are capable of measuring both static and dynamic unbalance.

BALANCING MULTI CYLINDER ENGINES How are the cylinders arranged in uncoupled three cylinder locomotives? In an uncoupled three cylinder locomotive, there are three cylinders out of which two are outside cylinders and one is inside cylinder. On each side of the two driving wheels beyond the wheel, one outside cylinder lies. The inside cylinder lies in between the centre of the two driving wheels to obtain uniformity in turning moment. The angle between the cranks of each cylinder is 1200 . FIG.


BALANCING MULTI CYLINDER ENGINES What do you mean by inline engine? In line engine is one in which the piston axes form a single plane coincident with the crank shaft and in which pistons are all on the same side of the crank shaft. What are the conditions to be satisfied for the complete balance of multi cylinder in line engines? (a) Primary forces must balance i.e. primary force polygon must close. (b) Primary couples must balance i.e. primary couple polygon must close. (c) Secondary forces must balance i.e. secondary force polygon must close. (d) Secondary couples must balance i.e. secondary couple polygon must close.

FIRING ORDER What do you mean by firing order? The sequence in which charge is ignited inside the the engine cylinders is called firing order. There are different firing orders for multi cylinder engines For two stroke engines, interval between the cranks = 360 / n For four stroke engines, interval between the cranks = 720 / n The cranks are assumed to rotate in clockwise direction and hence, they are numbered in anticlockwise as per firing order.


Draw primary and secondary crank positions of four cylinder two stroke in line engine for the firing order 1-5-2-3-4.

Primary Crank positions

Secondary Crank positions





PIVOTED CRADLE BALANCING MACHINES PIVOTED CRADLE BALANCING MACHINE: This machine measures both static and dynamic unbalance of rotating parts. It is similar to dynamic balancing machine except that in this no preliminary static balancing of the machine part is required. Hence it is also called Universal Balancing Machine. FIG

PIVOTED CRADLE BALANCING MACHINES PIVOTED CRADLE BALANCING MACHINE: This machine measures both static and dynamic unbalance of rotating parts. It is similar to dynamic balancing machine except that in this no preliminary static balancing of the machine part is required. Hence it is also called Universal Balancing Machine. It works on the principle that a given system of revolving masses can be balanced by introducing two balancing masses in arbitrarily chosen planes of motion. First two planes say L and M are selected. By using these planes, the balancing effects are to be measured and necessary corrections are applied. The rotating part is mounted on the cradle in such a manner that the axis of the pivots P-P lies on one of the chosen planes say L. The purpose of this that the out of balance effect in this plane can not cause oscillations of the cradle. The out of balance effect in the other plane M produces a moment (Fm a sin ) in the plane of oscillation and rocks the cradle about the axis P-P. The maximum value of this moment Fm a can be measured so that the amount of unbalance (wm r) in plane M can be obtained. Thereafter the cradle is slided along the guide, so that the axis of oscillation lies in plane M and the amount and angular position of the unbalance (wl r) in plane L can be obtained.





Problem 1: Given: Four masses attached to a shaft in the same plane

m1 m2 m3 m4 Unit







Angle between successive masses m1-m2 450 m2-m3 75 0 m3-m4 135 0

Balancing mass is provided at radius 0.2 m

Find the magnitude and angular position of the balancing mass

Problem 2 Four masses A,B,C,D are attached to a rotating shaft A B C D Mass 20 10 8 Radius 50 62.5 100 75 Distance between planes of successive masses A and B B and C C and D 600 600 600

Unit kg mm


Shaft is in complete balance Find (a) the mass of A; (b) Angular positions of A, B, C, and D

Problem 3 Four masses A,B,C,D are attached to a rotating shaft A B C D Mass 200 300 400 200 Radius 80 70 60 80 Distance from Plane A 0 300 400 700 Angle between cranks measured anticlockwise A and B B and C C and D 450 70 0 120 0 Balancing masses in planes X and Y Distance between planes A and X X and Y Y and D 100 400 200 Balancing masses at radius 100 mm Find (a) the balancing masses; (b) Angular positions of the balancing masses.

Unit kg mm



Problem 4 Four masses A,B,C,D are to be balanced. A B C D Unit Mass 30 50 50 kg Radius 180 240 120 150 mm Angle between planes B and C B and D C and D BD and CD are 90 0 210 0 120 0 in same sense Planes B and C are 300 mm apart Find (a) the mass of rotor A; (b) angular position of A; (c ) Position of plane A and D .

Problem 5 Four masses A,B,C,D are in order along the axis. Shaft and masses are in complete balance. A B C D Unit Mass 30 50 40 kg Radius 180 240 120 150 mm Angular spacing C and B D and B 90 0 210 0 Planes B and C are 300 mm apart Find (a) the mass of rotor A; (b) angular position of rotor A; (c ) Position of plane A and D .

Problem 6 Four masses A,B,C,D are attached to a rotating shaft A B C D Mass 200 300 400 200 Radius 80 70 60 80 Distance from Plane A 0 300 400 700 Angle between cranks measured anticlockwise A and B B and C C and D 450 70 0 120 0 Balancing masses in planes X and Y Distance between planes A and X X and Y Y and D 100 400 200 Balancing masses at radius 100 mm Find (a) the balancing masses; (b) Angular positions of the balancing masses.

