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Basics of Human Geography

def. = features of a societys way of life

It defines a society What things can you use to describe a societys culture?

Ways a societys culture can change:

Innovation: Develop new things within your own culture Diffusion: Incorporate subtle ideas from other groups Acculturation: Drastic changes from meeting another group


What is it?

Pride in ones nation; national pride Clothing, songs, symbols, flags, serving country Yes: Cause violence, discrimination

How can it be expressed?

Can nationalism be dangerous?

Sudan, Serbia, anti-Muslim in US after 9/11

What is religions impact on a society?

Influences way society behaves; can dictate social norms/laws; can cause tension

Extreme control by a religious leader is religious fundamentalism


Two types of agriculture:

Subsistence: farm for yourself Commercial: farm for a profit


def: Changing a society/economy from relying on agriculture to being based more on manufacturing
Unindustrialized Industrializing Industrialized

What does industrialization do for a country?

Improves & expands economy; creates more wealth; modernizes systems (infrastructure, telecommunications, etc); improves citizens lives

Development of countries

Developed Country/Nation

Strong economy, heavily industrialized; urbanized population; international trade; good education, health care, infrastructure, & telecommunications Industry : Farming 10 1 aka: 1st world country, industrialized nation

Newly Industralized Countries (NICs)

Emerging Market nations that have been rapidly developing and are close to reaching 1st World status.
Industry : Farming

Emerging Market

Recently started to move out of Developing Nation status with new or limited industrialization Industry : Farming aka: Rapidly growing economy 4 6

Developing Country/Nation

Little/no industrialization; rural population, subsistence farming; little-no international trade; high poverty and unemployment; low health services & education; little infrastructure aka: 3rd or 4th world country, unindustrialized nation, Less/Least Developed Country (LDC) Industry : Farming
1 or 0 9 or 10




Developed Nations
(1st World)


Japan S. Kor


Newly Industralized Countries



China Mex


Emerging Markets
Egypt Russia Pak Col

Less Developed (3rd World)

Cuba S. Arab

Ukraine Iran

Developing Nations
Burma Swaziland N. Korea Somalia Sudan Haiti

Least Developed (4th World)

Failed States

Developed Nations

Newly Industralized Countries

Emerging Markets

Developing Nations
Less Developed (3rd World) Least Developed (4th World)

Developed Nations Newly Industralized Countries

Emerging Markets Developing Nations

Population Density

What is it?

Number of people per square mile/kilometer

World = 16 people/mi2 Highest = Bangladesh: 134 million people; 347 people/mi2 Java (Indonesian island): 114 million people; 330 people/mi2 US = #143 with 11.5 people/mi2

What are some problems of having a high population density?

Strain on resources; higher crime, poverty, pollution


Birth & death rates

Number of people born (or died)/population

Its a ratio of your overall population per 1000 people

US Birth = 13.8 World Birth = 20.0

134 million babies

US Death = 8.4 World Death = 8.2

62 million deaths

End: 100 Beginning: - 80 20 20/80 = 25%

Population growth rate

= (Ending pop. Beginning pop.) / Beginning pop. Good population growth rate: around +1% End:

World = 1.17%, US = .98%, UAE #1 = 3.7% 1% growth rate = population doubles in 70 years UAEs will double in about 15 years!!!

75 Beginning: - 100 -25

-25/100 = -25%

Net migration rate: immigration emigration

How many people moved into or out of your country

Earth may double in population in 60 years!

Population Growth Rates

Half-way through life

Population Pyramids

Angola: 2000

Growth rate: 2.1%

Birth rate: 44.09

Death rate: 24.44

Fertility rate (# births/woman): 6.2

Growth rate: 0.6%

Birth rate: 12.23

Death rate: 8.48

Fertility rate (# births/woman): 2.0

Growth rate: -0.14%

Birth rate: 7.87

Death rate: 9.26

Fertility rate (# births/woman): 1.2

Growth rate: 0.88%

Birth rate: 14.18

Death rate: 8.27

Fertility rate (# births/woman): 2.1



Population of the United States, by Age and Sex, 1950-2050 (millions)

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