We've All Heard It:: - One, - One, - One

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Weve all heard it:

____ One, _____ One, _____ One

Weve all heard it:

See One, Do One, Teach One


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Weve all heard it:

See One, Do One, Teach One


Weve all heard it:

See One, Do One, Teach One

Teaching Technical Skills: A Skill Itself

Kevin Kelly, MD MAJ, MC, USA Faculty Development Fellow

Take Home Points

Teaching technical skills is a skill itself Be consciously competent Use the five instructional phases

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Listed the psychomotor skills principles

Applied a 5 step method to teaching technical skills

Addressed teaching challenges

General Challenges
Increased societal expectations Condensed student experience Steep learning curve

Increased technology
Limited resources

Psychomotor Principles

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Psychomotor Principles
Read the definitions on cards as group

Arrange cards in an appropriate order

Psychomotor Principles
Conceptualization Visualization Verbalization Practice Correction and reinforcement Skill mastery Skill autonomy

Steps in Skill Mastery

Unconsciously incompetent Consciously incompetent Consciously competent Unconsciously competent

Steps in Skill Mastery

Unconsciously incompetent Consciously incompetent Consciously competent Unconsciously competent

Instructional Phases
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Overview Preceptor demonstration real time Preceptor performs with discussion Student talks through the skill Student performs the skill

George JH, Doto FX. A simple five-step method for teaching clinical skills. Fam Med 33;8:577-9.

Overview Phase
Why the skill is needed How the skill is used Emphasize the decision making process

Preceptor Demonstration
Real time demonstration Give student mental picture Student will reflect on this

Preceptor Performs with Discussion

Take time to describe each step Student sees how step fits in sequence Clarify steps if necessary

Student Talks Through the Skill

Student describes step by step Student visualizes skill and commits to memory Imprints steps in mind

Student Performs the Skill

Preceptor carefully observes Preceptor coaches or provides feedback as needed On a real patient or a simulator?

Task #1:
Apply 5-step method for a simple laceration repair Select at least one teacher Select at least one learner Select an evaluator Develop plan and record on handout

Example: Guitar
Challenges- hand stretch, pick control Overview- music term., guitar anatomy Real time demo Step-by-step demo - breakdown each note, finger transitions Student verbalizes Student performs with feedback

Task #1:
Apply 5-step method for a simple laceration repair Select at least one teacher Select at least one learner Select an evaluator Develop plan and record on handout

Task #2
Read Table 1

Task #3
Teacher(s), learner(s), and evaluator execute your roles

Prepare to share your experience

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Student Having Difficulty

Learner trait ability Inappropriate task description Inadequate demonstration Imprinting of previous incorrect performance Improper correction or reinforcement Affective factors Inaccurate learner perception

Listed the psychomotor skills principles

Applied a 5 step method to teaching technical skills

Addressed teaching challenges

Take Home Points

Teaching technical skills is a skill itself Be consciously competent Use the five instructional phases

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