Unit kg mm



Problem 7 A shaft carries Four masses A,B,C,D in parallel planes. Shaft is in complete balance A B C D Mass 18 21.5 Eccentricity 80 60 60 80

Unit kg mm

Angle between masses B and C B and A 100 0 190 0 in same sense Distance between planes A and B B and C 100 200 mm Find (a) mass of A and D; (b) Distance between A and D; (c ) Angular position of mass at D.

Problem 8 Four Cylinder Vertical Engine Crank radius r = 225 mm Plane of rotation of 1st crank from 3rd crank at 600 mm Plane of rotation of 2nd crank from 3rd crank at 300 mm Plane of rotation of 4th crank from 3rd crank at 300 mm Reciprocating masses of 1st cylinder 100 kg. Reciprocating masses of 2nd cylinder 120 kg. Reciprocating masses of 4th cylinder 100 kg. Find (a) Reciprocating mass for 3rd cylinder; (b) Angular positions of 1st, 2nd,3rd, and 4th cylinders for complete balance.

Problem 9 Four Cylinder Vertical Engine Crank radius r = 150 mm Plane of rotation of 1st crank from 3rd crank at 400 mm Plane of rotation of 2nd crank from 3rd crank at 200 mm Plane of rotation of 4th crank from 3rd crank at 200 mm Reciprocating masses of 1st cylinder 50 kg. Reciprocating masses of 2nd cylinder 60 kg. Reciprocating masses of 4th cylinder 50 kg. Find (a) Reciprocating mass for 3rd cylinder; (b) Angular positions of 1st, 2nd,3rd, and 4th cylinders for complete balance.

Problem10 Six Cylinder Vertical 4 stroke inline engine Firing order 1-4-2-6-3-5 Stroke length L = 2 r = 0.1 m Connecting rod length l = 0.2 m Pitch distance between cylinder centre lines 100, 100, 150, 100, 100 mm Reciprocating mass per cylinder mR = 1 kg. Engine speed N = 3000 rpm Find Unbalanced primary and secondary forces and couples. Consider plane midway between cylinders 3 and 4 as reference.

Problem11 Three Cylinder inline IC engine Cranks are set at angle = 120 0 Pitch of the cylinders = 1 m Stroke length of the piston L = 0.6 m Reciprocating mass for inside cylinder = 300 kg Reciprocating mass for outside cylinder = 260 kg Distance between plane of rotation of balancing mass from inside crank = 0.8 m Percentage of reciprocating masses to be balanced, c = 0.4 Radius of balancing masses = 0.6 m Find (a) magnitudes and (b) angular positions of balancing masses; (c ) Hammer blow/wheel at axle speed = 6 rps.

Problem12 Uncoupled outside cylinder Mass of rotating parts per cylinder = 360 kg. Mass of reciprocating parts per cylinder m R= 300 kg. Angle between cranks 90 0 Crank radius r = 0.3 m Cylinder centres = 1.75 m Radius of balancing masses = 0.75 m Wheel centres = 1.45 m All the rotating masses and 2/3 of reciprocating masses are balanced in planes of driving wheels. Find (a) magnitudes and (b) angular positions of balancing masses; (c )Limiting speed in kph ( for the wheel to lift off the rails) if load on each driving wheel is 30 kN and diameter of the wheel is 1.8 m (d) Swaying couple at the above speed.

Problem13 Two cylinder inside uncoupled locomotive Mass of rotating parts per cylinder = 250 kg. Mass of reciprocating parts per cylinder m R= 300 kg. Angle between cranks 90 0 Crank radius r = 0.3 m Distance between cylinders = 0.6 m Radius of balancing masses = 1 m Distance between driving wheels = 1.5 m Diameter of driving wheels = 2 m Speed of locomotive = 80 km/hr All the rotating masses and 2/3 of reciprocating masses are balanced in planes of driving wheels. Find (a) Hammer blow; (b ) Maximum variation in tractive effort; (c ) Maximum swaying couple.

Problem14 Two cylinder inside uncoupled locomotive Mass of reciprocating parts per cylinder m R= 300 kg. Angle between cranks 90 0 Crank radius r = 0.3 m Distance between cylinders = 0.65 m Distance between driving wheels = 1.6 m Diameter of driving wheels = 1.8 m Maximum hammer blow = 45000 N at Speed of locomotive = 100 km/hr All the rotating masses and 2/3 of reciprocating masses are balanced in planes of driving wheels. Find (a) Fraction of reciprocating masses to be balanced c; (b) Variation in tractive effort; (c ) Maximum swaying couple.

Four cylinder inline engine Speed N = 1800 rpm Crank radius r = 0.06m Connecting rod length l = 0.24 m Spacing between cylinders = 150 mm Mass of reciprocating parts per cylinder m R= 1.5 kg. Angular positions of cranks 1-4-2-3 at 90 o intervals in end view. Cylinders are numbered in sequence 1-2-3-4 from one end. Find Unbalanced primary and secondary forces and couples with reference to central plane of engine.

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