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Factors influencing health status, beliefs, and practices:

Internal factors External factors

1. Internal factors
Biologic dimension genetic makeup, sex, age, and developmental level all significantly influence a person's health. Psychological dimension emotional factors influencing health include mind-body interactions and self-concept. Cognitive dimension include lifestyle choices and spiritual and religious beliefs.

2. External factors
Environment. Standards of living. Reflecting occupation, income, and education. Family and cultural beliefs. Patterns of daily living and lifestyle to offspring( children). Social support networks. Family, friends, or confidant (best friend) and job satisfaction helps people avoid illness.

Illness and Disease Illness

Is a highly personal state in which the person's physical, emotional, intellectual, social, developmental, or spiritual functioning is thought to be diminished. Illness is usually associated with disease but may occur independently of it. Illness is a highly personal state in which the person feels unhealthy or ill.

Disease Disease can be described as an alteration in body functions resulting in a reduction of capacities or shortening of the normal life span. The causation of a disease is called its etiology.

There are many ways to classify illness and disease:

Acute illness is typically characterized by severe symptoms of relatively short duration. A chronic illness is one that lasts for an extended period, usually 6 months or longer, and often for person's life.

Suchman describes five stages of illness:

Stage 1 symptoms experiences. Stage 2 assumption of the sick role confirmation from family and friends. Stage 3 medical care contact. Stage 4 dependent client role. Stage 5 recovery or rehabilitation.

There are several approaches to health maintenance:

Health promotion Health protection Disease prevention

Impact of Illness
On the Client Behavioral and emotional changes Loss of autonomy Self-concept and body image changes Lifestyle changes On the Family Depends on:
Member of the family who is ill Seriousness and length of the illness Cultural and social customs the family follows

Impact of Illness: Family Changes

Role changes Task reassignments Increased demands on time Anxiety about outcomes Conflict about unaccustomed responsibilities Financial problems Loneliness as a result of separation and pending loss Change in social customs

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